Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

To all my wonderful, fabulous, fantastic readers:

Your favorite Peasant wishes each of you & yours
a very joyous, prosperous, bright and beautiful
Happy New Year! 2012 will be an exciting year
for us, as we shall have our presidential election
in November in which we shall complete the work
from 2010 and reclaim our country's government,
and with it our future, from those who want to make
us into at best another Europe, at worst ...

So let us all be merry and bright, for we have much
to look forward to in the brand new year! Let us
be cool and confident in the face of the tumult which
lies ahead, for we have nothing to fear; we shall
attract that which we want to bring about for our
country and for ourselves by focusing on our
desire, and to paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi,
we shall be the change that we want to see!

God bless you all!


Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Your favorite Peasant wishes you, my wonderful readers,
a very Merry Christmas! I'll be taking the final fortnight of
the year off to enjoy the joyous season and will return to
you in the first week of the new year.

Let's put the following item on our Christmas lists
to give to Santa Claus: a new president! One with
the following features:

*Can talk without the aid of a teleprompter.

*Can look us in the eye and tell us the truth about
how things are going in our country, and what he/she
is doing to make things better for us.

*Listens to what we have to say, not ignore us,
talk down to us, nor insult us.

*Talks up our great country at home and abroad
(especially the latter!), not put our country down
and apologize to the world for us.

*Will not wage class war to divide us, but will
praise job creators and their efforts to employ us
and to grow our economy, uniting us in prosperity.

and, finally:

*Won't run away to a golf course when things
get tough!

Now that would be a wonderful Christmas gift
for us, wouldn't it? May all your Christmas wishes,
hopes, and dreams come true for you and your loved
ones! God bless you all!

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Campaign 2012: We Review Ron Paul

Today we shall take a peek at presidential candidate Ron Paul
and his candidacy. A U.S. representative from Texas and a pre-
vious candidate for the presidency, as a Republican and as a
Libertarian, Paul is a unique individual who brings a unique per-
spective to the Republican field of White House contenders and
to the presidential race itself.


Ronald Ernest Paul was born on August 20, 1935 in Pittsburg,
Pennsylvania, to parents Howard Caspar Paul and Margaret
(nee' Dumont) Paul. His paternal great-grandparents came to
the United States from Germany, and Ron Paul's mother was
of German and Irish heritage. After graduating from suburban
Dormont High School, Paul received a B.S. degree in biology
from Gettysburg State College in 1957. He next earned a Doctor
of Medicine degree at Duke University in 1961. Having married
his wife, Carolyn, in this period of his life, they relocated to
Michigan where Paul would complete his medical internship at
the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, following that with serving
as a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force from 1963
to 1965 and in the United States Air National Guard from 1965
to 1968.

After leaving the military, the Pauls relocated to Texas where Dr.
Paul established his private medical practice, specializing in
obstetrics and gynaecology. In his medical practice, Ron Paul
regularly lowered his fees or provided his services free of
charge, refusing to accept Medicaid or Medicare payments.
Since his election to Congress, Paul has also refused to sign
up for the government pension that members of Congress
receive, saying that it would be "hypocritical and immoral"
to do so.

While a medical resident, Ron Paul read Friedrich Hayek's
The Road to Serfdom, which led him to study the books
of Ludwig Von Mises and Ayn Rand, who like Hayek
had influenced supporters of free economic markets and
small government. When President Richard Nixon imple-
mented the final steps to divorcing the U.S. dollar from the
gold standard, the young physician decided to enter the
realm of politics, saying in subsequent years "After that
day, all money would be political money rather than money
of real value. I was astounded." Paul joined the Republican
Party, becoming a delegate to the Texas Republican
convention and a Republican candidate for the U.S. House
of Representatives. The year Paul first ran for that office he
lost to incumbent Democrat Rep. Robert R. Casey.
However, President Gerald Ford appointed Casey to the
post of Director of the Federal Maritime Commission,
and Paul ran again in a special election to fill the vacant
office in April 1976, this time winning. In his quest to
win a full term Paul lost the seat to Democrat Robert
Gammage in a very tight race, missing out by just under
300 votes (0.2%), but winning back the office in a
rematch with Gammage two years later. His successful
campaign in the rematch with Gammage was due to his
popularity with the district's mothers, Gammage averred:
"I had real difficulty down in Brazoria County, where he
(Paul) practiced, because he delivered half the babies
in the county. There were only two obstetricians in the
county, and the other one was his partner."

Dr. Ron Paul served in Congress in three different periods
comprising 12 two-year terms: from 1976-77, then from
1979-85, and from 1997 to the present. Paul announced
that he would not be seeking another term in the U.S.
House in 2012 in order for him to concentrate his efforts
on his campaign for the presidency. During his years in
Congress, Paul opposed President Jimmy Carter's draft
reinstatement proposal, blasting his fellow Republicans
for favoring it, accusing them of being "more interested
in registering their children than they were their guns."
He also proposed legislation to cut Congressional pay
by the rate of inflation, initiated a "think tank", the
Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (FREE)
which has published books, monographs, and a monthly
newsletter, Ron Paul's Freedom Report, which touts
the principles of limited government. Serving on the
House Banking Committee, Paul has been a constant
critic of the Federal Reserve, in recent years calling
for an audit of the organization and its findings to be
made public. Paul also blasted what he saw as banking
mismanagement, blaming it for the savings and loan crisis
of the 1980s.

In 1984 Ron Paul ran for the United States Senate but lost
his party's primary. Paul gave up his House seat to run for
the Senate. In the 1988 presidential election, he left the
GOP to be the Libertarian Party's candidate for the White
House, getting on the ballot in 46 states and scoring third
in the popular vote with 432,179 votes (0.5%). Paul stated
that his presidential campaign was to promote his libertarian
ideas, speaking often before school and college audiences,
saying "We're just as interested in the future generation as
this election. These kids will vote eventually, and maybe,
just maybe, they'll go home and talk to their parents."
He also said that the youngsters are the ones who would
inherit the nation's debt and pay the bills, so it was vital
that he reach out to them with his message.

Following the 1988 presidential election, Ron Paul returned
to his medical practice in Texas. He also owned a coin
dealership for twelve years, Ron Paul Coins, and spoke
at the American Numismatic Association's 1988 conven-
tion. Paul sought the Republican nomination for the 2008
presidential race, twelve years after regaining his old House
seat, losing to eventual nominee U.S. Sen. John McCain.
He continued to make appearances at conservative events,
such as addressing the 2009 Conservative Political Action
Committee. Again seeking the GOP nod for a White House
run, Ron Paul is showing the country why he is one of the
most principled, consistent, and disciplined public servants
in politics; long ago, Paul proclaimed that he would "never
vote for legislation unless the measure is expressly author-
ized by the Constitution." While in Congress he made good
on his vow, and shows every indication that he would
continue along this path if elected our next president.


