On January 5, the 112th Congress opened for business
--- the tending to of the business of the American people.
And to show that they, for their part, mean business, new
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and some other
House members --- including a few Democrats(!) ---
read aloud the Constitution of the United States. Omit-
ting only the parts superseded by later amendments, i.e.
the amendment creating prohibition in the 1920s, the new
House delegation wanted to demonstrate its new com-
mitment to the principles of this historic document, the
prescription for governance of our great nation. The
Senate, still in Democrat hands though with a smaller
Dem majority, held no such event.
The new Republican House majority also promised to
include a constitutional justification for all legislation.
That's "all" as in ALL. This on top of a statement of a
compact drafted just before the election in November,
which your faithful Peasant hopes will not go the way
of the 1994 Contract With America.
Your principled Peasant says to the new GOP class,
congratulations on winning the House and narrowing
the Democrats' advantage in the Senate. You have a
very ambitious program coupled with the promise of
a constitutional underpinning. Please carry it out, for
the sake of us all. You were given a second chance so
astonishingly soon after you blew it in 2006 and 2008.
You MUST demonstrate that the Republican Party is
truly the party of constitutional principles, which in-
cludes establishing and maintaining limited government.
Live within your means, as must we all, both government
at all levels and the people, their families and their
enterprises. No more so-called "stimulus packages"!
No more crazy spending on anything! If you say you're
going to do something, back up your words with action.
No pie-crust promises, no sweetheart deals for your pals,
just open, restrained, common-sense governing. Do this
and you'll be the saviors of our nation. Fail, and we shall
never recover.
Our best wishes and hopes are with you, and our eyes are
upon you!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The RNC Makes a Smart Choice
Great news, my treasured readers! Reince Priebus is
the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee!
The conservative rising star from The Badger State beat
out incumbent Michael Steele and a handful of other
opponents in the RNC's election on Friday January 14
when Steele withdrew after the fourth ballot, throwing
his support to one of the other candidates. Now the
GOP is cooking with gas again!
Your jubilant Peasant wants to congratulate Wisconsin
Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus on his
epic victory. As a principled conservative, Reince,
I know you'll do a fantastic job as the new RNC
chief! Your victory is an important step in reclaiming
the Republican Party from the establishment smoothies,
bringing the party back to the political principles which
made it successful in the 1980s when Ronald Reagan
was elected President at the crest of the first conserva-
tive tide to sweep the land. This time the tide will be
bigger and more energetic with your helming the fund-
raising efforts and ensuring that federal lawmakers and
candidates for national office will adhere to these very
principles that the GOP should never have strayed from.
God bless you and your work, Reince. The Peasant and
his Pitchfork stand behind you, as do my fellow Tea Party
activists, many of whom comprise my blog's readership.
I know you'll be successful in your duties. The RNC
made a smart choice, something it hasn't done very
often in recent years.
the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee!
The conservative rising star from The Badger State beat
out incumbent Michael Steele and a handful of other
opponents in the RNC's election on Friday January 14
when Steele withdrew after the fourth ballot, throwing
his support to one of the other candidates. Now the
GOP is cooking with gas again!
Your jubilant Peasant wants to congratulate Wisconsin
Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus on his
epic victory. As a principled conservative, Reince,
I know you'll do a fantastic job as the new RNC
chief! Your victory is an important step in reclaiming
the Republican Party from the establishment smoothies,
bringing the party back to the political principles which
made it successful in the 1980s when Ronald Reagan
was elected President at the crest of the first conserva-
tive tide to sweep the land. This time the tide will be
bigger and more energetic with your helming the fund-
raising efforts and ensuring that federal lawmakers and
candidates for national office will adhere to these very
principles that the GOP should never have strayed from.
God bless you and your work, Reince. The Peasant and
his Pitchfork stand behind you, as do my fellow Tea Party
activists, many of whom comprise my blog's readership.
I know you'll be successful in your duties. The RNC
made a smart choice, something it hasn't done very
often in recent years.
Related articles
- Reince Priebus elected new RNC chairman (firstread.msnbc.msn.com)
- Reince Priebus fires 2012 GOP staff (rightpundits.com)
- G.O.P. Leader's Promise: Humility and Hard Work (nytimes.com)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tragedy in Tuscon
On Saturday, January 8, tragedy paid a call
on Tuscon, Arizona. That morning outside
of a supermarket a gunman opened fire,
killing six people and wounding thirteen
others. One of the wounded was newly
re-elected U.S. Representative Gabrielle
"gabby" Giffords, whose district includes
Tuscon. Giffords was shot in the head, and
is currently fighting for her life. Among
the dead are U.S. District Court Judge John
Roll, a friend of Rep. Giffords who stopped
by to say hello while she met with her cons-
tituents; Gabe Zimmerman, an aide to the
congresswoman; and nine-year-old Christina
Greene, who was recently elected to her
elementary school's student council and was
looking forward to meeting Rep. Giffords.
