Just a few hours ago, at about 3:15 this afternoon,
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke handed in
his resignation to the Milwaukee County Clerk.
Sheriff Clarke's letter of resignation reportedly gave
no reason for his leaving office, although he has
been at one time under consideration for a post in
the Department of Homeland Security early in
President Trump's time in the White House and
reportedly has some other irons in the fire. At the
present time, your diligent Peasant has no
information as to Sheriff Clarke's next position.
But I can tell you this: Sheriff David Clarke is
the best Sheriff that a county can have, even above
the former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona,
Joe Arpaio, a lawman who ignored the orders from
President Obama's Justice Department to ignore
standing law regarding capturing and detaining
illegal immigrants for deportation, resulting in his
being summoned to court where he risked being
sent to prison for his actions --- for following the
law! --- and may well have been so sentenced but
for a pardon from President Trump. Sheriff Clarke
always told it like it was, over the screeching and
screaming of the local Left, which includes but is
not limited to Mayor Thomas Barrett, his puppet
Police Chief Edward Flynn, most of the Milwaukee
Common Council, Milwaukee County Executive
Christopher Abele, and most of the members of
the County Board. What has their BVDs in bunches
regarding our outgoing sheriff are as follows:
1) Sheriff Clarke is a black conservative, a creature
which liberals swear is as nonexistent as the unicorn).
2) Our Sheriff addressed the Conservative Political
Action Committee (CPAC) at its most recent conclave
(left-wingers in Milwaukee, and from around the country,
went ballistic at this audacious act!). This alone caught
the attention of the national media and both major
political parties, those amenable to the sheriff as
well as those hostile.
3) He always took his job and his duties seriously;
Sheriff Clarke always strove to lock up the criminals,
whoever they were, whatever their skin color, whatever
ethnic group, whichever gender gender, whatever gender
preference, ad infintum, ad nauseum. Not paying any
attention to the rules of political correctness and its
pieties, this further cheesed off the local liberal
establishment. In Sheriff Clarke's book, if you broke
the law in Milwaukee County, you were going to be
arrested and brought to justice, no ifs, ands, or buts.
4) Sheriff Clarke endorsed Donald Trump for President
(HORRORS! What must Clarke have been thinking, the
lefties wondered).
5) He made Public Service Announcements urging people
to get firearms training and to keep a gun handy, for the
police and the sheriff's deputies cannot respond quickly
enough to stop a break-in or a situation in which an armed
confrontation is highly likely. Until they can figure out
a way to arrive on the scene at the speed of light, this is
the best way of staying alive when so accosted, much
to the outrage of the criminal-sympathizers on the Left.
6) In election after election, Sheriff Clarke drew broad
support from blacks, whites, Latinos, women, old,
young, inner city dwellers, suburbanites, and other
voting groups; many of these voters are democrats or
are Democrat-leaning, but they all voted their safety.
They realize that if you aren't safe in your community,
in your place of work, in your home, all else is irrelevant.
All other issues take a back seat to your very life.
Wherever Sheriff David Clarke goes from here, your
grateful and appreciative Peasant wishes him nothing but
success. Here is a law enforcement official who could
not be brought, intimidated, threatened, or manipulated
in any way, who was and is the friend of the law-abiding,
decent, good people in our county, placing his fidelity with
same over the self-serving elites in the halls of power and
in the media. Thank you, sir, for your unwavering service.
You shall be missed in my hometown and county.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Keep Texas in Your Prayers
Over this past weekend, coastal Texas was hit by
one of largest and deadliest hurricanes ever recorded.
Hurricane Harvey blasted her coast with winds of
160 miles per hour, and at the time of this posting
is walloping cities and towns as far inland as Houston
with high winds and torrential rain; Houston has already
received 20 inches of rain and 30 more (!) are predicted
before the storm finally runs out of its ferocious energy.
The death toll is starting to climb, entire homes have
been submerged, swept away, or both; a parking garage
has gone completely under the rising waters with many
cars parked in it; people are searching for their families,
their pets, their friends and neighbors; in a nursing home
some residents were found sitting in chairs with the waters
up to their waists. Pets have been abandoned, left to fend
for themselves. A police officer drowned while on his way
to render assistance. Many more harrowing situations
have been happening in this dark real life drama.