Rep. Paul has been described by many as a Constitution-
alist, and is thought of in that term even more readily
than as a conservative or a libertarian. A look at his
voting record over his years in Congress shows that
this is no hype nor hyperbole. Your studious Peasant
is hard-pressed to find a member of either chamber of
Congress, in either political party, who applies the test
of constitutionality more rigorously to legislation than
Ron Paul!

Paul supports free trade, and distinguishes between true
free trade and what he terms the "managed trade" given
us by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The latter have
only sent many of our country's jobs to other countries while
getting nothing in return, except an ever-growing trade
deficit. He supports the U.S. leaving the United Nations
and voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which auth-
orized the construction of a fence along our southern
border where many illegal immigrants had crossed over
to enter our country. As a member of Congress, Paul never
voted to raise taxes or for a budget deficit. Paul also has
opposed the PATRIOT Act, the legislation which was
supposed to provide for better protection against terrorist
threats but has infringed upon some rights of American
citizens, especially when travelling by plane even on
domestic flights. In addition, Paul opposes any national ID
card, the draft, and the War on Drugs, the third item because
of infringements on some rights enjoyed by Americans as
well as the loss of many brave law enforcement people for
nothing, as drugs have reached into every part of our society.
And on the issue of abortion Ron Paul is solidly and unapolo-
getically pro-life. There's a lot to like about Ron Paul for
conservatives, especially those in Tea Party circles.


Although Ron Paul certainly rings conservative chimes with
his stands on fiscal and social matters, his foreign policy
ideas have left many on the right bewildered. Many conser-
vatives find his war alternatives, such as Letters of Marque
and Reprisal against specific terrorist groups to be too small
in scope to be effective as they believe that the governments
of the countries where the terrorists base themselves should
face reprisals as well for harboring them. Paul's opposition
to the War in Iraq also drew criticism from conservative
quarters, as it was widely believed on the right that Saddam
Hussein was connected to some terrorist groups and may have
had weapons of mass destruction on Iraqi soil. While it
may always be a matter for debate as to these two beliefs,
it is certainly clear that Saddam waged chemical war on the
Kurds and some other groups in Iraq who were opposed
to his reign, and may have planned to do the same to foes
outside Iraq's borders. Moreover, either rightly or wrongly,
Ron Paul is perceived to be too dovish on foreign policy
concerning the Middle East and Afghanistan. Paul is thought
of as being a Republican on economic matters and a
Democrat on foreign policy. Your rigorous Peasant also
is perplexed by this dichotomy.


Ron Paul is, in many ways, historically reminiscent of the
founding fathers and their ideas for the conduct of the United
States in fiscal and foreign policy. Although some conserva-
tives find him either naive or weak on the latter, Paul does
make up for this perception with his strong stand on border
security and illegal immigration. Paul is every inch the
champion of limited, constitutionally proscribed government
that would certainly be welcome at this critical juncture in
our country's existence. The concerns that many right-of-
center folks hold regarding his foreign policy ideas will
prove to be a stumbling block to Paul's winning the GOP
presidential nomination, but if Ron Paul were to pull off
the trick (and achieve one of the biggest political upsets
in American history) he would prove very tough to beat
for President Obama.


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Campaign 2012: We Review Rick Perry

The latest Republican presidential hopeful whom we shall
review is Texas Governor Rick Perry. His state's Lieuten-
ant Governor when George W. Bush was Governor, and
therefore Bush's successor when Bush was elected Presi-
dent in 2000, Perry declared his candidacy for our nation's
top job earlier this year and has made a big initial impact.


Republican politician Rick Perry was born on March 4, 1950
in tiny Paint Creek, Texas to ranchers Joseph Ray Perry and
his wife Amelia June Holt Perry. His father was also the
county commissioner for Haskell County and introduced his
son to politics at an early age. In his boyhood, Perry was
active in the Boy Scouts, making the level of Eagle Scout.
After graduating from Paint Creek High School in 1968
Perry attended Texas A&M University, where he was an
ROTC cadet and a male cheerleader for the school's sports
teams. Upon graduation in 1972 with an bachelor's degree in
animal science, Perry was commissioned an officer in the
Air Force where he completed pilot training and flew C-130
tactical airlift until 1977, when he mustered out as a captain
and returned to Texas. There, he joined his father in the
cotton farming business.

Rick Perry's first campaign for political office was in 1984 when
he was elected to the Texas House of Representatives as a
Democrat. During his three two-year terms in office he backed
Al Gore for the presidency in 1988, serving as chairman of his
campaign in Texas. Being a conservative Democrat and uncom-
fortable with the party's leftward march, Perry switched to the
Republican Party in 1989. In 1990 Perry challenged Jim High-
tower, the incumbent Agricultural Commissioner and a powerful
Democrat in Texas politics, winning the post. He would hold
that office until 1998 when Perry was elected Lieutenant
Governor, ascending to the governorship upon George W.
Bush's election to become President of the United States
in 2000.

A conservative, Rick Perry promotes his social conservatism
above the rest of the political areas in which he also takes a
conservative stand. While Texas' governor he backed a
successful drive to amend the Texas Constitution to prohibit
same-sex marriage, as well as to not recognize such unions.
Strongly opposed to abortion, Perry also signed both parental
notification and parental consent legislation for minors seeking
abortion into law. He gained national attention in 2003 for
signing into law Texas' Prenatal Protection Act, which is
explicit in its inclusion of fetuses in its definition of human
life. Perry gained further nation-wide limelight by attracting
the support of many Tea Party activists for his unvarnished
social conservatism, which was highlighted by his promotion
of "The Response USA", an Evangelical Christian prayer
rally that he co-sponsored with the American Family Associ-
ation this year. Perry himself is a lifelong Methodist.

Rick Perry married his boyhood sweetheart, Anita Thigpen,
and have two grown children, Sydney and Griffin.