According to Pima County Sheriff Clarence
Dupnik, Giffords was the target of a 22-year
old man with a history of mental instability.
It is believed that the gunman had an accom-
plice, and that person is being sought by the
law. But Dupnik went on to blame what he
termed the "vitriolic rhetoric" in our politics,
making no bones about whom he held respon-
sible for it: "When you look at unbalanced
people, how they respond to the vitriol that
comes out of certain mouths about tearing
down the government ... The anger, the hatred,
the bigotry that goes on in this country is get-
ting to be outrageous, ... and unfortunately,
Arizona I think has become the capital. We
have become the mecca for prejudice and
Time for an examination of the facts, my
wonderful readers. The gunman, Jared Lee
Laughner, seemed to have been mentally
unravelling since he was in the tenth grade,
according to some of his high school class-
mates who socialized with him. No one
found Laughner to be especially political,
though he was openly critical of then-Pres-
ident George W. Bush. After breaking up
with his girlfriend his behavior became
increasingly bizarre. Laughner turned to
drugs and dropped out of high school after
eleventh grade. He then was arrested on
numerous charges including possession
of drugs and drug paraphernalia and tagging
(painting graffiti). He read and kept copies
of Mein Kampf and The Communist Mani-
festo. He claimed that the government was
brainwashing people and controlling their
minds. He posted bizarre messages on his
Facebook page, some of which supposedly
gave clues as to his intentions regarding Rep.
Giffords. He also posted a series of videos
on YouTube since late November spewing
anger at the government and the Constitution.
But with all the facts gathered and the infor-
mation given by Laughner's high school class-
mates and teachers, there was nothing connect-
ing Laughner to the Republican Party, the Tea
Party, or to conservative politics despite the
political grandstanding of Sheriff Dupnik.
Rep. Giffords was a "blue dog" democrat; a
moderate who sometimes supported thing
opposed by the liberal wing of her party, i.e.
the right of citizens to possess firearms; she
is a member of the National Rifle Association
(NRA). The main beef that conservatives had
with Giffords was her voting for the passage
of the Obama Health Care bill. However, she
enjoyed the respect and admiration of Repub-
licans as well as Democrats, and of conserva-
tives as well as liberals. Judge Roll was a
staunch conservative and a respected jurist
who was appointed to the federal bench by
President George W. Bush. Roll was known
for his toughness with criminal defendants,
especially illegal immigrants who crossed
into Arizona from Mexico.
These are very odd targets for assassination
by someone allegedly swayed by the rhetoric
of conservative activists wanting tighter
border security and a stop to infringement
by the government upon individual liberty,
wouldn't you say? But then, committed
lefties like Sheriff Dupnik don't like to
confuse the issues with the facts; that just
make things more complicated, you see.
Left-wingers have been trying with increa-
sing desperation to brand the Tea Party and
conservatives in general as hateful, racist,
violence-prone radicals so as to silence
their main opposition and have the political
field to themselves. Sheriff Dupnik must
have been thinking of President Obama's
former Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel's
advice to "never let a crisis go to waste",
especially, it seems, to demonize your
As far as vitriolic rhetoric is concerned,
it is the Left which openly hopes for illness,
injury, and death for conservatives; remem-
ber when left-wing journalist Julianne Mal-
veaux publicly wished for conservative U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to
eat lots of eggs and other cholesterol-laden
food and die from a heart attack? It is the
Left which hurls racial and sexual epithets
at conservatives of color and of the female
gender; talk to conservative columnist (and
woman of Filipino descent) Michelle Malkin
about the hateful, slur-loaded e-mail and
phone calls she gets on a very regular basis,
not to mention the death threats that she and
her family have received over the years.
It is the Left which proclaims their hatred of
we conservatives, we Tea Party activists, yet
they accuse us of "hate speech". They tell us
"moderate your views" and move to the center
of the political spectrum. They tell us to "tone
down the rhetoric" while they crank up their
own in volume and poisonous content. Your
faithful Peasant is mighty sick of these hyp-
pocritical bullies accusing us on the Right of
doing the very things that they themselves do,
aren't you? In this blog we shall call the scum-
bags on their transgressions and rank hypocrisy,
while continuing to speak up for what we want
to have, which is limited, constitutional govern-
ment and respect, not contempt, for the people
and their wishes. We shall NOT be bullied into
Meanwhile, my dear readers, let us keep Rep.
