Greetings everyone!
The Milwaukee Irish Fest was a blast, as always!
Your favorite Peasant participated in the fest in three
capacities: as a performer (I sang with a singing group
that I have been with for five years, the Milwaukee Irish
Fest Song Circle), a volunteer (I sold CDs and DVDs
in a music booth), and as a festival attendee. I go every
year to the event, and have done so ever since I moved
home from Saint Paul in 2001. It is how I connect with
and celebrate my part-Irish roots; I am also English and
Germanic --- Minor is an English name, and my mother,
God rest her, had parents from Ukraine who were ethnic
Austrians; my paternal great-grandmother's parents were
from Germany. The Milwaukee Irish Fest is the largest
Irish festival in the world, lasting four days and hosting
dozens of Irish and Celtic music artists. This year we had
the pleasure of having Cherish The Ladies sing in concert
(with special guest Maura O'Connell!), The Makems & The
Spains (the Makems are the sons of the late Irish music legend
Tommy Makem, who has appeared in concert here many times,
and the Spains are friends and fellow Irish troubadors),
and Blarney, a local band of American fellows of Irish descent
who play each year at the fest and are good friends of mine.
There are also presentations on Irish culture, history, and politics;
Irish theatre, workshops on playing the Irish drum the bhorain
(pronounced bo-RAN), Irish cuisine (yes, there are many potato
dishes, but many other fine foods can be enjoyed at the fest as
well!), and a fabulous Irish mass on Sunday morning with a
bishop or cardinal from the Emerald Isle itself as celebrant.
If you want more exposure to Irish culture, you must go to the
country itself! That is something that I plan to do, as I have
relations in counties Tipperary and Mayo whom I want to visit.
Meanwhile, I haven't any articles to share this week but I do have
a little treat for you, my fantastic readers --- I found a great video
from a "Troopathon", a televised show dedicated to our brave men
and women in the military who are fighting our radical Islamic
foes in the Middle East. held every few weeks, this particular
show features actress Victoria Jackson, who was a cast member
of the TV show Saturday Night Live some years back. Turns out
that she has only recently gotten involved in politics and is a
conservative! She's one of us!! Who knew!!!
Gee, that will certainly be likely to burn bridges between her
and her old friends from that show, known for its biting
left-wing brand of humor! Listen to Victoria recite a poem of hers,
honoring our military folks and see her do a hand-stand as well!
It's all right here:
When you get there, click on "Program", then scroll down to the
fifth hour of the show (it won't be live, it is a taped show that you'll
see here) and click on her name by her photo. You'll have a ball,
I guarantee it!
While at the web site, do browse other sections and pages to see
other Troopathon videos and get the latest news on the show
as well as related news on our troops and the celebrities who
support them. Move America Forward (MAF) is the fine
organization that produces the Troopathons, and they are
a fantastic bunch patriots!
Next week I'll have some more news from the political scene
to share. Meanwhile, enjoy the Troopathon video footage!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Peasant Takes Another Breather
Hi everybody!
Your favorite Peasant is in need of a little time off
once again. I have a truck load of stuff coming at me
in the coming week, and will therefore be unable to
get together with you, my beloved readers until the
following week.
For a start, I have been working for a friend who
owns a landscaping enterprise, and will have a day
or two of work with him this coming week. Normally,
this would have no impact on my posting schedule,
but from Thursday, 8/19 through Sunday, 8/22 I shall
be at the Milwaukee Irish Fest. There, I'll be wearing
three hats; those of festival volunteer, musical performer,
and festival attendee. I am a member of the Milwaukee
Irish Fest Song Circle, and we sing in concert at our
Irish Fest every year, customarily putting on two shows
each festival; one on Saturday, one on Sunday.
As a volunteer, I shall be selling CDs and DVDs at a
booth by one of the music stages on Friday 8/20.
I did this last year as well as sing with the Circle.
Additionally, I shall be getting together with some
local friends and with some cousins from out of town
(one from the Emerald Isle itself!) at Irish Fest. This is
one of the ways in which your wonderful Peasant
celebrates the Irish part of his heritage; I am also
English and German; Minor is an English name.
