Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Belated Thoughts on the Republican National Convention

Your ever-pressing on Peasant, sadly, failed to gain entrance
to be able to attend the Republican National Convention this
last summer here in Milwaukee. I had trouble getting credentials
to be able to attend, as I would have had to travel all the way 
out to American Family Field (the home of the Milwaukee
Brewers) to get an outlet there to obtain said credentials,
then make my way back downtown to the site of the 
convention. And with the heavier than usual traffic about
town (because of the convention) it would have taken me 
an ungodly amount of time to return with any hope of seeing
anything of the standout goings on, i.e. votes taken for planks 
in the party platform and such. 

But having spoken with a few of the delegates as they made their
way to and from the convention hall I got a feel for what had
transpired thus far and chit-chatted with the delegates about their 
impressions of Milwaukee; they all rather liked the city and 
the sites, and were enjoying the convention. I'm so sorry for
not posting my own impressions of the convention until now,
three months later, as your inundated Peasant had an influx of
stories to comment on and some non-blog related business to 
take care of. 

But know this everybody: The Republican National Convention
did the one most important thing which it could have done during
its duration: it nominated once (and, please God, once again) 
President Donald J. Trump to be the Republican nominee for 
President of the United States. And yes, Donald Trump has your 
ever-loving Peasant's endorsement once again.

Election Day is November 5. My wonderful readers, you know 
what to do.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Democracy vs. Dictatorship in Venezuela

On July 28 Venezuela held a presidential election. 
I know, believe me, I know that it is not normally 
earth-shaking news, as Venezuela has been in the 
totalitarian grip of a Marxist dictator, one that had
succeeded one immediately before him upon the 
former's passing, both men "elected" by the people
of the once-prosperous nation in questionably-con-
ducted elections. But please note the following:

Before the latest election took place, the current 
El Jefe, Nicolas Maduro, barred a handful of 
candidates from running. One candidate, however,
wound up on the ballot: Edmundo Gonzalez, a 
former diplomat, emerging to represent the 
opposition. How did he do? Gonzalez won handily.
The most credible international election observers
were in agreement on the result. But Maduro 
refused to vacate the office, and he cracked down 
on dissent and protest with an iron fist. Dictators
will be dictators. Donald Trump, take note; for you
can be a wonderful ally for the people of Venezuela
in their quest to take back their country, voicing your 
support should you be returned to the White House.
We know that Kamala Harris won't do anything nor 
say mum on the matter! 

But the Venezuelans have been incredibly courageous 
in standing up to the left-wing regime running their
country into the ground. Democracies the world over
should help them in their quest for freedom, and the 
United States without question should spearhead the 
effort. The Chavez-Maduro regime is showing cracks
from the strain of beating back the dissidents and 
from taking mounting opprobrium from various nations
for their repressive ways. The freeing of Venezuela 
from the clutches of this rotten regime will be a rebuke
as well as a defeat for socialism, another reason why it
can't come soon enough. 


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Fifteen Fabulous Years With You All!

On September 23 the calendar marked, in addition to this date,
the fifteenth anniversary of the Peasant wielding his pitchfork.
Your overworked Peasant got so busy that I nearly forgot to 
note this milestone and its date, and I humbly apologize.

It hardly seems like fifteen years have passed since this blog's
debut! so much has transpired on our political landscape at the
time, and so much more has transpired since then, especially 
this year. And we took a gimlet eye view of all the stories as
they appeared, sorting out the good from the bad, the bold from
the bashful, and the valiant from the cowardly. We now should
take a few moments to acknowledge and to celebrate this grand

Your dedicated Peasant established this blog for the purpose of
commiserating and informing American conservatives about the
dangers inherent in the liberals' legislative schemes and their 
consequences, misbehavior by liberal politicians as well as that
by conservative politicians and castigating both, being harder on 
the latter as they are our people and as such we expect better from
them. Of course, we also point out the stupidities committed by 
both, i.e. conservatives letting themselves be hoodwinked into 
backing legislation which does more for the liberals than the 
people, and some of our people are too dense to see this. 
Additionally, we take a moment to see how the political 
leaders in other countries are doing, and how their countries
are doing as a result, applying these same principles.

Furthermore your faithful Peasant has, while not making this 
a habit, endorsed some candidates for office, especially the 
presidency. The decision to endorse certain candidates is due 
to the sense of urgency dictated by both the times and the 
circumstances with their consequential events. This particular
year with the presidency up for grabs and all that has happened 
during this year is a prime example. The Peasant shall have more
on this very shortly.