Giffords and the rest of the wounded in our
prayers, along with their families and friends.
We wish the wounded a speedy and complete
recovery and comfort for those near and dear
to them in this harrowing time. We also wish
Judge Roll, little Christina Greene and the rest
of the dead peaceful repose, and comfort to
their near and dear as well. Finally, we pray
for justice to be served concerning the trial
of the crazed gunman who caused great pain
and suffering all around.
on Tuscon, Arizona. That morning outside
of a supermarket a gunman opened fire,
killing six people and wounding thirteen
others. One of the wounded was newly
re-elected U.S. Representative Gabrielle
"gabby" Giffords, whose district includes
Tuscon. Giffords was shot in the head, and
is currently fighting for her life. Among
the dead are U.S. District Court Judge John
Roll, a friend of Rep. Giffords who stopped
by to say hello while she met with her cons-
tituents; Gabe Zimmerman, an aide to the
congresswoman; and nine-year-old Christina
Greene, who was recently elected to her
elementary school's student council and was
looking forward to meeting Rep. Giffords.
According to Pima County Sheriff Clarence
Dupnik, Giffords was the target of a 22-year
old man with a history of mental instability.
It is believed that the gunman had an accom-
plice, and that person is being sought by the
law. But Dupnik went on to blame what he
termed the "vitriolic rhetoric" in our politics,
making no bones about whom he held respon-
sible for it: "When you look at unbalanced
people, how they respond to the vitriol that
comes out of certain mouths about tearing
down the government ... The anger, the hatred,
the bigotry that goes on in this country is get-
ting to be outrageous, ... and unfortunately,
Arizona I think has become the capital. We
have become the mecca for prejudice and
Time for an examination of the facts, my
wonderful readers. The gunman, Jared Lee
Laughner, seemed to have been mentally
unravelling since he was in the tenth grade,
according to some of his high school class-
mates who socialized with him. No one
found Laughner to be especially political,
though he was openly critical of then-Pres-
ident George W. Bush. After breaking up
with his girlfriend his behavior became
increasingly bizarre. Laughner turned to
drugs and dropped out of high school after
eleventh grade. He then was arrested on
numerous charges including possession
of drugs and drug paraphernalia and tagging
(painting graffiti). He read and kept copies
of Mein Kampf and The Communist Mani-
festo. He claimed that the government was
brainwashing people and controlling their
minds. He posted bizarre messages on his
Facebook page, some of which supposedly
gave clues as to his intentions regarding Rep.
Giffords. He also posted a series of videos
on YouTube since late November spewing
anger at the government and the Constitution.
But with all the facts gathered and the infor-
mation given by Laughner's high school class-
mates and teachers, there was nothing connect-
ing Laughner to the Republican Party, the Tea
Party, or to conservative politics despite the
political grandstanding of Sheriff Dupnik.
Rep. Giffords was a "blue dog" democrat; a
moderate who sometimes supported thing
opposed by the liberal wing of her party, i.e.
the right of citizens to possess firearms; she
is a member of the National Rifle Association
(NRA). The main beef that conservatives had
with Giffords was her voting for the passage
of the Obama Health Care bill. However, she
enjoyed the respect and admiration of Repub-
licans as well as Democrats, and of conserva-
tives as well as liberals. Judge Roll was a
staunch conservative and a respected jurist
who was appointed to the federal bench by
President George W. Bush. Roll was known
for his toughness with criminal defendants,
especially illegal immigrants who crossed
into Arizona from Mexico.
These are very odd targets for assassination
by someone allegedly swayed by the rhetoric
of conservative activists wanting tighter
border security and a stop to infringement
by the government upon individual liberty,
wouldn't you say? But then, committed
lefties like Sheriff Dupnik don't like to
confuse the issues with the facts; that just
make things more complicated, you see.
Left-wingers have been trying with increa-
sing desperation to brand the Tea Party and
conservatives in general as hateful, racist,
violence-prone radicals so as to silence
their main opposition and have the political
field to themselves. Sheriff Dupnik must
have been thinking of President Obama's
former Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel's
advice to "never let a crisis go to waste",
especially, it seems, to demonize your
As far as vitriolic rhetoric is concerned,
it is the Left which openly hopes for illness,
injury, and death for conservatives; remem-
ber when left-wing journalist Julianne Mal-
veaux publicly wished for conservative U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to
eat lots of eggs and other cholesterol-laden
food and die from a heart attack? It is the
Left which hurls racial and sexual epithets
at conservatives of color and of the female
gender; talk to conservative columnist (and
woman of Filipino descent) Michelle Malkin
about the hateful, slur-loaded e-mail and
phone calls she gets on a very regular basis,
not to mention the death threats that she and
her family have received over the years.