So many thanks to you, my loyal readers, for both your
understanding and your indulgence! We shall get together
again in the final week of the month to sift and sort through
the political news to see who's been naughty and nice, to
commend and support the former and to castigate and
rebuke the latter --- and have a ball doing it all!
Your favorite Peasant is in need of a little time off
once again. I have a truck load of stuff coming at me
in the coming week, and will therefore be unable to
get together with you, my beloved readers until the
following week.
For a start, I have been working for a friend who
owns a landscaping enterprise, and will have a day
or two of work with him this coming week. Normally,
this would have no impact on my posting schedule,
but from Thursday, 8/19 through Sunday, 8/22 I shall
be at the Milwaukee Irish Fest. There, I'll be wearing
three hats; those of festival volunteer, musical performer,
and festival attendee. I am a member of the Milwaukee
Irish Fest Song Circle, and we sing in concert at our
Irish Fest every year, customarily putting on two shows
each festival; one on Saturday, one on Sunday.
As a volunteer, I shall be selling CDs and DVDs at a
booth by one of the music stages on Friday 8/20.
I did this last year as well as sing with the Circle.
Additionally, I shall be getting together with some
local friends and with some cousins from out of town
(one from the Emerald Isle itself!) at Irish Fest. This is
one of the ways in which your wonderful Peasant
celebrates the Irish part of his heritage; I am also
English and German; Minor is an English name.
So many thanks to you, my loyal readers, for both your
understanding and your indulgence! We shall get together
again in the final week of the month to sift and sort through
the political news to see who's been naughty and nice, to
commend and support the former and to castigate and
rebuke the latter --- and have a ball doing it all!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
It's Time to Fire Senator Harry Reid!
So U.S. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), current Senate Majority Leader,
claims that he can't understand why anyone of hispanic descent
would be a Republican. My wonderful readers, let's help him out!
Let's help Senator Reid understand why many hispanics prefer
the GOP and its policies to the stale, statist, and elitist policies
of Reid and the Democrat Party. For a start, notice how I referred
to it as the Democrat party and not the Democratic Party, as that
party has become highly undemocratic over the years.
Harry, my boy, The Peasant will now explain to you why more
and more hispanics are choosing the Republicans over the
Democrats in elections. Many Americans of hispanic descent
want to be treated like the capable, intelligent, and industrious
people that they are. They don't want government handouts,
they don't want laws guaranteeing them a job, a career,
an education, a home, or that other Americans will like them
and not treat them in a mean way. They prize liberty and
individual freedom and reject government intrusion into the
economy, the workplace, and their private lives, just as many
Americans of all ethnicities do.They don't want to hear from
Washington "Hey, you folks can't make it without our help;
you're too feeble of mind and/or body or whatever! Big
Government is your pal, your protector! Vote accordingly
in each election and you'll be A-OK!"
Hispanics don't want to be told that because they are of
a certain ethnicity that they must belong to a certain political
party and vote that party's staright ticket, and to run on that
ticket if they seek elected office. They don't want to be gathered,
psuhed, pulled, herded, labeled, programmed, or numbered!
Neither do most other Americans for that matter! Hispanics
just want to be left alone to be able to build and live their lives
and careers as they see fit, to pursue The American Dream in
their own way. They certainly don't want to be discriminated
against, nor do they want to be coddled, to be protected from
the vagaries and vicissitudes of life. The reason why we don't hear
of more Americans of hispanic descent embracing conservatism
is the same reason why we have yet to see the full number of
black Americans and other ethnic and racial groups doing same;
you liberals savage them far more than you do white Americans
for being politiclally conservative. You have long tried to herd all
such groups of Americans onto their political plantation, and
make them permanent constituencies, ever dependent upon you
and the government programs which you create to ensure that
dependency. This in turn ensures the votes that you liberals need
to gain and maintain power at all levels of government.