Along the way, we have picked up a growing, enthusiastic readership
from other countries. Some of our biggest followings outside of the
United States are Singapore (which has bypassed by the U.S. in 
readership!), Russia, Germany, Canada, Great Britain, France,
China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Portugal, and Spain. 
To be sure, there are conservatives in at least some of these
countries along with other people of different political persuasions
there that enjoy learning about the politics and governance of 
the United States and have taken a liking the Peasant and his Pitchfork.
Even those who don't agree with what I have to say and perhaps never
will enjoy reading this political blog.

We also have observed the passing of some stellar conservatives, 
paying tribute to them as we've (and they've) gone. It's hard to part
with good friends and staunch allies, but all of us must exit this 
earthly stage; the question to be answered is what have we done to 
make our countries and our world a freer, more prosperous, more just,
and freer place? Those who have worked diligently at this work are
noted and praised here, as well they should be.

Finally, your pitchfork-wielding Peasant works to sow the seeds of 
these fruits for the benefit of our great country and our beautiful world 
via this blog. And may we all participate joyfully in both the planting
and the harvest. May there always be this food for both body and soul 
in our storehouses! The Peasant is grateful to and for each and every 
every one of you!

Here's to another fifteen years, with many more to come afterwards!


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

My Irish Holiday (in Milwaukee)

Folks, I just had to get a piece pertaining to another subject,
one of great importance; at least, of greater importance than
your favorite Peasant having an Irish frolic, posted. I do 
apologize, and hope you got a lot out of that particular piece.
Here, then, is the postponed piece for your perusal and enjoyment.

The fest seemed to have a bigger crowd than usual, and Irish Fest 
always packs 'em in each year! I have no attendance numbers handy
to do a comparison but I can vouch that the event was well attended 
to be sure. I always meet up with a close friend from my song circle,
and normally we easily pick each other out of the crowd; not this time.
We did meet up but it took several tries, there were so many people
everywhere! We did have fun though, including having a couple of 
good dinners and some ice cream treats together. But here was the 
best (!): we spend Saturday evening with my cousins Finbarr and 
Donal Clancy, having drinks while enjoying Donal and Rory Makem
perform --- they are the new generation of Clancys and Makems,
and they perform together just as their fathers Liam and Tommy had!
They joined us after their show and we had a ball, getting caught up 
on the latest with each of us, talking about the High Kings' (Finbarr's
band) tours, both last year's and this year's, our health, our other 
family members, and the upcoming tribute show at the fest honoring
the recently departed Sinead O'Connor with my cousins among the
musicians and singers at the fest who were invited to participate.
The tribute show took place the next day and it was fantastic!
I'm sure that Sinead was, now that she is in the Great Beyond, 
quite thrilled to be remembered in such a beautiful way, with the
performers playing and singing many of her most memorable songs.

The other musical talent on hand were a fine treat as well, as was the 
weather, even with the rain we had Friday afternoon (wasn't much, 
really). And seeing old friends along with relations, some of whom 
I haven't seen in a year or more, that, as always, is the biggest kick
for me! I attend a few other ethnic festivals here in town each year
as well, and I love 'em all; my favorite one, I have to say, is the
Milwaukee Irish Fest --- my annual Irish holiday. Going to Ireland
without leaving the country! One day though, and that day is being 
planned for, The Peasant shall visit the Emerald Isle itself! More on
this in time to come.

See you, my fantastic readers, next week!


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

In Observance of Constitution Day

The Peasant wishes to make amends for a error of omission;
I have not, at least not on this blog, made any mention of let
alone paid attention to the meaning of this day and its significance
to us as Americans: Today, September 17, is Constitution Day.
And this year, this grand document is 237 years old.

This day is the anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution
of the United States, the foundation of our rule of law. May it be
around and in full force for us all to observe its birthday, if you will,
and its continuation in guaranteeing the rights which we enjoy as
Americans, for it is under attack by people who think they know 
better what is best for the governance of our country and the
way we should live our lives and conduct ourselves. 

But for now, let us give our respect and homage to one of the most 
remarkable documents ever devised and drafted by man. 
And on Election Day, November 5, let us also defend it by voting
for constitutionally-minded and disciplined candidates for public
office, from local offices to the presidency. We still have this one 
simple but exquisitely powerful weapon at our disposal to stand
up to the con artists, the glad-handers, the elitists, the totalitarians,
and all the other grubby, grabbing, grafting scumbags who want to 
take that and all else we have as citizens of this magnificent country
founded as an example of freedom and liberty for all the world to 
see away from us, leaving a country which we would not recognize
and would not want to live in.

