Thursday, February 27, 2025

Be Nice to the Rich! They Power Our Economy

While most Americans have been pinching pennies 
and stretching dollars as they have battled high prices
and firmly-planted inflation, the wealthier among us
have been on a spending spree. 

The top 10% of earners, which is made up of households
bringing home about $250,000 or more annually, are 
treating themselves to designer clothes and accessories 
such as handbags and such, thanks to soaring gains in 
stocks, real estate, Bitcoins, and other assets. All of this
accounts for nearly 50% of all spending in the United
States. Three decades earlier, spending by our wealthy
made up approximately 36% of our spending!

Mark Zandi, Chief Economist at Moody's, estimated that
spending by the top 10% of income earners accounted for 
nearly one-third of gross domestic product. During the 
period between September 2023 and September 2024, 
while the larger-income earners increased their spending
by 12%, spending by the middle-class and lower-middle
-class earners dropped. During the current inflationary 
period we're going through, the bottom 80% of earners 
increased their spending, but barely stayed ahead of 
price increases over that period, while --- those awful,
big bucks, big shots that the left-wingers love to malign,
those top 10% earners spent 58% more (!). 

Some economists predict that with affluent folk discovering 
that the worth of their assets has greatly increased in recent 
times despite the higher inflation, there will be an increase 
in high-end travel filling the airlines' coffers. The wealthy
(and wealthier) will be flying off to Europe, Hawaii, 
Jamaica, Brazil, Acapulco, Switzerland, and other known
playgrounds of the well-to-do. Airline stocks would rise
quite a bit; so would the stocks of hotels and other travel 
lodging businesses, also clothiers, travel gear makers and
merchants, and of course the oil companies what with all
the gas which will be needed to fly and drive the rich and
adventurous about on their tours, not to mention other firms'
stocks because of the demand for their products and services
being driven upwards by these financially elites. And the lefties
resent all this, wanting to raise existing taxes on their earnings
and create new taxes on not only what they earn but what they 
save and invest. 

These fools must ultimately realize that the economic fortunes 
of the middle- and lower-class income earners can only benefit
from the wealthy and their spending habits, for many of them
work to provide the goods and services that the wealthy purchase.
These are things that one wouldn't see in countries with socialist
political/economic systems, yet the left-of-center bunch hail
and praise these pitiful setups while disparaging the free market
which has made possible the wealth of those spending their time
and efforts utilizing the market instead of joining the leftists in
the latter's disparagement of same. Socialist societies do poorly 
even in the best of economic times, and hurt the worst in the worst
economic times. The wealthy have a buoyant effect on the free
market societies which minimizes the fallout from the tough times.

When will the lefties ever learn?


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thoughts on Immigration and the Laken Riley Act

One of the many difficulties that now-retired (thank God!) President
Joe Biden saddled us with are the consequences of his all but erasing 
the borders (especially the southern border) with shockingly lax 
immigration rules that let all and sundry enter our country --- some of 
them with lawless intentions in mind. House Republicans drafted and 
passed the Laken Riley Act, named for the 22-year-old nursing student 
in Georgia who was murdered while jogging near the University of
Georgia campus. Her killer was a 26-year-old Venezuelan man who
entered the United States taking advantage of the loose immigration
laws established by the Biden regime. He was arrested by university
police and charged with ten counts, among them felony murder,
malice murder, false imprisonment, aggravated assault with intent to
rape, and kidnapping. This evil individual was found guilty on all 
charges on November 20, 2024 and sentenced to life in prison without
any chance of parole. 

Many of the Senate Democrats opposed the Laken Riley Act, and one
Democrat senator, John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, openly admitted 
their opposition was "the reason why we lost,". It must be noted that 
Sen. Fetterman was, to his credit, one of the bill's original co-sponsors.
He reasoned, "If you're here illegally and committing crimes, I don't 
know why anybody thinks that it's controversial that they all need 
to go." If you find this a miracle, you ain't seen nothing yet! The 
Laken Riley Act is a law requiring the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security to detain illegal immigrants admitting to, charged with, or 
convicted of theft-related crimes, assaulting a police officer, or a crime
that results in death or serious bodily injury.

The U.S., at all levels of government, have gotten so soft on crime that 
we have become pro-crime and pro-criminal, making excuses for and 
misapplying compassion to many of the most dangerous criminals,  
from without as well as from within our borders. But the most recent 
election signaled a thundering demand for change in the way that 
justice is meted out around here.

Suddenly, Fetterman's colleagues fell in line in agreement with him. 
Following Trump's re-election, those who originally opposed the bill
now rushed to co-sponsor it! These Dems got the message loud and 
clear, regarding the need to tighten border security. We the People had 
not only spoken, we shouted from the voting booths! No more of
criminals breaking the law to enter our country to break our laws 
made to protect us! Next thing is to send a similar message to our city 
mayors, district attorneys, and municipal along with county judges 
demanding enforcement of local laws made to protect us as well.

To quote a line from a famous rock 'n' roll song, "We're not gonna take 
it anymore!"


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Caught Short on Time!

Friends, your favorite Peasant can't be with you this week,
but will be with you next, no fear. Just swamped with a bunch
of pressing things to tend to. 

Thank you for your kind understanding and indulgence! 


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

President Trump Hits the Ground Running

No sooner than Donald J. Trump had been inaugurated as 
president for a second time he had hit the ground running,
working at a frenetic pace to get done what he wants to get
done --- and has he ever gotten a lot done!

