Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

To all my wonderful, fabulous, fantastic readers:

Your favorite Peasant wishes each of you & yours
a very joyous, prosperous, bright and beautiful
Happy New Year! 2012 will be an exciting year
for us, as we shall have our presidential election
in November in which we shall complete the work
from 2010 and reclaim our country's government,
and with it our future, from those who want to make
us into at best another Europe, at worst ...

So let us all be merry and bright, for we have much
to look forward to in the brand new year! Let us
be cool and confident in the face of the tumult which
lies ahead, for we have nothing to fear; we shall
attract that which we want to bring about for our
country and for ourselves by focusing on our
desire, and to paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi,
we shall be the change that we want to see!

God bless you all!


Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Your favorite Peasant wishes you, my wonderful readers,
a very Merry Christmas! I'll be taking the final fortnight of
the year off to enjoy the joyous season and will return to
you in the first week of the new year.

Let's put the following item on our Christmas lists
to give to Santa Claus: a new president! One with
the following features:

*Can talk without the aid of a teleprompter.

*Can look us in the eye and tell us the truth about
how things are going in our country, and what he/she
is doing to make things better for us.

*Listens to what we have to say, not ignore us,
talk down to us, nor insult us.

*Talks up our great country at home and abroad
(especially the latter!), not put our country down
and apologize to the world for us.

*Will not wage class war to divide us, but will
praise job creators and their efforts to employ us
and to grow our economy, uniting us in prosperity.

and, finally:

*Won't run away to a golf course when things
get tough!

Now that would be a wonderful Christmas gift
for us, wouldn't it? May all your Christmas wishes,
hopes, and dreams come true for you and your loved
ones! God bless you all!

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Campaign 2012: We Review Ron Paul

Today we shall take a peek at presidential candidate Ron Paul
and his candidacy. A U.S. representative from Texas and a pre-
vious candidate for the presidency, as a Republican and as a
Libertarian, Paul is a unique individual who brings a unique per-
spective to the Republican field of White House contenders and
to the presidential race itself.


Ronald Ernest Paul was born on August 20, 1935 in Pittsburg,
Pennsylvania, to parents Howard Caspar Paul and Margaret
(nee' Dumont) Paul. His paternal great-grandparents came to
the United States from Germany, and Ron Paul's mother was
of German and Irish heritage. After graduating from suburban
Dormont High School, Paul received a B.S. degree in biology
from Gettysburg State College in 1957. He next earned a Doctor
of Medicine degree at Duke University in 1961. Having married
his wife, Carolyn, in this period of his life, they relocated to
Michigan where Paul would complete his medical internship at
the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, following that with serving
as a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force from 1963
to 1965 and in the United States Air National Guard from 1965
to 1968.

After leaving the military, the Pauls relocated to Texas where Dr.
Paul established his private medical practice, specializing in
obstetrics and gynaecology. In his medical practice, Ron Paul
regularly lowered his fees or provided his services free of
charge, refusing to accept Medicaid or Medicare payments.
Since his election to Congress, Paul has also refused to sign
up for the government pension that members of Congress
receive, saying that it would be "hypocritical and immoral"
to do so.

While a medical resident, Ron Paul read Friedrich Hayek's
The Road to Serfdom, which led him to study the books
of Ludwig Von Mises and Ayn Rand, who like Hayek
had influenced supporters of free economic markets and
small government. When President Richard Nixon imple-
mented the final steps to divorcing the U.S. dollar from the
gold standard, the young physician decided to enter the
realm of politics, saying in subsequent years "After that
day, all money would be political money rather than money
of real value. I was astounded." Paul joined the Republican
Party, becoming a delegate to the Texas Republican
convention and a Republican candidate for the U.S. House
of Representatives. The year Paul first ran for that office he
lost to incumbent Democrat Rep. Robert R. Casey.
However, President Gerald Ford appointed Casey to the
post of Director of the Federal Maritime Commission,
and Paul ran again in a special election to fill the vacant
office in April 1976, this time winning. In his quest to
win a full term Paul lost the seat to Democrat Robert
Gammage in a very tight race, missing out by just under
300 votes (0.2%), but winning back the office in a
rematch with Gammage two years later. His successful
campaign in the rematch with Gammage was due to his
popularity with the district's mothers, Gammage averred:
"I had real difficulty down in Brazoria County, where he
(Paul) practiced, because he delivered half the babies
in the county. There were only two obstetricians in the
county, and the other one was his partner."

Dr. Ron Paul served in Congress in three different periods
comprising 12 two-year terms: from 1976-77, then from
1979-85, and from 1997 to the present. Paul announced
that he would not be seeking another term in the U.S.
House in 2012 in order for him to concentrate his efforts
on his campaign for the presidency. During his years in
Congress, Paul opposed President Jimmy Carter's draft
reinstatement proposal, blasting his fellow Republicans
for favoring it, accusing them of being "more interested
in registering their children than they were their guns."
He also proposed legislation to cut Congressional pay
by the rate of inflation, initiated a "think tank", the
Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (FREE)
which has published books, monographs, and a monthly
newsletter, Ron Paul's Freedom Report, which touts
the principles of limited government. Serving on the
House Banking Committee, Paul has been a constant
critic of the Federal Reserve, in recent years calling
for an audit of the organization and its findings to be
made public. Paul also blasted what he saw as banking
mismanagement, blaming it for the savings and loan crisis
of the 1980s.