We have much to be grateful for. Let us show our gratitude at this 
crucial time to friend and foe, from without and from within.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Democrats Lose a "Biggie"

Yesterday I heard something which would have been shocking
had it happened a few years earlier, but when you consider the 
tenor of the times it simply makes one mutter to oneself 
"That figures". 

While listening to Jay Weber, one of the wonderful conservative 
voices on Milwaukee radio, I heard him announce the news that 
legal scholar and civil rights specialist from Harvard University,
Professor Alan Dershowitz has publicly broken with the Democrat 
Party after many years as a stalwart member. A political liberal,
Dershowitz never let his politics influence his understanding of
and application of the rule of law. He also never looked down his
nose at people with whom he disagreed, i.e. conservatives. The
professor also was a friend and guest of William F. Buckley Jr.
on the latter's TV show "Firing Line"; your admiring Peasant had
seen them together on Buckley's show several times and they've 
always been cordial to each other. Professor Dershowitz is one 
of the few legal scholars of his views that I have any respect for,
and I have plenty for this gentleman, who deserves better than he 
has gotten from his political brethren; they had slammed him as a
Benedict Arnold for standing up for former President Trump
when the Dems had brought him up on 34 charges, all groundless
and politically motivated, to keep him from becoming president
again and to imprison him. Never mind what and who We the People 
may want!

Professor Dershowitz had left the Democrats and become an 
independent, although he still maintains his liberalism. He gave
as his reason his increasing disgust and appalment with his now-
former party becoming increasingly "anti-Zionist", as he stated 
it. The final straw came when the Dems gave legitimacy to 
anti-Israel speakers and anti-Israel protesters outside of their 
national convention in Chicago in July, according to Dershowitz.
"It was the most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention
I've experienced ... I was disgusted at the Democratic National
Convention. Absolutely disgusted." 

It also didn't help things between Professor Dershowitz and 
the Dems when Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris did not 
attend when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed
a joint session of Congress. The event was also given a miss by 
Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). Sanders is apparently
more devout about his socialist politics than he is with his Jewish
faith and heritage. And then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Netanyahu's
speech before Congress "inappropriate" (?!). These lefties and many
more blame Israel for what they believe led to the invasion of their
country by Hamas and their Iranian allies, and castigate Israel for
doing anything to defend itself. Today is 9-11; do they also blame
the Jews in their homeland as well as here in the United States
for the attacks we sustained on this day twenty-three years ago?

The final insult in Alan Dershowitz' book was that "they had more 
anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist people who were speaking ... and by giving 
them platforms, what it says is that when AOC does call Israel a 
genocidal country and rails against it, she now has the imprimatur
of the Democratic Party," according to Professor Dershowitz.

All of this has led Professor Dershowitz to conclude that all this, along
with the pro-Palestinian protesters yelling for Israel's destruction, 
"is not my party". According to Jay Weber, many more American Jews
are coming to the same conclusion, and they're going to say it with 
votes on November 5.

And The Peasant says "Bravo!". The Democrat Party has become even 
more racist than it was in the 19th century when they kept black people
under the thumb of the law by Supreme Court rulings giving the OK to
racial segregation, i.e. Plessy vs. Ferguson, as well as various federal,
state and local laws calling for same. It's simply that the new target of
their racial opprobrium happens to be the Jews, both those in Israel  
and here in the United States. The Democrats need to do one of 
two things: either sweep clean their ranks of extremists that 
promulgate their poisonous politics, or to be so kind and truthful as to
cease to call themselves the Democratic Party, for they no longer 
support nor promote democracy; they should thus rename their party, 
giving it a name which is consistent with its present values and
objectives. Dems: May your helpful Peasant suggest 
"the Totalitarian Party"?


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Oh, No! Not Again!

Sorry everyone, your favorite Peasant is chock full 
of very busy business again this week so we cannot
get together at this time. Fear not, I shall be back with
you all next week! I just need to take care of a lot
of things that cannot be postponed.

When I finally return I shall share with you the highlights
of my attendance at the Milwaukee Irish Fest. It's not for
nothing that I call it my annual Irish holiday!

Be of good cheer!