Governor Perry is a stout, unapologetic conservative. As such,
he stands out from a field which has some GOP nomination
aspirants that show ambiguousity in their own conservatism.
As Texas' governor Perry has held the line on taxes, cutting
both taxes and spending. His fiscal discipline has brought a
turnaround in job numbers for Texans, with the creation of new
jobs as well as the relocation of jobs from higher-taxed states.
Perry's being governor of one of the most populous states
in the country also has at least somewhat prepared him for
how he must function if elected President. And with many
polls showing a swing in American opinion to the pro-life
side of the issue of abortion, Perry's pro-life bona fides
serve him well. And the derision he receives from the
establishment crowd and the so-called mainstream media
are fueling an increase in support from conservative


Rick Perry has proven to be a disaster in debates, going
by his participation in the GOP debates thus far. Perry
even admits his lack of debating prowess, making self-
deprecating jokes about it in interviews. Sometimes he
suffers a "brain fart", if you'll pardon your favorite Peasant
for this observation, when he is in a debate or an interview.
This has made for some painful gaffes. More worrysome,
however, is his joining the American Family Association
in sponsorship of the prayer rally earlier in the year. The
AFA is a heavily fundamentalist religious group headed
by Bryan Fischer, a controversial firebrand evangelical
figure who wanted to have only Christians attend the
rally; no one from any other faiths, just Christians, and
evangelical/fundamentalist ones at that. Some say that
Fischer and the AFA are part of the Dominionist Move-
ment, a fundamentalist effort to remake the law and
society of our country along strict fundamentalist
religious lines. Picture American mullahs not in white
robes and turbans but fancy three-piece suits. There
is an awareness of this movement among more than
a few disapproving conservatives who, while being
informed by their religious faiths, do not make their
politics correspond to same, and do not want to be
governed by anyone who does make their politics
so correspond. Your faithful Peasant shares this
concern. The $64,000 question: does Rick Perry
share the Dominionist outlook for our country
and its future?


Governor Rick Perry may be an unabashed conservative,
which is refreshing to see, but he may have some views
and ideas which many conservatives could not and would
not go along with. We conservatives do not want statism 
in ANY form; not secular nor religious, not socialist nor
theocratic. Perry has to make himself clear on what his
priorities regarding such are. And why can't his handlers
get him a debate coach?


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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Campaign 2012: We Review Newt Gingrich

Today we shall examine the presidential candidacy
of Newt Gingrich, ex-Speaker of the House of
Representatives. With his very recent and surprising
surge in the polls, this is proving to be a most
opportune time to bring our scrutiny to bear on
Mr. Gingrich.


The former House Speaker was born on June 17, 1943
to Newton Searles McPherson and his wife, Kathleen
Daugherty McPherson, who divorced soon after Newt's
birth. His mother would go on to marry a career army
officer, Robert Gingrich, who adopted the boy. Newt
has three younger half-sisters, Candace, Susan, and

The Gingrich family moved around a lot, with each
posting assigned Robert Gingrich by the Army. Newt
graduated from Baker High School (Columbus,
Georgia), followed by receiving a B.A. from Emory
University in 1965, an M.A. in 1968, and a Ph.D.
in European History from Tulane University in 1971.
Later on, Gingrich was an assistant professor of
history and geography at West Georgia College.

Gingrich first became involved in politics during
his college days, becoming the Southern Regional
Director for Nelson Rockefeller's 1968 presidential
campaign. The man who would go on to become the
first conservative Speaker of the House of Represen-
tatives in many years had, ironically, worked on the
campaign staff of the epitome of the liberal Repub-
lican, Rockefeller, the establishment prince himself.
Gingrich made his first run for office when he ran
for Congress against an incumbent Georgia Democrat
in 1974 and lost. He tried again in 1976 with the same
result. However, the third time proved to be the charm, 
as Gingrich won election in 1978. His Georgia district
would send him back to the House ten more times.

Gingrich founded the Conservative Opportunity Society
in 1983, a gathering of GOP congressional members
whose ideas influenced President Ronald Reagan's
policies. In 1988, Gingrich led the move to oust then-House
Speaker Jim Wright (D-TX), who was alleged to have
violated campaign finance rules. The notoriety gave his
career a boost, as Gingrich was chosen to succeed Rep.
Dick Cheney as House Minority Whip when Cheney was
appointed Secretary of Defense by President George H.W.
Bush. Already known for his aggressive style, Gingrich
was pivotal in the Republican Party drafting the Contract
With America, a platform of 10 policies which included
welfare reform and a balanced federal budget. When
the GOP won the House and the Senate in the 1994
elections on the dissatisfaction at that time with
President Bill Clinton and the Democrats, the Republicans
passed much of the content of their contract, resulting in
a massive overhaul of our country's welfare programs and
the first balanced budget Washington had achieved since
the Kennedy years.

The good times for Newt Gingrich were not to last, how-
ever; government shutdowns over budget impasses in
1995 backfired on Gingrich and the Republicans. In that
same year Gingrich returned a $4.5 million book advance
that the House Ethics Committee questioned. He was also
alleged to have funded a college course he taught with
tax-exempt donations. the House officially reprimanded
Gingrich on a 395-28 vote. Not long afterward Gingrich
resigned his position as Speaker and declined to seek
another term in Congress. Since then Gingrich had been a
consultant and commentator on Fox News, and has authored
four books in avocation of conservative solutions to our
nation's problems.

Newt Gingrich married three times: to Jackie Battley in
1962, having two daughters, Jackie and Kathy before their
divorce in 1980; to Marianne Ginther in 1981, having met
her at a GOP fundraiser in Ohio, divorcing in 1999; and
to current wife Callista Bistek in 2000. Through their
production company, Gingrich Productions, they make
documentaries on public policy matters. The Gingriches
live in McLean, Virginia.


Newt Gingrich is a scholarly man with a strong grasp of
U.S. history, especially concerning politics as well as
the Constitution. Gingrich also is conversant in great
detail of many political issues and policy matters, which
would make him a formidable foe in a debate with
President Obama should Gingrich gain the Republican
nomination. Your favorite Peasant is certain that Newt
Gingrich could debate Obama into knots without much
effort. And having been the second person in line for
the Presidency as well as having worked closely with
two presidents, Gingrich knows first hand what it takes
to govern from the White House. His attention to and
grasp of detail would make him a fine administrator and
a fine advocate for legislation that he would favor.


Gingrich is perceived by many people, including some
who otherwise hold him in high regard, as having a
rascally quality. His ethics-related troubles while
Speaker as well as his multiple marriages and divorces
fuel this perception. One of his daughters recently
made a public statement disputing the story of how
Gingrich had presented divorce papers to his first
wife just after she was brought back to her hospital
room following extensive cancer surgery, hoping to
take advantage of her greatly weakened state to get her
to sign them. This tale had been haunting Gingrich for
many years, having some negative impact on his
image if not his career. That, with the rapidity of
his remarrying after the finalization of each divorce,
has been a concern for social conservatives.

When Gingrich was  speaker of the House,
although he was pivotal in getting President Clinton
to sign the legislation making welfare reform and
a balanced budget realities, he was strangely silent
when Clinton claimed sole credit for these legislative
accomplishments. This in turn, your faithful Peasant
believes, helped Clinton to win a second term as
President; so many Americans associated him, and
still do, with these achievements. Although Bill
Clinton is quite the rascal himself for this and
other reasons, he has a smoothness to him that
Gingrich lacks, and therefore has been able to
get away with so much more. Please don't
think that your conscientious Peasant is sugges-
ting that Newt Gingrich should cultivate such
smoothness that he can then function in that
fashion more adroitly!