In 1984 Ron Paul ran for the United States Senate but lost
his party's primary. Paul gave up his House seat to run for
the Senate. In the 1988 presidential election, he left the
GOP to be the Libertarian Party's candidate for the White
House, getting on the ballot in 46 states and scoring third
in the popular vote with 432,179 votes (0.5%). Paul stated
that his presidential campaign was to promote his libertarian
ideas, speaking often before school and college audiences,
saying "We're just as interested in the future generation as
this election. These kids will vote eventually, and maybe,
just maybe, they'll go home and talk to their parents."
He also said that the youngsters are the ones who would
inherit the nation's debt and pay the bills, so it was vital
that he reach out to them with his message.

Following the 1988 presidential election, Ron Paul returned
to his medical practice in Texas. He also owned a coin
dealership for twelve years, Ron Paul Coins, and spoke
at the American Numismatic Association's 1988 conven-
tion. Paul sought the Republican nomination for the 2008
presidential race, twelve years after regaining his old House
seat, losing to eventual nominee U.S. Sen. John McCain.
He continued to make appearances at conservative events,
such as addressing the 2009 Conservative Political Action
Committee. Again seeking the GOP nod for a White House
run, Ron Paul is showing the country why he is one of the
most principled, consistent, and disciplined public servants
in politics; long ago, Paul proclaimed that he would "never
vote for legislation unless the measure is expressly author-
ized by the Constitution." While in Congress he made good
on his vow, and shows every indication that he would
continue along this path if elected our next president.


Rep. Paul has been described by many as a Constitution-
alist, and is thought of in that term even more readily
than as a conservative or a libertarian. A look at his
voting record over his years in Congress shows that
this is no hype nor hyperbole. Your studious Peasant
is hard-pressed to find a member of either chamber of
Congress, in either political party, who applies the test
of constitutionality more rigorously to legislation than
Ron Paul!

Paul supports free trade, and distinguishes between true
free trade and what he terms the "managed trade" given
us by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The latter have
only sent many of our country's jobs to other countries while
getting nothing in return, except an ever-growing trade
deficit. He supports the U.S. leaving the United Nations
and voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which auth-
orized the construction of a fence along our southern
border where many illegal immigrants had crossed over
to enter our country. As a member of Congress, Paul never
voted to raise taxes or for a budget deficit. Paul also has
opposed the PATRIOT Act, the legislation which was
supposed to provide for better protection against terrorist
threats but has infringed upon some rights of American
citizens, especially when travelling by plane even on
domestic flights. In addition, Paul opposes any national ID
card, the draft, and the War on Drugs, the third item because
of infringements on some rights enjoyed by Americans as
well as the loss of many brave law enforcement people for
nothing, as drugs have reached into every part of our society.
And on the issue of abortion Ron Paul is solidly and unapolo-
getically pro-life. There's a lot to like about Ron Paul for
conservatives, especially those in Tea Party circles.


Although Ron Paul certainly rings conservative chimes with
his stands on fiscal and social matters, his foreign policy
ideas have left many on the right bewildered. Many conser-
vatives find his war alternatives, such as Letters of Marque
and Reprisal against specific terrorist groups to be too small
in scope to be effective as they believe that the governments
of the countries where the terrorists base themselves should
face reprisals as well for harboring them. Paul's opposition
to the War in Iraq also drew criticism from conservative
quarters, as it was widely believed on the right that Saddam
Hussein was connected to some terrorist groups and may have
had weapons of mass destruction on Iraqi soil. While it
may always be a matter for debate as to these two beliefs,
it is certainly clear that Saddam waged chemical war on the
Kurds and some other groups in Iraq who were opposed
to his reign, and may have planned to do the same to foes
outside Iraq's borders. Moreover, either rightly or wrongly,
Ron Paul is perceived to be too dovish on foreign policy
concerning the Middle East and Afghanistan. Paul is thought
of as being a Republican on economic matters and a
Democrat on foreign policy. Your rigorous Peasant also
is perplexed by this dichotomy.


Ron Paul is, in many ways, historically reminiscent of the
founding fathers and their ideas for the conduct of the United
States in fiscal and foreign policy. Although some conserva-
tives find him either naive or weak on the latter, Paul does
make up for this perception with his strong stand on border
security and illegal immigration. Paul is every inch the
champion of limited, constitutionally proscribed government
that would certainly be welcome at this critical juncture in
our country's existence. The concerns that many right-of-
center folks hold regarding his foreign policy ideas will
prove to be a stumbling block to Paul's winning the GOP
presidential nomination, but if Ron Paul were to pull off
the trick (and achieve one of the biggest political upsets
in American history) he would prove very tough to beat
for President Obama.


