To my faithful, wonderful, indefatigueable readers,
your favorite Peasant wishes each and every one
of you a beautiful, blessed, enjoyable, safe, fun-
filled, happy 4th of July!
Let us celebrate our grand country's birthday with
fireworks, brass bands (and some other bands as
well), picnics, fun in the sun, and gratitude for
living in our free, strong and proud land! May she
have many many more birthdays to come!
God Bless America!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
An Unfortunate, But Not Permanent Setback
The Supreme Court ruled today that the controversial
individual mandate clause in the national health care
reform law, known widely as Obamacare, passes
constitutional muster. As far as the court is concerned,
the federal government can force people to purchase
health insurance after all. If left to stand, this will
prove to be a terrible precedent.
But the court ruled that this is so not through the
Commerce Clause in the Constitution, but through
Congress' powers to tax; therefore the court ruled
that the mandate can stand if it is in the form of a
tax in a 5-4 ruling. This ruling upholds the entire
Affordable Care Act, a/k/a Obamacare, with an
exception made for the federal government's power
to terminate state's Medicaid funds if the states opt
out of expanding Medicaid.
As this is a very new ruling, time must be alotted to
read and review this ruling on the controversial
health care legislation so as to determine its net
effect on us. Therefore, your diligent Peasant shall
refrain from further comment on the points of the
ruling until a later time. But I shall state my shock,
disappointment, and disgust with Supreme Court
Chief Justice John Roberts, a supposed conservative
appointed to the court by President Geoge W. Bush,
for siding with the court's liberal contingent and even
writing the court's opinion. You read that right,
Justice Roberts has swung over to support this
travesty. I'll have more to say on Justice Roberts
later on as well.
But for now, just know that this battle is not over,
not by any means. We the People can toss this
awful law on the scrap heap, along with those who
have perpetrated this socialistic power-play upon us
when we go to the polls in November. We shall vote
Mitt Romney, an admittedly flawed candidate in many
ways but better than the incumbent, into the White House
and we shall give him a Republican-led Senate to assist
him and the GOP-held House in tossing out this farce!
So keep the faith, friends. We lost this round but we'll
win the fight! The Constitution and liberty shall prevail!
individual mandate clause in the national health care
reform law, known widely as Obamacare, passes
constitutional muster. As far as the court is concerned,
the federal government can force people to purchase
health insurance after all. If left to stand, this will
prove to be a terrible precedent.
But the court ruled that this is so not through the
Commerce Clause in the Constitution, but through
Congress' powers to tax; therefore the court ruled
that the mandate can stand if it is in the form of a
tax in a 5-4 ruling. This ruling upholds the entire
Affordable Care Act, a/k/a Obamacare, with an
exception made for the federal government's power
to terminate state's Medicaid funds if the states opt
out of expanding Medicaid.
As this is a very new ruling, time must be alotted to
read and review this ruling on the controversial
health care legislation so as to determine its net
effect on us. Therefore, your diligent Peasant shall
refrain from further comment on the points of the
ruling until a later time. But I shall state my shock,
disappointment, and disgust with Supreme Court
Chief Justice John Roberts, a supposed conservative
appointed to the court by President Geoge W. Bush,
for siding with the court's liberal contingent and even
writing the court's opinion. You read that right,
Justice Roberts has swung over to support this
travesty. I'll have more to say on Justice Roberts
later on as well.
But for now, just know that this battle is not over,
not by any means. We the People can toss this
awful law on the scrap heap, along with those who
have perpetrated this socialistic power-play upon us
when we go to the polls in November. We shall vote
Mitt Romney, an admittedly flawed candidate in many
ways but better than the incumbent, into the White House
and we shall give him a Republican-led Senate to assist
him and the GOP-held House in tossing out this farce!
So keep the faith, friends. We lost this round but we'll
win the fight! The Constitution and liberty shall prevail!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Let Us Savor Our Victory (While We Prepare for the Presidential Election)
Your beloved Peasant is still walking on air over the grand victory
we achieved here in Wisconsin on June 5, in which we thwarted
the recall effort waged by the pitiful left-wing faction that couldn't
bear the thought that the people of the Badger State would
elect a courageous, selfless, and principled candidate for governor
so they thought that they could throw out the results of a fair and
proper election by having another go at Scott Walker, running the
same candidate that they ran in that prior election. It was a
glorious victory for fiscal sanity, for responsive and responsible
government, and for true democracy.