It is the Left which proclaims their hatred of
we conservatives, we Tea Party activists, yet
they accuse us of "hate speech". They tell us
"moderate your views" and move to the center
of the political spectrum. They tell us to "tone
down the rhetoric" while they crank up their
own in volume and poisonous content. Your
faithful Peasant is mighty sick of these hyp-
pocritical bullies accusing us on the Right of
doing the very things that they themselves do,
aren't you? In this blog we shall call the scum-
bags on their transgressions and rank hypocrisy,
while continuing to speak up for what we want
to have, which is limited, constitutional govern-
ment and respect, not contempt, for the people
and their wishes. We shall NOT be bullied into
Meanwhile, my dear readers, let us keep Rep.
Giffords and the rest of the wounded in our
prayers, along with their families and friends.
We wish the wounded a speedy and complete
recovery and comfort for those near and dear
to them in this harrowing time. We also wish
Judge Roll, little Christina Greene and the rest
of the dead peaceful repose, and comfort to
their near and dear as well. Finally, we pray
for justice to be served concerning the trial
of the crazed gunman who caused great pain
and suffering all around.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Mending the GOP
Happy New Year everybody!
The new year begins with a makeover in Congress, as well as
many state legislatures and governorships. The party which
won these offices is getting a makeover too. The Republican
National Committee Chairmanship is up for grabs, and current
chairman Michael Steele is being challenged by four candidates
in the wake of a tumultuous and controversial term.
Under Steele's leadership, the Republican Party lost the confi-
dence of many major donors and grassroots activists. The
infamous "boy's night out" in which some party officials
went to a night club which featured scantily-clad female
entertainment, paid for with RNC funds with Steele either
signing off on the outing or at least doing nothing to prevent
it from taking place. Meanwhile, the RNC is saddled with
$15 million in outstanding debts and loans. All this on top
of public missteps by Steele on some sensitive political
topics which have also damaged the credibility of the party
and its national committee chairman.
One of the declared candidates for the RNC top spot is the
man who successfully melded the Tea Party activists in his
state with both state GOP officials and candidates, getting
their mutual cooperation and pooling of resources to stage
an historic takeover of his state's legislature, governorship,
two U.S. House seats and one U.S. Senate seat --- Wisconsin
Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus. For his tremendous
accomplishments alone Priebus should be chosen to be the
RNC Chairman when the committee's 168 members meet to elect
a new chairman or re-elect the current on January 14.
It also helps that he kept drama to a minimum as your faithful
Peasant's home state GOP Chief, in contrast to Michael Steele's
time to date as chairman of the RNC.
For his part, in a recent debate in Washington with his four
challengers for his position, Steele defended his performance
by saying "My record stands for itself --- we won." Yes, the
Republican Party scored a resounding victory in November,
but the credit goes to the Tea Party activists for their amazing
grassroots efforts in selecting and working to elect bona fide
conservative candidates, often clashing with party "old guard"
stuffed shirts to make headway. Chairman Steele kept his distance
from the Tea Party crowd until their candidates began winning
primary after primary, and the governorships of Virginia and
New Jersey, thrashing the old guard network hand-picked
candidates along the way. Then Steele would embrace the
Tea Party folk as members of the family!
In the debate, one of the candidates described the party as
being in crisis, while another claimed that the party was broken;
both are right. The only reason that the Republican Party is
enjoying a resurgence so soon after the whippings it received
in the last two elections is the arrogance and the contempt for
the people on the part of President Obama and his fellow Demo-
crats. The GOP has one shot at redemption, and that is to work
with the Tea Party rather than fight it. New leadership and fresh
activists are critical to building upon the success of 2010, and
Reince Priebus has demonstrated the necessary leadership skills,
managing the Badger State GOPs relationship with the Tea Party
people with diplomatic smoothness and an open mind. This has
not been the case in other states within those state GOP organi-
Priebus declared that the party needs to work well with the Tea
Party activists and with party regulars, and that they did precisely
that in Wisconsin, with fantastic results. Would that the rest of
the GOP officials thought this way!