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Campaign 2012: We Review Rick Perry

The latest Republican presidential hopeful whom we shall
review is Texas Governor Rick Perry. His state's Lieuten-
ant Governor when George W. Bush was Governor, and
therefore Bush's successor when Bush was elected Presi-
dent in 2000, Perry declared his candidacy for our nation's
top job earlier this year and has made a big initial impact.


Republican politician Rick Perry was born on March 4, 1950
in tiny Paint Creek, Texas to ranchers Joseph Ray Perry and
his wife Amelia June Holt Perry. His father was also the
county commissioner for Haskell County and introduced his
son to politics at an early age. In his boyhood, Perry was
active in the Boy Scouts, making the level of Eagle Scout.
After graduating from Paint Creek High School in 1968
Perry attended Texas A&M University, where he was an
ROTC cadet and a male cheerleader for the school's sports
teams. Upon graduation in 1972 with an bachelor's degree in
animal science, Perry was commissioned an officer in the
Air Force where he completed pilot training and flew C-130
tactical airlift until 1977, when he mustered out as a captain
and returned to Texas. There, he joined his father in the
cotton farming business.

Rick Perry's first campaign for political office was in 1984 when
he was elected to the Texas House of Representatives as a
Democrat. During his three two-year terms in office he backed
Al Gore for the presidency in 1988, serving as chairman of his
campaign in Texas. Being a conservative Democrat and uncom-
fortable with the party's leftward march, Perry switched to the
Republican Party in 1989. In 1990 Perry challenged Jim High-
tower, the incumbent Agricultural Commissioner and a powerful
Democrat in Texas politics, winning the post. He would hold
that office until 1998 when Perry was elected Lieutenant
Governor, ascending to the governorship upon George W.
Bush's election to become President of the United States
in 2000.

A conservative, Rick Perry promotes his social conservatism
above the rest of the political areas in which he also takes a
conservative stand. While Texas' governor he backed a
successful drive to amend the Texas Constitution to prohibit
same-sex marriage, as well as to not recognize such unions.
Strongly opposed to abortion, Perry also signed both parental
notification and parental consent legislation for minors seeking
abortion into law. He gained national attention in 2003 for
signing into law Texas' Prenatal Protection Act, which is
explicit in its inclusion of fetuses in its definition of human
life. Perry gained further nation-wide limelight by attracting
the support of many Tea Party activists for his unvarnished
social conservatism, which was highlighted by his promotion
of "The Response USA", an Evangelical Christian prayer
rally that he co-sponsored with the American Family Associ-
ation this year. Perry himself is a lifelong Methodist.

Rick Perry married his boyhood sweetheart, Anita Thigpen,
and have two grown children, Sydney and Griffin.


Governor Perry is a stout, unapologetic conservative. As such,
he stands out from a field which has some GOP nomination
aspirants that show ambiguousity in their own conservatism.
As Texas' governor Perry has held the line on taxes, cutting
both taxes and spending. His fiscal discipline has brought a
turnaround in job numbers for Texans, with the creation of new
jobs as well as the relocation of jobs from higher-taxed states.
Perry's being governor of one of the most populous states
in the country also has at least somewhat prepared him for
how he must function if elected President. And with many
polls showing a swing in American opinion to the pro-life
side of the issue of abortion, Perry's pro-life bona fides
serve him well. And the derision he receives from the
establishment crowd and the so-called mainstream media
are fueling an increase in support from conservative


Rick Perry has proven to be a disaster in debates, going
by his participation in the GOP debates thus far. Perry
even admits his lack of debating prowess, making self-
deprecating jokes about it in interviews. Sometimes he
suffers a "brain fart", if you'll pardon your favorite Peasant
for this observation, when he is in a debate or an interview.
This has made for some painful gaffes. More worrysome,
however, is his joining the American Family Association
in sponsorship of the prayer rally earlier in the year. The
AFA is a heavily fundamentalist religious group headed
by Bryan Fischer, a controversial firebrand evangelical
figure who wanted to have only Christians attend the
rally; no one from any other faiths, just Christians, and
evangelical/fundamentalist ones at that. Some say that
Fischer and the AFA are part of the Dominionist Move-
ment, a fundamentalist effort to remake the law and
society of our country along strict fundamentalist
religious lines. Picture American mullahs not in white
robes and turbans but fancy three-piece suits. There
is an awareness of this movement among more than
a few disapproving conservatives who, while being
informed by their religious faiths, do not make their
politics correspond to same, and do not want to be
governed by anyone who does make their politics
so correspond. Your faithful Peasant shares this
concern. The $64,000 question: does Rick Perry
share the Dominionist outlook for our country
and its future?


Governor Rick Perry may be an unabashed conservative,
which is refreshing to see, but he may have some views
and ideas which many conservatives could not and would
not go along with. We conservatives do not want statism 
in ANY form; not secular nor religious, not socialist nor
theocratic. Perry has to make himself clear on what his
priorities regarding such are. And why can't his handlers
get him a debate coach?


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