In recent years, Gingrich has made public statements
to the effect that he believes that global warming is
a clear and presnet threat to the world, and supports
what he terms a "Green Conservatism" to deal with
it. This has been discomfitting to many conservatives
who think that Gingrich will do with enviornmental
regulation what moderate-to-liberal republicans
have done with government --- expand, but not as much
as the democrats would expand. Gingrich also has been
seen to be somewhat soft on the matter of illegal immi-
gration regarding those illegal immigrants who have
been here for some years already, although he does
advocate tighter border security. Moreover, Gingrich
is popular with the beltway set, as is Mitt Romney;
this is not a portent of comfort to conservatives,
especially those of us in Tea Party circles. This
raises the same questions that have been asked about
Romney, which your redoubtable Peasant had stated
in my review of Romney.

In summation, Newt Gingrich is a mixed bag, being full
of pluses and minuses. The pluses are impressive, but the
minuses give worried pause.


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Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Your beloved Peasant wants to wish you all,
my fabulous and fantastic readers and all who
are near and dear to you, a most Happy Thanks-
giving! I shall be taking the week of the holiday
off to recharge my batteries, enjoy some turkey
and accompanying trimmings on the day, and
spend time with friends. We shall resume our
scrutiny of the political and economic news
as well as our gimlet-eye view of the Repub-
lican presidential candidates the following

Meanwhile, President Obama is once again
pardoning a turkey, sparing the bird from a
fateful November. Next November, we shall
not be pardoning Obama, as we shall treat that
turkey to a very fateful November when we
send him packing! For what we are about to
receive may we be truly thankful, at this
Thanksgiving and at the next!


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Campaign 2012: We Review Mitt Romney

Today, my fabulous readers, we shall scrutinize Mitt Romney
and his campaign for President. The one-time governor of
Massachusetts tried for the Republican presidential nomi-
nation in 2008, and is back for a second try for the GOP
nod. Let's see what Gov. Romney has to offer, shall we?


Mitt Romney was born on March 12, 1947 in Detroit,
Michigan. His father was former Michigan Governor and
Republican presidential candidate George Romney, who
ran in 1968 but was defeated by eventual GOP nominee
and president Richard Nixon. Romney was raised in
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and is a practicing member
of the Mormon faith (member of The Church of Latter
-Day Saints), as were the previous five generation of
Romneys. After attending the prestigious Cranbrook
School, Romney received his undergraduate degree
from Brigham Young University in 1971, followed
by obtaining both his law degree and his M.B.A. from
Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School,
respectively, in 1975.

Mitt Romney married Ann Davies in 1969, and have
five sons: Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben, and Craig. Romney
began his career in business, working for the manage-
ment consulting firm of Bain and Company before founding
the investment firm of Bain Capital in 1984. In 1994, he
ran for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts but was de-
feated by longtime incumbent Edward "Ted" Kennedy
after a poor showing in a debate between the two
candidates. In 1999, Romney became president of the
Salt Lake Organizing Committee to lead the preparation
for the 2002 Winter Olympics to be hosted there.
He reversed the financial and ethical ills plaguing the
Olympics and led a successful olympiad that year. He
would subsequently write a book about the experience
titled Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership, and the Olympic

The following year Romney was elected governor of
Massachusetts. In his term as governor he oversaw the
shrinkage of a $3 billion budget deficit, but he also
signed into law "Romneycare", a health care program in
which he was instrumental in creating to provide almost
universal health coverage for Massachusetts residents ---
very similar to Obamacare in scope and substance.

After serving one term, he announced his candidacy for
the presidency. After making it through Super Tuesday,
winning primaries in Massachusetts, Minnesota, Alaska,
Colorado and Utah, he closed out his campaign just
before the Wisconsin primary after eventual GOP
nominee John McCain surged ahead of Romney and the
rest of the Republican field. Romney spent $110 million
to fund his unsuccessful presidential campaign, including
$45 million of his own money. He retained his political
staff and PACs, and spent the next few years raising funds
for fellow Republican candidates' campaigns for various
public offices. In March 2010 Romney published a book
titled No Apology: The Case for American Greatness.

Mitt Romney announced his 2012 presidential campaign
at a farm in New Hampshire on June 2, 2011. Since
then Romney has taken the standard Republican positions
on taxes, the economy, and the war on terror. However,
Romney's critics charged him with changing his positions
on abortion and some other hot button issues, including
opposing President Obama's health care reform program
even though his own plan in Massachusetts bears many


Mitt Romney has a solid background in business, including
successfully turning around a foundering Olympics organ-
izing committee and founding a successful investment firm.
Having grown up in a political family and having had some
exposure to presidential campaigning and accompanying
politics, Romney also has solid grounding in that realm
which is serving as a guide for knowing how to effectively
run a presidential campaign.  Romney brings a businessman's
sense of what needs to be done to rein in a runaway budget
and deficit, coupled with a political savvy for how to get it


His changing stances on some critical issues have dogged
him throughout the campaign so far. On abortion, Romney
stated that he would welcome overturning Roe vs. Wade,
which made legal abortion the law of the land nearly
forty years ago. However, he also claimed to be in the
"legal but rare" camp on the subject as recently as 2007.
Romney also said that he opposes Roe, but would not
alter any abortion laws. He never made it clear when,
if at all, he had switched from being pro-choice to pro-life
on abortion so that we could place his stances and remarks
on the issue on a timeline.

On the budget, Romney has stressed that some budget
cuts must be made, and the more the better. He stated
that not only should waste be cut, but spending be cut
too. On the other hand, Romney said that we must not
ask "what can we cut" but "what should we keep".
Most curious. Does Gov. Romney mean that we must
prioritize what programs we should maintain, regardless
of its possibly enlarging the budget deficit, and simply
tinker around the edges with small, almost inconsequential
cuts, or should we make the objective be cutting
spending with the aim of making the cuts be shared
across the board in order to seriously address our chronic
spending and subsequent creation of further red ink?
Many conservatives in the GOP are confused as to what
Romney's intentions here on these issues are, and also
on the issue of gay people serving openly in our military;
Romney was reported as being in favor of homosexuals
serving openly in our armed forces according to GovWatch,
a government monitoring organization which observes
the stands and votes that elected officials take on a range
of important issues in a 1994 finding. In recent years,
coinciding with his presidential aspirations, Romney
has defended "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", the law which
made the military back off from asking servicepeople
about their sexual orientation but gives no protection
to them if they wish to openly declare that they are
gay or anything other than heterosexual. There are
supposedly some other issues where Romney has been
less than clear in this way that I have described.