But The Peasant needs to take a little time off to take care of some
other matters which are taking priority at present. I shall be back
with you, my beloved readers, in a week or two. Meanwhile, let
us savor our historic victory in the Wisconsin recall election but
also prepare for our battle to defeat President Barack Obama
in November when he tries for a second term in the White House.
And there's the Senate to reclaim from the Democrats as well.
In the weeks to come, we shall focus on the issues which will be
of primary concern in the presidential campaign and determine
the best course of action to champion our side of this list and
to aid the all-but-official Republican nominee Mitt Romney in
his quest to wrest the presidency from the most radical president
to ever occupy that high office. And we'll examine some other
political and economic issues as well. Also, I'll share about the
latest activities in which I am becoming involved in, making your
active Peasant even more so over the course of this summer.
Many thanks to you all, and enjoy this historic day which is
Flag Day --- the anniversary of the adoption of one of our
country's grand symbols. God bless!
we achieved here in Wisconsin on June 5, in which we thwarted
the recall effort waged by the pitiful left-wing faction that couldn't
bear the thought that the people of the Badger State would
elect a courageous, selfless, and principled candidate for governor
so they thought that they could throw out the results of a fair and
proper election by having another go at Scott Walker, running the
same candidate that they ran in that prior election. It was a
glorious victory for fiscal sanity, for responsive and responsible
government, and for true democracy.
But The Peasant needs to take a little time off to take care of some
other matters which are taking priority at present. I shall be back
with you, my beloved readers, in a week or two. Meanwhile, let
us savor our historic victory in the Wisconsin recall election but
also prepare for our battle to defeat President Barack Obama
in November when he tries for a second term in the White House.
And there's the Senate to reclaim from the Democrats as well.
In the weeks to come, we shall focus on the issues which will be
of primary concern in the presidential campaign and determine
the best course of action to champion our side of this list and
to aid the all-but-official Republican nominee Mitt Romney in
his quest to wrest the presidency from the most radical president
to ever occupy that high office. And we'll examine some other
political and economic issues as well. Also, I'll share about the
latest activities in which I am becoming involved in, making your
active Peasant even more so over the course of this summer.
Many thanks to you all, and enjoy this historic day which is
Flag Day --- the anniversary of the adoption of one of our
country's grand symbols. God bless!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
An Historic Victory!
Hallelujah! Huzzah! Hooray!
Your overjoyed Peasant is ecstatic about the Recall election
results here in Wisconsin! As you, my beloved Readers have
seen, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker handily defeated Milwau-
kee Mayor Tom Barrett, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch did the
same to Madison firefighter Mahlon Mitchell, and as I post
this piece for you three of the four state senate seats were won
by two incumbent Republican senators and one Republican
Assemblyman running for the vacated senate seat; the remaining
seat, held by Sen. Van Waanggaard, is still undecided, as it is
likely to come under a recount. Waanggaard was initially behind
his Democrat opponent, former Sen. John Lehman (whom he
defeated to win this seat a few years ago) by 773 votes.
If Lehman emerges as the winner of this senate seat from a
district encompassing Racine then the Wisconsin Senate will
fall to the Democrats but not for long --- the district, after
having been redrawn, is now much more republican than it
was prior to the 2010 elections. A state judge ruled that the
seat's district would be under the old map rather than the new,
the consequence being that Lehman would stand a far better
chance in the recall election there. We'll have to wait and see
what the final result will be, but there will be a lot of pressure
placed on the Democrat senators by the invigorated electorate
to work with Gov. Walker in the next legislative session, so
the Dems will not have much chance to disrupt Walker and
the GOP's ongoing economic and fiscal reforms if they do
take back the senate. And in the next statewide election, the
GOP will be heavily favored to win the senate back.