So of course, Harry, when you and other left-wingers
encounter a citizen who is on the right but not white you
become confused, scared, angry, and hateful. Then we see
you left-wing people, who proclaim yourselves to be without
racist sentiments, to be post-racial, show just how racist you
are. After all, you are the same people that want to make racial
and ethnic groups in our country unable to advance in society
and in life without your so-called help!
So, Harry, you see now (at least I hope you see now) that
instead of being of assistance, of being of service, to hispanics
and other ethnic groups of Americans, you elitist pigs that make
up the Democrat Party and that have made our government your
tool have been a hurt and a hindrance to them! They are sick of
being taken for granted by you all, especially at election time!
They are sick of being treated like little children who can't blow
and wipe their own noses! And that goes for the rest of us as well!
The race card is maxed out, Harry. And so is the patience
of the American people. We're taking back our government
and entrusting it in the hands of people who will exercise
constitutionally mandated restraint in governance. And who
will make our government serve us all in a truly equitable manner.
Dust off your resume' and update it, Harry. Come November,
you're going job hunting!
claims that he can't understand why anyone of hispanic descent
would be a Republican. My wonderful readers, let's help him out!
Let's help Senator Reid understand why many hispanics prefer
the GOP and its policies to the stale, statist, and elitist policies
of Reid and the Democrat Party. For a start, notice how I referred
to it as the Democrat party and not the Democratic Party, as that
party has become highly undemocratic over the years.
Harry, my boy, The Peasant will now explain to you why more
and more hispanics are choosing the Republicans over the
Democrats in elections. Many Americans of hispanic descent
want to be treated like the capable, intelligent, and industrious
people that they are. They don't want government handouts,
they don't want laws guaranteeing them a job, a career,
an education, a home, or that other Americans will like them
and not treat them in a mean way. They prize liberty and
individual freedom and reject government intrusion into the
economy, the workplace, and their private lives, just as many
Americans of all ethnicities do.They don't want to hear from
Washington "Hey, you folks can't make it without our help;
you're too feeble of mind and/or body or whatever! Big
Government is your pal, your protector! Vote accordingly
in each election and you'll be A-OK!"
Hispanics don't want to be told that because they are of
a certain ethnicity that they must belong to a certain political
party and vote that party's staright ticket, and to run on that
ticket if they seek elected office. They don't want to be gathered,
psuhed, pulled, herded, labeled, programmed, or numbered!
Neither do most other Americans for that matter! Hispanics
just want to be left alone to be able to build and live their lives
and careers as they see fit, to pursue The American Dream in
their own way. They certainly don't want to be discriminated
against, nor do they want to be coddled, to be protected from
the vagaries and vicissitudes of life. The reason why we don't hear
of more Americans of hispanic descent embracing conservatism
is the same reason why we have yet to see the full number of
black Americans and other ethnic and racial groups doing same;
you liberals savage them far more than you do white Americans
for being politiclally conservative. You have long tried to herd all
such groups of Americans onto their political plantation, and
make them permanent constituencies, ever dependent upon you
and the government programs which you create to ensure that
dependency. This in turn ensures the votes that you liberals need
to gain and maintain power at all levels of government.
So of course, Harry, when you and other left-wingers
encounter a citizen who is on the right but not white you
become confused, scared, angry, and hateful. Then we see
you left-wing people, who proclaim yourselves to be without
racist sentiments, to be post-racial, show just how racist you
are. After all, you are the same people that want to make racial
and ethnic groups in our country unable to advance in society
and in life without your so-called help!
So, Harry, you see now (at least I hope you see now) that
instead of being of assistance, of being of service, to hispanics
and other ethnic groups of Americans, you elitist pigs that make
up the Democrat Party and that have made our government your
tool have been a hurt and a hindrance to them! They are sick of
being taken for granted by you all, especially at election time!
They are sick of being treated like little children who can't blow
and wipe their own noses! And that goes for the rest of us as well!
The race card is maxed out, Harry. And so is the patience
of the American people. We're taking back our government
and entrusting it in the hands of people who will exercise
constitutionally mandated restraint in governance. And who
will make our government serve us all in a truly equitable manner.