It will take months, some say years, for the people of
southern Texas to rebuild their homes, their businesses,
their schools, their churches, their lives. Please keep the
people of this region of Texas in your prayers, and look
up organizations working to give aid and assistance to
them and send them some money, as much as you can
Many people have begun to help, starting with neighbors
helping neighbors, and some people have traveled to the
afflicted areas of the state to do what they can. We can
take comfort in one thing from this living horror; and
it is that the American people are not only generous of
spirit and resources, but have a genuine concern for their
fellow men, women, and children which is our country's
greatest resource by far. This is what will help coastal
Texas to pull through and make its way to a brand new,
better day.
God bless Texas. God bless America.
one of largest and deadliest hurricanes ever recorded.
Hurricane Harvey blasted her coast with winds of
160 miles per hour, and at the time of this posting
is walloping cities and towns as far inland as Houston
with high winds and torrential rain; Houston has already
received 20 inches of rain and 30 more (!) are predicted
before the storm finally runs out of its ferocious energy.
The death toll is starting to climb, entire homes have
been submerged, swept away, or both; a parking garage
has gone completely under the rising waters with many
cars parked in it; people are searching for their families,
their pets, their friends and neighbors; in a nursing home
some residents were found sitting in chairs with the waters
up to their waists. Pets have been abandoned, left to fend
for themselves. A police officer drowned while on his way
to render assistance. Many more harrowing situations
have been happening in this dark real life drama.
It will take months, some say years, for the people of
southern Texas to rebuild their homes, their businesses,
their schools, their churches, their lives. Please keep the
people of this region of Texas in your prayers, and look
up organizations working to give aid and assistance to
them and send them some money, as much as you can
Many people have begun to help, starting with neighbors
helping neighbors, and some people have traveled to the
afflicted areas of the state to do what they can. We can
take comfort in one thing from this living horror; and
it is that the American people are not only generous of
spirit and resources, but have a genuine concern for their
fellow men, women, and children which is our country's
greatest resource by far. This is what will help coastal
Texas to pull through and make its way to a brand new,
better day.
God bless Texas. God bless America.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Shell Frozen Out of Alaska
Royal Dutch Shell has been frozen out of Alaska
for oil exploration, but not because of the weather.
Rather, the regulatory enviornment is leaving the
oil company cold, not the freezing temperatures in
our northernmost state.
Shell reported that a recent exploratory well showed
that although there were some hints of oil there, that
there was not nearly enough to justify further explor-
ation. The costs of such projects is quite steep, and
when the additional costs of the regulatory environment
imposed by Washington in coastal Alaska are factored
in it doesn't seem worthwhile for an oil company to
look for oil there. So Shell is leaving Alaska to focus
its efforts elsewhere, and Alaska's economy and our
nation's energy production will be the worse for this.
Although the federal government finally allowed Shell
to do exploratory drilling in Alaska's Chukchi Sea this
summer, the company had already paid $2.1 billion to
obtain leases there, and now has to go home empty-handed
and with a lighter wallet.
Some of Shell's investors were not sorry to see Shell pack it
in up in Alaska with oil then going for a lower price. They
want Shell to concentrate on smaller, less costly projects which
will be more likely to increase the bottom line. But Shell's
work in Alaska was about the future price of oil, looking
ten years ahead, rather than current markets and prices.
Shell even applied to extend their offshore Alaska leases,
which are due to expire before the end of the decade.
And now Shell will take a cold bath for their venture in
Alaska's frigid waters.
Something more to bear in mind for President Trump.
He is certainly amenable to lightening the regulatory
burden to help us to become energy-independent
and therefore able to tell OPEC to take a hike, as some
hostile nations along with iffy ones make up much of its
membership. That's a good sign, because it's not just our
economy that requires it but our national security as well.
His predecessor seemed not to care much about either.
for oil exploration, but not because of the weather.
Rather, the regulatory enviornment is leaving the
oil company cold, not the freezing temperatures in
our northernmost state.
Shell reported that a recent exploratory well showed
that although there were some hints of oil there, that
there was not nearly enough to justify further explor-
ation. The costs of such projects is quite steep, and
when the additional costs of the regulatory environment
imposed by Washington in coastal Alaska are factored
in it doesn't seem worthwhile for an oil company to
look for oil there. So Shell is leaving Alaska to focus
its efforts elsewhere, and Alaska's economy and our
nation's energy production will be the worse for this.
Although the federal government finally allowed Shell
to do exploratory drilling in Alaska's Chukchi Sea this
summer, the company had already paid $2.1 billion to
obtain leases there, and now has to go home empty-handed
and with a lighter wallet.
Some of Shell's investors were not sorry to see Shell pack it
in up in Alaska with oil then going for a lower price. They
want Shell to concentrate on smaller, less costly projects which
will be more likely to increase the bottom line. But Shell's
work in Alaska was about the future price of oil, looking
ten years ahead, rather than current markets and prices.