Because of his business and law background, Mitt
Romney makes a knowledgeable and skillful pres-
idential candidate. But his position changes on some
issues that are very critical to conservatives in the
Republican Party make Romney look like he is
vacillating. Also, Romney has too many beltway
insiders in the GOP saying complimentary things
about him, especially in light of Romney's criticism
of U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI)  plan for cutting
the budget with Medicare cost containment,
calling it "radical". This has not endeared him to
the Tea Party activists nor other grassroots conser-
vatives, the very people that Romney will need if
he is to have any chance of getting the Republican

Finally, Romney has the ghost of his Romneycare
health coverage program from his days as governor
in Massachusetts hanging around. This does not inspire
confidence in conservatives looking for a candidate who
will get rid of Obamacare, let alone appreciably shrink
the federal government. Although Romney has some
pluses that should be noted, he also has some warning
bells ringing as well. Is Romney a warrior for government
reduction in scope and in cost? Or is he an establishment
lackey, trying to convince conservatives that he is on
their side while cozying up to the beltway smoothies?
Hopefully we won't have to elect him to see what his
intentions are and where his loyalties lie.


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Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day Greetings!

Happy Veterans Day to all of our country's warriors
past and present, and to you all, my wonderful readers!
Here's a little treat for you all to enjoy on this special
day; just click the link:

This video tribute to our veterans has gone viral!
The song in the video was written and performed
by a wonderful band, Due South. A great patriotic
anthem to accompany a great patriotic video made
to thank our brave service folk for their service and

Always remember, if you like your freedom thank
a vet! It's like your favorite Peasant always says:
Freedom isn't free; it comes with a high price, yet
it is not a luxury but a necessity!


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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Campaign 2012: We Review Herman Cain

My fabulous readers, we will now review each of the Republican
presidential candidates who are vying for the GOP nomination to
run on its ticket. We shall examine each candidate, taking note of
their strengths and weaknesses, their best features and their
worst , the good things that each has to offer and the areas that
they need to work on. This series is meant as a guide to assisting
conservative voters in choosing the best conservative candidate
to send to face President Obama in next year's presidential 
election. Although is important that we prevent Obama from  
winning a second term in the White House, we must think in terms
of not only who has the best chance to defeat Obama but who can 
repair our country's economy, regain the confidence of our allies 
and the respect of the world, both friends and enemies alike,
and make a conservative template for governance which will be
grounded in the Constitution rather than based on the
whimsy of political leaders who think that they are smarter
than, and superior to, the people whom they are supposed to
serve. It is this kind of arrogance which has led to the problems
which we as a nation now face, combined with equally breath-
taking incompetence. Let us begin.
(Peasant's note)


Born on December 13, 1945, Herman Cain grew up in Atlanta,
Georgia. The Cain family was impoverished, but tenacious in
making sure that everyone was well provided for; his mother
worked as a domestic and his father held several jobs, including
being a chauffer for the executives of the Coca-Cola Co. Cain's
parents stressed the importance of education to a young Herman,
and the die for Herman Cain was cast.

Cain graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a bachelor's
degree in mathematics. He followed up with earning a master's
degree in computer science at Purdue University. While there,
Cain was employed by the U.S. Navy where he designed fire
control systems.

Next was a position as a systems analyst for Coca-Cola, 
followed by joining Pillsbury in 1977. While with the food giant, 
Cain climbed to the position of vice-president. Seeking new chal-
lenges, he went from information technologies to business
management by going to work at the firm's division at that time,
Burger King. Cain began by flipping burgers and over time
became a regional vice president for the fast-food chain.

In 1986, Herman Cain took on the posts of President/ CEO
of Godfather's Pizza, a company which was then in danger 
of going broke and closing down. In just fourteen months,
Cain made the pizza-maker profitable and with other execu-
tives purchased the business from Pillsbury.

Herman Cain later became president of the National Restaurant
Association. In that post, he challenged President Bill Clinton
on health care during a televised event. Cain stated he thought
that Bill and Hillary's ideas for health care reform would have
an adverse effect on business. In 2004 Cain made his first run
for political office, running for a U.S. Senate seat from Georgia.
Although he lost, Cain confidently entered the race for the
2012 Republican presidential nomination. Between the two
campaigns, Cain served as a member of the Federal Reserve
Board. Thought to be a long shot for the GOP laurels, Cain
has recently advanced to pull neck-and-neck with ex-Gov.
Mitt Romney from Massachusetts for the front-runner's
spot. In August 2011, Herman Cain finished fourth in the
Iowa Straw Poll, eclipsing Romney and Texas Gov.
Rick Perry --- two better-known candidates. Cain went
on to win the Florida Straw Poll in the next month.

STRENGTHS: Herman Cain won over many people with
his straight-up, no nonsense appraoch to governmental reform.
Cain has crafted a plan for fair, flat taxes for individuals and
businesses which, while criticized by some for potentially
placing a greater tax burden on lower-income Americans,
has been the only solid plan offered up by any of the GOP
candidates to date; the rest of the field has only spoken
in general terms as to how they would deal with taxes.
On this subject, and others, Herman Cain has been
refreshingly candid and illuminating with the public,
something to be desired in many politicians in both

WEAKNESSES: Cain is rather skimpy in terms of foreign
policy know-how; he openly admitted that he could not
name the president of Uzbekistan and "knowing who is the
head of some of these small insignificant states around the
world" was not as important as paying attention to domestic
issues. We need a president who will be attentive to both
domestic and foreign policy matters, and will at least know
(or will be willing to learn) who is the head of state in the
countries with whom we must deal with, especially in
sensitive areas of the world where radical Islam is a
potential or actual threat.

Furthermore, at this time Herman Cain is embroiled in
a controversial series of accusations made against him
by female employees in a couple of businesses where
Cain had had powerful positions. Four women have
claimed that Cain had been "sexually inappropriate"
with them. Now, your faithful Peasant has provided
links to stories giving some elaboration on these
claims by these women, which date back as far as
the '90s. Soon, I shall make comment on these
accusations made against Herman Cain here on
this blog but I will say this for now: Based on
what I have come to discover about Herman
Cain and his character, as well as his close and
solid relationship with his wife of 43 years, and
what I know about the liberal establishment and
its abject fear of black conservatives (especially
when they dare to seek the presidency), along
with the dubious timing of these claims becoming
public, the whole affair smacks of the establishment's
attempt to derail the appointment of Justice Clarence
Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court which, thank-
fully failed to deprive us of a thoughtful, fair-
minded conservative jurist ensuring that constitu-
tional standards are applied to all matters brought
before our highest court. The racism is once
again as ugly and repugnant as before, and sadly
it may prove that some in the Republican Party
may be behind the campaign to derail Herman Cain's
presidential campaign, joining with the Democrats.