Whereas the Tea Party made electoral gains in many states, its
greatest success by far was in Wisconsin thanks to state
Republican Chairman Reince Priebus and his tactful leadership.
In other states the Tea Party folk and Republican bigwigs either
clashed unceasingly or they worked together begrudgingly,
thereby preventing them from achieving even bigger gains on
Election Day. It is the fervent hope of your favorite Peasant
that the RNC members will vote to install Reince Priebus as
chairman when they hold their intramural election in just over
a week from now. We need a strong, principled, undivided,
consistent Republican Party in order to take back our govern-
ment from Obama and the Democrats in 2012; the work we did
in 2010 was just the beginning of our campaign to reclaim not
only our government but our country from those who would
transform it into something that we would not recognize nor
would want any part of. Electing Reince Priebus Chairman of
the Republican National Committee would be a step in that
very direction.
The new year begins with a makeover in Congress, as well as
many state legislatures and governorships. The party which
won these offices is getting a makeover too. The Republican
National Committee Chairmanship is up for grabs, and current
chairman Michael Steele is being challenged by four candidates
in the wake of a tumultuous and controversial term.
Under Steele's leadership, the Republican Party lost the confi-
dence of many major donors and grassroots activists. The
infamous "boy's night out" in which some party officials
went to a night club which featured scantily-clad female
entertainment, paid for with RNC funds with Steele either
signing off on the outing or at least doing nothing to prevent
it from taking place. Meanwhile, the RNC is saddled with
$15 million in outstanding debts and loans. All this on top
of public missteps by Steele on some sensitive political
topics which have also damaged the credibility of the party
and its national committee chairman.
One of the declared candidates for the RNC top spot is the
man who successfully melded the Tea Party activists in his
state with both state GOP officials and candidates, getting
their mutual cooperation and pooling of resources to stage
an historic takeover of his state's legislature, governorship,
two U.S. House seats and one U.S. Senate seat --- Wisconsin
Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus. For his tremendous
accomplishments alone Priebus should be chosen to be the
RNC Chairman when the committee's 168 members meet to elect
a new chairman or re-elect the current on January 14.
It also helps that he kept drama to a minimum as your faithful
Peasant's home state GOP Chief, in contrast to Michael Steele's
time to date as chairman of the RNC.
For his part, in a recent debate in Washington with his four
challengers for his position, Steele defended his performance
by saying "My record stands for itself --- we won." Yes, the
Republican Party scored a resounding victory in November,
but the credit goes to the Tea Party activists for their amazing
grassroots efforts in selecting and working to elect bona fide
conservative candidates, often clashing with party "old guard"
stuffed shirts to make headway. Chairman Steele kept his distance
from the Tea Party crowd until their candidates began winning
primary after primary, and the governorships of Virginia and
New Jersey, thrashing the old guard network hand-picked
candidates along the way. Then Steele would embrace the
Tea Party folk as members of the family!
In the debate, one of the candidates described the party as
being in crisis, while another claimed that the party was broken;
both are right. The only reason that the Republican Party is
enjoying a resurgence so soon after the whippings it received
in the last two elections is the arrogance and the contempt for
the people on the part of President Obama and his fellow Demo-
crats. The GOP has one shot at redemption, and that is to work
with the Tea Party rather than fight it. New leadership and fresh
activists are critical to building upon the success of 2010, and
Reince Priebus has demonstrated the necessary leadership skills,
managing the Badger State GOPs relationship with the Tea Party
people with diplomatic smoothness and an open mind. This has
not been the case in other states within those state GOP organi-
Priebus declared that the party needs to work well with the Tea
Party activists and with party regulars, and that they did precisely
that in Wisconsin, with fantastic results. Would that the rest of
the GOP officials thought this way!
Whereas the Tea Party made electoral gains in many states, its
greatest success by far was in Wisconsin thanks to state
Republican Chairman Reince Priebus and his tactful leadership.
In other states the Tea Party folk and Republican bigwigs either
clashed unceasingly or they worked together begrudgingly,
thereby preventing them from achieving even bigger gains on
Election Day. It is the fervent hope of your favorite Peasant
that the RNC members will vote to install Reince Priebus as
chairman when they hold their intramural election in just over
a week from now. We need a strong, principled, undivided,
consistent Republican Party in order to take back our govern-
ment from Obama and the Democrats in 2012; the work we did
in 2010 was just the beginning of our campaign to reclaim not
only our government but our country from those who would
transform it into something that we would not recognize nor
would want any part of. Electing Reince Priebus Chairman of
the Republican National Committee would be a step in that
very direction.
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