The results of Wisconsin's historic election and the Republicans'
historic victory will be welcome news to governors and legis-
lators in other states who want so very badly to enact similar
reforms, including curtailing public employee unions' power
to in effect keep giving themselves pay and benefit increases,
breaking the backs of taxpayers and chasing away employers
and jobs. These lawmakers will be infused with confidence
that will embolden them to do for their state's economies what
Gov. Walker is doing for Wisconsin; they won't have to fear
the wrath of the unions and their allies at election time because
most of the people in their states will show their gratitude by
coming out in droves for them. They won't lose political
capital; rather, they will gain a wealth of it!
And here in your favorite Peasant's Badger State, Walker's
victory solidifies the state GOP's prospects for quite some
years to come, while dimming those of the Democrats. Mayor
Barrett has now failed on three attempts to be elected gover-
nor; he lost a bid for the Dem's nomination to the last Demo-
crat to hold the office, Jim Doyle, several years ago before
losing to Walker twice, in 2010 and now. The bloom is off
the rose for Barrett's potential to gain a statewide office.
The same fate has snagged former Dane County Executive
Kathleen Falk, who was the union's preference for governor
but lost the Democrat Party's nomination to Mayor Barrett;
in 2006 Falk was the Democrat's nominee for State Attorney
General but lost in the general election to the current incum-
bent, Republican J.B. Van Hollen. In Dane County, where
the capital city of Madison is located, she is a veritable
queen. Outside of Dane County she can't get arrested. Such
is life when you're a Madison left-winger, so far to the left
that you have all but left the country. There are no other Dems
on the scene nor on the horizon that can effectively challenge
Walker in 2014, as the biggest names that they can toss out
are aging career pols currently holding state assembly or
senate seats, as they have done for decades. Any hope for
some fresh blood is virtually nil, as the younger talents in
the party of the donkey are little more than activists who
have worked on some campaigns and worked for some
causes, but have never held office; most have never even
been run for office.
Furthermore, Wisconsin is turning into a red state after having
been blue. Some Democrats in the electorate have stated that
they crossed over to vote for Walker and Kleefisch because
they saw the positive results of their reforms and want to keep
the state going in that direction. These voters may even vote
Republican in the presidential election in November. And
with President Obama's woes weighing down his chances
of winning another term, he can't afford to lose a vital state
such as Wisconsin. Obama and company had a lot riding on
the results of Wisconsin's recall election, and with the results
that manifested Obama has reason to fear precious electoral
votes slipping away from states that had enthusiastically
supported him, such as the Badger State. And with one U.S.
Senate seat from Badgerland in GOP hands and the other
up for grabs with the retirement of Democrat incumbent
Herb Kohl, the Dems could lose the latter along with the
White House. Not a pretty picture for the Democrats.
But the best thing to be taken from the election is this: that
the will of the people will not be denied, their stated pre-
ference regarding whom they want to have lead their state
respected, and the candidates they elected in a fair and square
election shall have their full appointed terms in office before
having to run for office again. These things are to be held
out of the reach of a malcontented, mewling electoral
minority who are angry that they came up short in the
election and are angrier still that the winners are pursuing
policies that they abhor and therefore demand the right to
throw out that election in an almost immediate recall
election. What took place here in Wisconsin is precisely
how our republican representative form of government
should work. The people have a voice in how they are
to be governed, and that voice won't be drowned out by
a noisy, raging bunch of bullies who want what they want
and the hell with everyone else. And we, the people of
Wisconsin, have successfully protected these cherished
May what transpired in Wisconsin two days ago roll over
the entire nation like a mighty wave. Your joyous Peasant
is proud to be a Wisconsinite, and is also proud to be an
Your overjoyed Peasant is ecstatic about the Recall election
results here in Wisconsin! As you, my beloved Readers have
seen, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker handily defeated Milwau-
kee Mayor Tom Barrett, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch did the
same to Madison firefighter Mahlon Mitchell, and as I post
this piece for you three of the four state senate seats were won
by two incumbent Republican senators and one Republican
Assemblyman running for the vacated senate seat; the remaining
seat, held by Sen. Van Waanggaard, is still undecided, as it is
likely to come under a recount. Waanggaard was initially behind
his Democrat opponent, former Sen. John Lehman (whom he
defeated to win this seat a few years ago) by 773 votes.