In shoring up the security of our borders with Mexico and 
Canada he has gained the cooperation of Mexico's president,
Claudia Sheinbaum and Canada's Prime Minister Justin 
Trudeau in working to make the borders stronger in the face
of increasing hordes of people having walked up from Mexico 
and Central America to enter the U.S., some seeking asylum, 
some seeking residence with an eye to citizenship, yet going 
about it illegally. President Trump gained their cooperation 
by promising to impose a 25% tariff on imported goods from
their respective countries if they didn't take their own measures 
in tightening security at the borders, and right away President 
Sheinbaum announced she would deploy 10,000 troops to the
U.S. border with Mexico to fight drug trafficking, fentanyl in
particular. The two heads of state, it is reported, will continue 
to negotiating on "security and trade" while President Trump 
stated that he would pause his tariffs for a month. P.M Trudeau
pledged to station more law enforcement at the U.S.- Canadian
border, for his part.

On immigration, President Sheinbaum basically agreed to play 
ball on restoring the Remain in Mexico policy for immigrants 
who reach the U.S. - Mexican border. Meanwhile, illegal border
crossings have been dropping like a stone in a pond in response 
to President Trump having sent a signal that illegal immigrants
won't be allowed to remain in the United States. 

This is but one of the many things President Trump has achieved 
since his very recent return to the White House. In the weeks to 
come we shall be poring over the executive orders and other 
measures by President Trump bringing reform and renewal to
many aspects of American governance and the U.S. economy.
It must be noted though that this is the biggest economic risk 
of our once and again president's second term thus far. 
He has to play his Mexico and Canada cards with skill and 
care, rather than as a riverboat gambler with more finesse than
bravado. But so far, so good.

However, although President Trump likes tariffs, he also wants 
a weaker U.S. dollar in order to promote U.S. exports. These 
two desires are in conflict with one another. A stronger dollar
is a consequence of the tariffs, everything else notwithstanding.
Reducing American purchases of foreign goods reduces demand
for the currencies of those currencies as fewer dollars are 
converted into the other countries' home money. The dollar is
bound to gain in value amid increasing demand for said dollars.
Result? Cross-purposes with Trump's desire for a weaker dollar.
He would be forced to choose one or the other in his trade activity.

Some of his economic advisors are in disagreement with the president
while the others are of one mind with Trump on all this. Although a 
stronger dollar will help tamp down the inflationary effect of higher 
import prices, an overvalued U.S. dollar is the main cause of the 
United States' trade deficit with the rest of the world. Your mindful
Peasant for one, while seeing that sometimes tariffs can be helpful,
they should not be the first shots fired in international disagreements.
That being said, at least our once and again president has already 
has already taken care of something that his predecessor had ignored
to our peril. he strengthened border security with cooperation 
the two countries with which we share our each of our two borders.
And that is nothing to sneeze at. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Dick Allen, R.I.P.

Dick Allen was for decades a star in conservative foreign policy circles.
Born on New Year's Day, 1936 in New Jersey, he attended Notre Dame.
Allen worked in the Nixon White House, then was an adviser for former 
Governor Ronald Reagan, during which they had a famous exchange
which went rather like this: "Governor, what is your aim in the Cold 
War?" "Well, Dick, my idea is: We win, they lose." And win we did.

After Reagan's election to be President in 1980, Allen served as his
first National Security Adviser. Along the way, he was affiliated with 
several renown organizations which included the Hoover Institute and 
ISI. Allen also was a popular guest on National Review cruises.  
This intellectual titan passed away at the age of 88. R.I.P.


Friday, January 24, 2025

Lee Edwards, R.I.P.

The founders of the modern American conservative movement
were a very accomplished group of people. They made 
conservatism viable, respectable, and attainable, shaking up
stodgy establishment types in the halls of academia and 
government and giving people in all walks of American life
a good look at what our government, our economy, and our
society could be. Among these stalwarts of the Right was
Lee Edwards.

Born in 1932, Edwards devoted his time, energy, and intellect 
to advancing the conservative movement in so many, many ways.
He was a signatory of the Sharon Statement, so called because of 
its origins on the estate of the Buckley family (William F. Buckley!)
in 1960 when WFB and some conservative college students drafted
a manifesto declaring what those gathered stood for and what they
advocated and worked for, which included (but wasn't limited to!)
a free market economy; political freedom, which they acknowledged
could not be possible without economic freedom; individual freedom 
and the right of governing, both of which originate with God.
Edwards helped found Young Americans for Freedom (Your faithful 
Peasant was a member in my own college days!). He worked on
the Barry Goldwater presidential campaign in 1964. He authored
and co-authored more than two dozen books about conservatism and 
conservatives. He was the founding chairman of the Victims of 
Communism Memorial Foundation. He wrote many articles for 
National Review, and served on the Advisory Committee of National
Review Institute's Buckley Legacy Project. Edwards likely served
the cause of conservatism in other ways as well. And now, at age 92,
his work finished, Lee Edwards is enjoying his Final Reward.
A well-earned reward indeed, I'm sure! 

Requiescat in pace.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

On the Recent Increase in Federal Revenue

According to the Congressional Budget Office, federal revenue 
increased last fiscal year. While this is certainly good news, 
the deficit was at that time $1.8 trillion. The Democrats call
this a critical lack of revenue, stating that corporations, wealthy
people, really everyone and anyone who has money aren't 
paying enough in taxes --- they aren't paying their "fair share",
don't you know. But despite the towering deficit, federal revenue
increased by $479 billion year over year for an 11% rise.

$343 billion of that increase came from individual-income taxes
and payroll taxes. Corporate tax collections went up by 
$109 billion. As U.S. GDP growth for the 2024 FY grew 
approximately 2.5%, revenue growth has surpassed economic 
growth. But Congressional Democrats want to take even more 
from these sources because they allegedly don't pay their 
"fair share". Yet when they do get their way on tax increases
these clueless greedheads spend the money faster than they 
can receive it.

No, Democrats, the problem is not too little revenue; the problem
is too little spending restraint, and that's on you.