Herman Cain also has an inexperienced campaign staff
that, while enthusiastic and energetic, have no ideas for
effectively countering the accusations made against their
candidate. Cain recently held a press conference to
deny the accusations and to state that he does not even
know one of the women accusing him. Some are saying
that it shouldn't have gotten to the point of Cain having
to hold that press conference; personally I don't know.
But if the Cain campaign continues to take more hits
like the ones it took so far, Herman Cain may well have
to leave the field of battle and limp home.

Let's hope that, for a number of reasons (some not
pertaining strictly to Herman Cain), this does not
become the case.

ANALYSIS:  Herman Cain is a breath of fresh air,
being essentially a non-politician in his demeanor
and the presentation of his ideas. The "insider" smarty-
pants types in both parties have made mischief
at our expense for too long. But lacking foreign policy
knowledge is a minus, and lacking an experienced,
campaign-savvy staff is an even bigger minus, especially
in the face of a smear campaign of growing proportions.
Cain must offset both of these weak areas if he is to
be around for the Republican convention, let alone
win the party's presidential nomination. If he can do
these things, Cain will siphon off enough of the black
vote to topple Obama in November of next year.
The question remains, though:  Can he overcome
these two glaring weaknesses? The coming weeks
will tell.


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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We Round Out 2011

Hi everybody!

Today I have no article but I do have an announcement
of coming attractions that I'll be presenting for your
enjoyment over the course of this month and next.

It seems that the liberal media are scared stiff of the
surge of Herman Cain in the Republican presidential
nomination contest, with polls showing him neck-and-
neck with establishment favorite Mitt Romney, so they
have "discovered" some accusations of sexual harassment
made by some female employees against him from several
years ago. So far none of the accusations have any sub-
stance to them; one of them is quite ludicrous --- Cain
made a remark to a woman in his office that she was about
the same height as his wife, holding his hand up to his chin
as he spoke, never touching the woman in question.
Funny how the media hounds are barking over that, but
have been stone silent about the rash of accounts of
attempted rape at several OWS enclaves around the
country; this is the same motley bunch that the media
mouthpieces for the establishment have tried to liken
to the Tea Party, don't forget. And we'll be doing some
more comparisons between the Tea Party and the OWS
as well, notably on misbehavior and arrests (So far, the
Tea party has a SPOTLESS record on both these
criteria --- ZERO!).

We shall also examine the candidates in the Republican
presidential field, assessing the strengths and weaknesses
of each candidate. In this way we shall do our part to
ensure that we conservatives put our best foot forward
against Obama next year.

Finally, we shall also be on the lookout for any stories
which may pop up that will prove worthy of our attention,
and as always, we shall comfort the afflicted and afflict
the comfortable --- when the comfortable have made them-
selves so at the expense of others.

Thank you, my wonderful readers, for your ongoing reader-
ship and your loyalty! I appreciate you and your support and
your encouragement more than I can ever say! We shall
finish this year with a bang!


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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Your favorite Peasant wishes you, my wonderful readers,
a most Happy Halloween! Here's a dandy trick-or-treat
idea: scare the bejesus out of liberals by dressing up as
any of the following:

*Border patrol officers.
*John Wayne.
*Herman Cain (very current, as well as very scary to those
  on the left; a conservative black person! Double trouble!).
*An aborted unborn baby (very gory, very chilling, pierces
  the very core of many leftists; hard-core feminists in par-
*Phyllis Schlafly (the anti-Gloria Steinem).
*The Constitution.
*Ronald Reagan (the lefties' favorite boogeyman!).
*U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (a conservative hispanic person;
 as blood-curdling as a black conservative!).
*Rush Limbaugh (the left-wingers' "voice of terror"
  on the radio, scaring them with the truth!).
*Mark Levin (exorcises loony lefties from his phone
   line on his radio show with "Get off the phone, you
   big dummy!").

And, last but not least:

*A tax return form as it would look under the "Flat Tax"
  or "Fair Tax" --- in all its stark, cold, chilling simplicity
  and its (GASP!) soft, easy treatment of taxpayers, while
  ruthlessly, mercilessly cutting out dubious deductions
  and loopholes favoring special interests that have been
  favored for too long a long time in Washington D.C.

A veritable "dirty dozen" conservative halloween costumes
guaranteed to freeze the blood of a left-winger right to the
marrow! Enjoy!


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Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Tea Party vs. The Occupiers

You may have noticed that much of the media have been trying
to cast similarities between the Occupy Wall Street protesters
with their cohorts in several other American cities and the Tea
Party. The media monkeys are trying to make mischief by
portraying the Occupiers as a group of everyday citizens
voicing their frustrations with the banks, the Fed, and the
government, demanding a cleaning of these institutions of their
corruption; basically presenting the protesters as simply
mainstream people with common concerns that are on the minds
of many Americans. Never mind the rag-tag appearance of most
of the participants, or the fact that they camp out in parks
and aren't bathing, and are even openly relieving themselves
there, or that some of them are expressing bigoted sentiments
(i.e. blaming our economic troubles on "Jewish bankers" and
calling for them to be expelled from the country), while others
literally don't know what they are protesting and don't care;
they just came along because they heard that they could score
cheap and plentiful drugs, some willing sex partners, and a
place to crash, even if it's a tent in a park. These hippie-
like hoards have the explicit support of several labor unions,
some media figures (some MSNBC staffers have even offered
advice to the Occupy Wall Street bunch on how to be more
"media savvy" in presenting themselves and their positions!),
some Democrats in Congress, and even President Obama
publicly praised these ripe radicals.

Now, we in the Tea Party voice similar concerns, but the
same media people and the other aforementioned folk
call us "extremists", "terrorists", "racists", and "radicals";
some in their numbers call us even worse than this. So
let's do a comparison of the two movements to see how
much (or little) they have in common, shall we?

The Tea Party: Its members have a clearly outlined and
well-articulated description of its purpose and what it
stands for, calling for adherence to the Constitution
as the underpinning of the solutions to our economic
Occupy Wall Street: Its members have a mish-mash of
grievances against many sectors of our society with
little or no coherence nor cohesion.

TP: Its members either have businesses that they own or
jobs, or are in college preparing for careers doing same.
OWS: Its members are either unemployed, many by choice,
or are in college majoring in one of the "social sciences"
in hopes of careers supporting the service programs of the
federal government. Among the former are vagrants looking
for a place to spend a few nights and enjoy some free food,
free booze, and free drugs (some of them have admitted to
this when interviewed by reporters).

TP: The Tea Partiers are a cleanly-dressed group, looking
neat and tidy. Also, they bathe and use deodorant.
OWS: The Occupiers are, for the most part, clad in grungy
clothes that are either stained, ragged, or both. And while
occupying city parks, they have no place to bathe, nor do
they seem to care. Shades of the '60s.