If Lehman emerges as the winner of this senate seat from a
district encompassing Racine then the Wisconsin Senate will
fall to the Democrats but not for long --- the district, after
having been redrawn, is now much more republican than it
was prior to the 2010 elections. A state judge ruled that the
seat's district would be under the old map rather than the new,
the consequence being that Lehman would stand a far better
chance in the recall election there. We'll have to wait and see
what the final result will be, but there will be a lot of pressure
placed on the Democrat senators by the invigorated electorate
to work with Gov. Walker in the next legislative session, so
the Dems will not have much chance to disrupt Walker and
the GOP's ongoing economic and fiscal reforms if they do
take back the senate. And in the next statewide election, the
GOP will be heavily favored to win the senate back.
The results of Wisconsin's historic election and the Republicans'
historic victory will be welcome news to governors and legis-
lators in other states who want so very badly to enact similar
reforms, including curtailing public employee unions' power
to in effect keep giving themselves pay and benefit increases,
breaking the backs of taxpayers and chasing away employers
and jobs. These lawmakers will be infused with confidence
that will embolden them to do for their state's economies what
Gov. Walker is doing for Wisconsin; they won't have to fear
the wrath of the unions and their allies at election time because
most of the people in their states will show their gratitude by
coming out in droves for them. They won't lose political
capital; rather, they will gain a wealth of it!
And here in your favorite Peasant's Badger State, Walker's
victory solidifies the state GOP's prospects for quite some
years to come, while dimming those of the Democrats. Mayor
Barrett has now failed on three attempts to be elected gover-
nor; he lost a bid for the Dem's nomination to the last Demo-
crat to hold the office, Jim Doyle, several years ago before
losing to Walker twice, in 2010 and now. The bloom is off
the rose for Barrett's potential to gain a statewide office.
The same fate has snagged former Dane County Executive
Kathleen Falk, who was the union's preference for governor
but lost the Democrat Party's nomination to Mayor Barrett;
in 2006 Falk was the Democrat's nominee for State Attorney
General but lost in the general election to the current incum-
bent, Republican J.B. Van Hollen. In Dane County, where
the capital city of Madison is located, she is a veritable
queen. Outside of Dane County she can't get arrested. Such
is life when you're a Madison left-winger, so far to the left
that you have all but left the country. There are no other Dems
on the scene nor on the horizon that can effectively challenge
Walker in 2014, as the biggest names that they can toss out
are aging career pols currently holding state assembly or
senate seats, as they have done for decades. Any hope for
some fresh blood is virtually nil, as the younger talents in
the party of the donkey are little more than activists who
have worked on some campaigns and worked for some
causes, but have never held office; most have never even
been run for office.
Furthermore, Wisconsin is turning into a red state after having
been blue. Some Democrats in the electorate have stated that
they crossed over to vote for Walker and Kleefisch because
they saw the positive results of their reforms and want to keep
the state going in that direction. These voters may even vote
Republican in the presidential election in November. And
with President Obama's woes weighing down his chances
of winning another term, he can't afford to lose a vital state
such as Wisconsin. Obama and company had a lot riding on
the results of Wisconsin's recall election, and with the results
that manifested Obama has reason to fear precious electoral
votes slipping away from states that had enthusiastically
supported him, such as the Badger State. And with one U.S.
Senate seat from Badgerland in GOP hands and the other
up for grabs with the retirement of Democrat incumbent
Herb Kohl, the Dems could lose the latter along with the
White House. Not a pretty picture for the Democrats.
But the best thing to be taken from the election is this: that
the will of the people will not be denied, their stated pre-
ference regarding whom they want to have lead their state
respected, and the candidates they elected in a fair and square
election shall have their full appointed terms in office before
having to run for office again. These things are to be held
out of the reach of a malcontented, mewling electoral
minority who are angry that they came up short in the
election and are angrier still that the winners are pursuing
policies that they abhor and therefore demand the right to
throw out that election in an almost immediate recall
election. What took place here in Wisconsin is precisely
how our republican representative form of government
should work. The people have a voice in how they are
to be governed, and that voice won't be drowned out by
a noisy, raging bunch of bullies who want what they want
and the hell with everyone else. And we, the people of
Wisconsin, have successfully protected these cherished
May what transpired in Wisconsin two days ago roll over
the entire nation like a mighty wave. Your joyous Peasant
is proud to be a Wisconsinite, and is also proud to be an
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