Dust off your resume' and update it, Harry. Come November,
you're going job hunting!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
What We're Up Against
August dog day greetings to you, my beloved readers!
I have some videos for you that are guaranteed
to make your blood boil. Just what you need in the
middle of summer, to be hotter on the inside than you
are on the outside, I know, but these videos have a
worthwhile purpose. I have two videos that have
appeared on YouTube featuring U.S. Rep. Fortney
"Pete" Stark, D-CA, showing him at some town hall
meetings the 13th Congressional District of California,
which he hails from. This arrogant, ivory tower-dwelling,
hyperelitist pig has been in Congress for over 30 years(!)
and God knows why; this jerk is the embodiment of the
term "out of touch" --- he's out of touch with the needs,
concerns, and wishes of his constituents, out of touch
with the economic and political realities that we as a
nation are grappling with, out of touch with reality itself!
The first of these videos show his grasp (HA!) of the
Constitution and its restrictions on what the federal
government can do. The second video shows Stark
proclaiming our country's borders to be "quite secure".
The third has him stating that "the more we owe, the
wealthier we are"(!!!!!!!!!!). Guess who flunked
Econ 101? And see Stark angrily lash out at his
constituents as they challenge his inane musings on
the burning issues of the day!
Prepare to be enraged like you have never been enraged
"The Federal Government Can Do Most Anything In
This Country"
"The Borders Are Quite Secure"
"The More We Owe, The Wealthier We Are"
This, my fellow patriots, is what we're up against.
This is why we have to get out and attend out Tea
Party rallies, our town meetings, and our political
conventions! This is why we have to work to educate
our fellow citizens as to what our elected representatives
are doing in office! This is why we have to find worthy
candidates for public office to challenge these poultroons
and oust them once and for all, and work to get them
elected! Stark is not unique, and he is not alone. We must
are to preserve our country and its freedoms, its
prosperity, its strength, and our very way of life!
I'll have more videos of these self-important nitwits
to share in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, do
not lose heart. We The People have the upper hand!
We have the momentum! And we shall prevail!
I have some videos for you that are guaranteed
to make your blood boil. Just what you need in the
middle of summer, to be hotter on the inside than you
are on the outside, I know, but these videos have a
worthwhile purpose. I have two videos that have
appeared on YouTube featuring U.S. Rep. Fortney
"Pete" Stark, D-CA, showing him at some town hall
meetings the 13th Congressional District of California,
which he hails from. This arrogant, ivory tower-dwelling,
hyperelitist pig has been in Congress for over 30 years(!)
and God knows why; this jerk is the embodiment of the
term "out of touch" --- he's out of touch with the needs,
concerns, and wishes of his constituents, out of touch
with the economic and political realities that we as a
nation are grappling with, out of touch with reality itself!
The first of these videos show his grasp (HA!) of the
Constitution and its restrictions on what the federal
government can do. The second video shows Stark
proclaiming our country's borders to be "quite secure".
The third has him stating that "the more we owe, the
wealthier we are"(!!!!!!!!!!). Guess who flunked
Econ 101? And see Stark angrily lash out at his
constituents as they challenge his inane musings on
the burning issues of the day!
Prepare to be enraged like you have never been enraged
"The Federal Government Can Do Most Anything In
This Country"
"The Borders Are Quite Secure"
"The More We Owe, The Wealthier We Are"
This, my fellow patriots, is what we're up against.
This is why we have to get out and attend out Tea
Party rallies, our town meetings, and our political
conventions! This is why we have to work to educate
our fellow citizens as to what our elected representatives
are doing in office! This is why we have to find worthy
candidates for public office to challenge these poultroons
and oust them once and for all, and work to get them
elected! Stark is not unique, and he is not alone. We must
are to preserve our country and its freedoms, its
prosperity, its strength, and our very way of life!
I'll have more videos of these self-important nitwits
to share in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, do
not lose heart. We The People have the upper hand!
We have the momentum! And we shall prevail!
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