TP: The Tea crowd has always exercised "quality control"
in their ranks; that is, they have excluded people with
racist viewpoints expressed on signs, shirts, and buttons,
as well as proponents of violent activity, especially toward
law enforcement personnel.
OWS: The Occupy Everything bunch have had incidents
ranging from theft of computers and cash to picking fights
with police; in Baltimore a young woman escaped being
raped by a male bunk mate in a tent at that particular event.
And in New York a woman said that "Jewish bankers"
were responsible for the financial crisis gripping the U.S.,
and that they should be run out of the country while being
interviewed at the Wall Street protest. Furthermore, the
OWS has been endorsed by the American Nazi Party
(it logically follows, doesn't it?) as well as the Communist
Party of the United States (CPUSA).

TP: The Tea Party wants to fix what is broken without
dismantling our system of government nor our capitalist
economy. Economic liberty and individual choice would
be preserved and strengthened.
OWS: The Occupiers want to get rid of both our system
of government and our market-based economy in favor
of an all-encompassing super-state which guarantees all
things to all people but freedom and a safeguard for the
rights of the individual. With their way of life we would
have "free" health care, housing, food, education, etc.,
but the true cost of it all would be the yoke of servitude
to the state, with absolute obedience in word and deed,
never mind the frightening economic cost through even
more confiscatory taxation.

Oh yes, "mainstream" media, the Tea Party and the
Occupy Wall Street movements look like twins separated
at birth! And temperatures here in Wisconsin hit the 80s
in the wintertime.


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Friday, October 21, 2011

Good Riddance to Gaddafi!

This just in:

Your scrutinizing Peasant checked several sources and reports
before posting this piece for you, my beloved readers, but it is
true and official: Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi is dead. The
recently deposed tyrant was killed by Libyan rebel forces and
his body was taken through the streets of the town of Sirte
where he was born, displayed to cheering throngs who then
cursed and spit upon the remains of the erstwhile kingpin of that
troubled country.

Gaddafi was involved in the planning of the Lockerbie bombing
in which a commercial airplane carrying passengers from the
United Kingdom and the United States were killed in flight over
that Scottish town 23 years ago. The more radical elements
of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) were given space in Libya
by Gaddafi for a training site for their new recruits, who then
returned to Ireland and went on indiscriminate killing sprees
there and in Great Britain, killing for the sake of killing. He also
hosted other terrorist groups that set up training camps for
these same nefarious purposes.

In recent years, Gaddaffi led Libya into the nuclear community
with the development of nuclear weaponry. Happily, he backed
down in the face of demands by the U.S. and allied countries,
but who's to say that Gaddafi would not rattle the nuclear saber
again at any time in the future?

No, it's a threat that the Middle East, and the world, no longer
has to worry about. The Libyan rebels have seen to that. May
their country finally have democracy and freedom at last. As
to Gaddafi, good riddance to evil rubbish. Libya, the Middle
East, and the world are all better off for Gaddafi at last having
made his exit.


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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Madness Goes On Tour

The scenario that played out in Madison, Wisconsin last winter
has gone on tour. Rag-tag leftists, college students, unemployed
people, and a bevy of malingering malcontents of various types
took to the streets in New York under the name "Occupy Wall
Street" to lambast banks, businesspeople, and the wealthy in
general, blaming them for the economic morass that our country
has fallen into. What is more, the movement has sprung up in
other cities across the country, including here in your faithful
Peasant's backyard, Milwaukee.

Among the complaints that these protesters put forth are
questions as to why there is no legislation pending that
would prevent banks from hiring lobbyists to get Congress
to pass legislation that would completely favor the banks(?!).
Some of the protesters demanded that they receive free
college educations, complete forgiveness of their loans ---
be it for college, cars, or whatever purpose --- as well
as free health care. In New York, the mob of misfits
pitched tents in a park. The city government, as announced
by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, wanted them to take down
their tents temporarily just so the city park maintenance
crew could clean the area. The gathered goofballs would
have none of it, claiming that it was a ploy to oust them and
make them mover along. These protesters have been
camping there in that park, and have been relieving themselves
on the grounds (and they weren't using port-a-johns either!)
so for sanitation's sake the grounds HAD to be cleaned.
when police tried to get the crowd to move one of the
mob slobs jumped on an officer and was promptly

Some of these individuals were interviewed by reporters
and various radio show hosts or reporters from same,
and they were most illuminating as to the mindset of those
gathered. One 20-something fellow stated, rather proudly,
that he had quit his job to attend the rally. A young woman
of about the same age said that she came with hopes of
obtaining some pot to enjoy. One woman claimed that
the banks are headed by "zionist" Jews and that these
Jewish bankers should be forced to leave the country.
Well, don't be shocked by that statement; the left-
wingers have grown increasingly anti-semitic in recent
years, mostly concerning Palestine. Just add this to
their other bigoted put-downs of people whom they
disagree with and disapprove of.

And to add to the circus-like atmosphere of it all,
the so-called mainstream media have been trying to
liken these uncivilized throngs to the Tea Party!
the media/propaganda bunch are trying to cloak
the "Occupy" zanies with the mantle of respecta-
bility. Of course their gambit will fail; the vast
majority of Americans will see (and smell) the
difference. But for now, this sideshow is part
of the great political morality play that is at
center stage in the everyday life of our great
country. We might as well sit back and take it
all in, because it is just more political theatre
to watch, and to make what we will of it.
Please pass the popcorn.


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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Barack Obama: Crony Capitalist

Apparently there is one form of capitalism that super-leftist
President Barack Obama likes; as a matter of fact he heartily
approves of it and has become a practitioner of it as well. Our
current president is a "crony capitalist".

"Crony Capitalism" is defined as giving the taxpayers' money
to one's political pals in exchange for getting some of that
money back at election time so one can fund one's campaign
for re-election. There has been an awful lot of that taking
place in these United States in recent years. It is the extension
of the old favor-swapping arrangement of "you scratch my
back and I'll scratch yours", taking it to staggering new lows.

Take Solyndra, a solar power company in California which
sought a loan from the Obama "green jobs" program. This
program was created to move our country toward a
supposedly cleaner industrial framework and enviornment,
leaving a smaller "carbon footprint" and all that enviro-
jazz, as well as to create lots of jobs for people who were
displaced from their erstwhile employment in The Great
Recession. The shortcuts to getting the loan approved
boggle the mind.

The White House leaned on the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) in August 2009, in Obama's first year
as president, to approve Solyndra's $530 million loan so
that Obama could enhance his enviornmental program.
Some OMB analysts protested that such pressure would
affect the due dilligence with which the loan was being
reviewed. Obama wanted to arrange the loan for Solyndra
in early 2009 despite many internal warnings that Solyndra
could be financially unstable, according to internal e-mails.