Shell even applied to extend their offshore Alaska leases,
which are due to expire before the end of the decade.
And now Shell will take a cold bath for their venture in
Alaska's frigid waters.
Something more to bear in mind for President Trump.
He is certainly amenable to lightening the regulatory
burden to help us to become energy-independent
and therefore able to tell OPEC to take a hike, as some
hostile nations along with iffy ones make up much of its
membership. That's a good sign, because it's not just our
economy that requires it but our national security as well.
His predecessor seemed not to care much about either.
Monday, August 7, 2017
Vacation Time for the Peasant
Friends, your beloved Peasant is having a little vacation
time to travel to visit family out-of-town. But not to worry;
I shall return in a week or two and we'll meet back here
again to pore over the latest news in the realms of politics
and economics, to recognize and reward the heroes and
to uncover and castigate the villains.
Thank you all for your ongoing support and kind indulgence!
In the meantime here are some links to some wonderful online
publications which you're sure to enjoy:
www.investors.com/ Investors Business Daily
(Hey, they have a GREAT editorial page in which they offer up
wonderful, in-depth conservative commentary! And their invest-
ment-related pages are first-rate!)
www.theamericanconservative.com/ The American Conservative
reason.com Reason Magazine
I'll be back before you realize!
time to travel to visit family out-of-town. But not to worry;
I shall return in a week or two and we'll meet back here
again to pore over the latest news in the realms of politics
and economics, to recognize and reward the heroes and
to uncover and castigate the villains.
Thank you all for your ongoing support and kind indulgence!
In the meantime here are some links to some wonderful online
publications which you're sure to enjoy:
www.investors.com/ Investors Business Daily
(Hey, they have a GREAT editorial page in which they offer up
wonderful, in-depth conservative commentary! And their invest-
ment-related pages are first-rate!)
www.theamericanconservative.com/ The American Conservative
reason.com Reason Magazine
I'll be back before you realize!
Thursday, August 3, 2017
States Supporting Life
A wonderful national pro-life organization,
Americans United for Life (AUL) released
its annual "Life List" for the year of 2016,
near that year's conclusion, having
listed the top 10 pro-life states, based on
legislative initiatives created to protect the
lives of unborn babies in their states.
The list also ranks the rest of the states
in descending order from the most protective
states to the least.
The top 10 for 2016 are, in order:
1) Oklahoma
2) Kansas
3) Louisiana
4) Arkansas
5) Mississippi
6) Nebraska
7) Indiana
8) North Dakota
9) Missouri
10) Texas
"The momentum for creating a culture that
respects life in the law increases each year,"
states Charmaine Yost, CEO of AUL. "This
is a historic time for life. More life-affirming
and protective state laws have been enacted
since 2010 than in any similar period since
Roe v. Wade."
Would you, my wonderful readers, like to see
your home states make it into the top 10 of
this list, or at least move up from the bottom
10? Contact your state representatives and
senators, and of course your governors and
get the gears moving for drafting and passing
appropriate legislation for guarding the unborn
from abortion. Stay in touch with them, and
check in regularly with them to see what is
being accomplished. Talk to your friends,
your family members, and your neighbors
to enlist support. It's work that saves lives
and satisfies the soul.
Americans United for Life (AUL) released
its annual "Life List" for the year of 2016,
near that year's conclusion, having
listed the top 10 pro-life states, based on
legislative initiatives created to protect the
lives of unborn babies in their states.
The list also ranks the rest of the states
in descending order from the most protective
states to the least.
The top 10 for 2016 are, in order:
1) Oklahoma
2) Kansas
3) Louisiana
4) Arkansas
5) Mississippi
6) Nebraska
7) Indiana
8) North Dakota
9) Missouri
10) Texas
"The momentum for creating a culture that
respects life in the law increases each year,"
states Charmaine Yost, CEO of AUL. "This
is a historic time for life. More life-affirming
and protective state laws have been enacted
since 2010 than in any similar period since
Roe v. Wade."
Would you, my wonderful readers, like to see
your home states make it into the top 10 of
this list, or at least move up from the bottom
10? Contact your state representatives and
senators, and of course your governors and
get the gears moving for drafting and passing
appropriate legislation for guarding the unborn
from abortion. Stay in touch with them, and
check in regularly with them to see what is
being accomplished. Talk to your friends,
your family members, and your neighbors
to enlist support. It's work that saves lives
and satisfies the soul.
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