The e-mails reveal that the Department of Energy (DOE)
was told by the Treasury Department that its refinancing
arrangement in early 2011 for the loan might be improper
and should be cleared with the Department of Justice (DOJ).
On August 17, 2011 Mary Miller, Assistant Treasury
Secretary, stated in a memo to OMB Deputy Chief
Jeffrey Zients that six months earlier that the Treasury
requested in writing that the DOE seek the DOJ's
approval of any proposed restructuring, but "to their
knowledge that never happened."

Steven J. Spinner, an Obama fundraiser hired to help
oversee the administration's energy loan program
badgered DOE officials to hasten approval of the
Solyndra loan, even as his wife's law firm was
engaged to represent Solyndra (!) according to the
e-mails, which were sent less than two weeks after
Spinner received a 3-page ethics contract in which
he pledged to "not participate in any discussion re:
any application involving his wife's law firm,
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich Rosati."

Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary, claimed
that as far as the White House knew, Spinner had no
input on the green loans portion of Obama's enviorn-
mental program. However, e-mails prove that Spinner
was in contact not only with Obama, but with Vice
President Biden and even Solyndra's Vice President
of Marketing!

By the by, Solyndra recently went bankrupt, leaving
over 1,000 employees without jobs. So much for Obama's
plans for "green jobs" to put people to work; will the
rest of his program produce similar results?

Your favorite Peasant wants to state for the record
that if a Republican administration behaved in this
manner the Democrats, the media, and so-called
public-interest groups would be demanding an
congressional investigation followed by a
veritable flogging of the accused. But since
this is a Democrat administration --- with
The Annointed One at the helm --- the Dems
and their pals ask "What's all the fuss?" Once
again, the liberal establishment double standard
goes into effect; since they are superior to the rest
of us, the Great Unwashed, the mindless masses,
the ignorant peasants, they get an automatic free pass
on whatever they want to do. You see, it's for our
own good, or so they expect us to believe. We
cannot question them and their motives; we must
acknowledge our place and bow low before them
in obedience and deference because they are so
much smarter, more moral, simply greater than we
simple folk.

Ah, the arrogance of power! This corrupt administration
bears out the admonition of Lord Acton, a British
statesman of long ago: "Power corrupts; absolute
power corrupts absolutely." It's time to take away
Obama's power. Regime change in 2012!


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Monday, October 10, 2011

Malcolm Wallop, R.I.P.

A few weeks ago, just before my break to make my move
to my beautiful new home a great public servant and a
fine patriot passed away; retired U.S. Senator Malcolm
Wallop (R-WY), who was a most principled conservative,
died after several years of frail health at the age of 78.

Senator Wallop was a key ally of then-President Ronald
Reagan on Capitol Hill, helping to pass the bill to create
and implement Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative
(mockingly named "Star Wars" by congressional Democrats)
which was pivotal in winning the Cold War with the
Soviet Union, which soon afterward collapsed from
within. To the chagrin of the Far Left, our country won
the long-standing cat-and-mouse game without firing
a single nuclear missle, thus leaving the left-wingers'
"nuclear freeze" movement a discredited laughingstock.
Wallop was also instrumental in rallying support in the
Senate for Reagan's tax cuts and capping the highest
marginal tax rate at 28%, knocking it down from the
obscenely confiscatory rate of 70%, thereby creating
one of the biggest employment booms in our nation's
history; more proof that it is the wealthy among us who
create jobs when they are allowed to keep more of their
earnings, which they invest in creating and growing
their businesses.

Malcolm Wallop was a conservative for all seasons,
for all causes, and for all purposes. Principled without
being rigid, steady without wavering, always marching
forward without first seeing which way the wind blew.
May the conservative politicians of today and in the years
to come follow this man's example. We Americans will
surely benefit from it. Well done, Senator!

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Had to Share This With You

My beloved readers, your super-busy Peasant just learned
about an idea so outrageous, so brazen, so totalitarian, so
beyond belief having been publicly given voice that I just
had to come back from my self-imposed break to share it
with you. The left-wingers have hatched many wild schemes
to foist upon us over time, but this idea from hell is the prize-

North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue (D) said before a
recent gathering of Rotarians in her state that our country
dispense with Congressional elections for the next two
years so as to help the "economic recovery"(?!). No
exaggeration. No lie. No blarney. She really said this.

I quote from her speech: "You have to have more ability
from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over
the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things. I think
we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for
two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them,
whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this
country recover. I really hope that someone can agree
with me on that." Well, a hard-core statist such as, say,
a communist would heartily agree with you, Governor.
For this is the tactic that communist dictators have long
used in solidifying their power in countries where they
have come into power, the rubric being that the revolution
has to have time to solidify and take root. And now, you,
one of our liberal establishmentarians has voiced a
version of this stridently anti-democratic idea.
Perhaps you would also declare martial law?

Such left-wing luminaries like Robert Mugabe and Fidel
Castro would high-five Governor Perdue for her initiative.
This is precisely what these dictators did upon ascending
to power in their respective countries. All the better to
avoid dealing with voter blowback from imposing policies
upon them which they never would have consented to.
And the Democrats are still reeling from the blowback
that the American electorate gave them in last year's
Congressional elections which resulted in the Republicans
taking control of the House of Representatives. They
have already demonstrated their contempt for the We The
People through actions such as bailing out businesses
and industries with our tax monies and forcing upon us
a socialized medicine program which we had loudly and
clearly rejected, voicing our disapproval to President
Obama and to Congress only to receive their arrogant
cold shoulders and insults to our intelligence and our
character. Governor Perdue's demented brainchild
is simply an extension of this.

Perdue's staff tried to spin their boss' remarks as being
a bit of humor, but when she spoke her words she had
a serious expression on her face, and no one in the audience
was laughing, chuckling, or even cracking smiles by accounts
of attendees. Instead, their lame attempt to pass off Governor
Perdue's remarks as a joke made her statement yet more
egregious. Team Perdue showed the same contempt and
condescension for the American people as had President
Obama in regards to the aforementioned subjects.

Folks, the Democrat Party is now anything but a group of
democrats; these are not democratic people by philosophy
or practice. We have got to vote them the hell out in 2012;
Obama, the Democrats controlling the Senate, The
Democrats in the House, and the Dems in office elsewhere
around the country. These people have gotten drunk on
power and have become addicted to this heady booze.
Their statism, their elitism, their arrogance, their contempt
and disdain for the Constitution, for We The People, and
for our way of life have made them as a political party
completely unfit to govern at any level of government.
This is why we have a Tea Party movement. This is why
we as a nation are taking more interest in governmental
affairs, and are becoming more active in the electoral
process. And this is why we shall carry out our duty as
informed, responsible citizens charged with preserving
our freedom as a free people and FIRE THESE ELITIST
PIGS IN 2012!!!

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