Saturday, October 28, 2017

Have a Politically Incorrect Halloween!

So now the lefties are trying to dissuade people from wearing
certain Halloween costumes, dressing up as certain characters
from film and literature because they are somehow offensive
to certain groups of people (never mind that hardly anyone
from said groups have raised even a peep in protest themselves,
for the left-wingers are always happy to speak and act on behalf
of those who are too intellectually feeble to see that they are
being oppressed in some manner. One of their many thoughtful
and compassionate services they provide for such subgroups of
our nation's peasantry!) and therefore must be abolished.

One of these characters not to dress up as, for the aforementioned
reasons given by the PC pinkos, is Moana, the Polynesian girl
heroine in a recent Walt Disney animated movie. Not to fret,
my grand readers, for your loyal Peasant has an idea: encourage
your little girls to dress up as Moana, and you moms, aunties and
cousins, and female friends join in the fun! Don those Moana
costumes and go trick-or-treating together! Perhaps host a Halloween
party and dress as Moana! Heck, go about your daily business
in your Moana get-ups! What a stir you'll cause when you go to
your banks, your grocery stores, your post offices, your schools
to drop off or pick up your children! And any leftists who would
see you will have conniptions and apoplectic attacks galore!
Oh, the joyful fun, playing such an exquisite Halloween trick
on the Left!

And there's other politically incorrect Halloween options for
costumes as well. Choose your favorite character and costume
and you'll be celebrating the day as well as celebrating our

Happy Halloween from your spooky (only to left-wingers)


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Sad Anniversary (and a Sad Observation)

My friends, this post cannot wait until tomorrow.
Normally your faithful Peasant posts on Thursdays,
with exceptions made for a hectic schedule ahead
or for an article which is of such timely importance
that it cannot wait; this post falls under the latter

On this date, October 25, fifteen years ago, a dear friend
of mine who was a member of the United States Senate
and someone who was on the other side of the political
divide died in an airplane crash while on his way to a
tiny Iron Range town in northern Minnesota where he
was to attend the funeral of a supporter and friend;
Senator Paul Wellstone was just 58 and was flying with
his wife and a daughter, all of whom persihed along with
the pilot in their small chartered airplane. I met Paul
when he was meeting with his constituents at the
Minnesota State Fair (I lived in Minnesota at the time),
and we became fast friends despite being politically
diametrically opposed. Despite his strong liberal
bent, he did not turn up his nose at me, nor did he
make any cutting remarks about my conservatism.
We had a pleasant visit, and had several more over the
remaining years I lived in Minnesota, the last being on
the occasion of his book signing promotion at a
Barnes and Noble bookstore in Saint Paul, where I was
then living. He signed the copy of his book which I
had purchased, noting in his inscription that although
we didn't agree on many political matters he valued my
opinions and our friendship. I told him likewise,
and that I would stay in touch with him after my move
back home to Milwaukee later that year.

Indeed, I wrote to Sen. Wellstone, and sent him a Christmas
card; although he was Jewish, he loved receiving Christmas
greetings from his Christian friends and supporters.
On October 25, 2002, while I popped in to visit my stock-
broker at his downtown Milwaukee office, I saw the
sad announcement of my friend's sudden death on my broker's
TV screen. Suddenly I was slack-jawed and deathly quiet
as I listened to the TV news commentator give the tragic
details of Sen. Wellstone's demise. I had intended to discuss
my portfolio with my broker, who was a good friend as well,
but we wound up talking about the senator and my friendship
with him, along with his willingness as an elected official to
listen with interest and sincerity to constituents who did
not share his political views and indeed did not vote for him
when he was elected and re-elected to the Senate, and truly
cared about people, not merely giving lip service to that effect
like so many left-wing politicians routinely do. Indeed,
the senator had many friends on the Right as well as on the
Left, and he worked tirelessly to make his political ideas work
for all Minnesotans and for all Americans, working to demon-
strate that government can be a loyal and dependable
servant, a rather caring and helpful leviathan. Although your
loyal Peasant never voted for Paul, and was skeptical of his
legislative ideas, I always had the utmost respect and regard
for him, and was (and always shall be) so very proud
to call him my friend.

When his memorial service was held, many Democrat politicians
and activists came to pay their respects, but also made pointed
political statements as well, turning Sen. Wellstone's service
into a full-fledged political rally. To this day conservative
talk show hosts on the radio and TV play tapes and videos
of this memorial service cum left-wing hootenanny, showing
how the Left works to politicize everything. Your respectful
Peasant shall not state how I think my late friend would have
thought of this spectacle and what his reaction would have been,
but I shall venture to state for myself that the Left is relentless,
shameless, tasteless, and single-minded in its pursuit of
pushing their statist agenda upon the American people.
They have only become more aggressive in the years since
Sen. Wellstone's death.

My friend Sen. Paul Wellstone was a man of honesty, integrity,
true compassion, decorum and class, unlike much of his political
brethren. The Peasant misses him more than I can ever say.
It's a shame that while so many lefties remember and revere
this humble public servant, they do not endeavor to emulate him.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

What the Hell, Ireland?

One of my ancestral countries, a country which has enjoyed great
prosperity and freedom with its capitalist democracy over the years
as a sovereign nation that at best makes no sense, and at worst mocks
their own struggles for the very freedom and liberties which
we Americans ourselves have fought for and cherish. Ireland's
national post office released a commemorative stamp honoring
Che Guevara, the communist revolutionary who was Fidel Castro's
top lieutenant in the unfortunately successful effort to instigate
a revolution which resulted in a communist dictatorship in Cuba
that still rules this nation with an iron fist.

The stamp shows a black, red and white drawing of Guevara
along with an envelope with a quote from his father: "In my son's
veins flowed the blood of Irish rebels." Where did your part-Irish
Peasant miss the era in Irish history in which Ireland threw out
the British, replacing the Crown with a communist revolutionary
state? It's awful enough when 20-something men and women
who are too young to have lived through the Cold War don T-shirts
with Che's image, mainly as a means of displaying their radical
chicness in hipster-frequented coffee shops and bars, but it's jaw-
droppingly shocking to see a country print postage stamps
honoring a cold-blooded totalitarian thug as Ireland is doing on
the 50th anniversary of Guevara's death by execution by a
Bolivian Army firing squad when he tried to bring a red revolution
to Bolivia. The struggle for Irish independence from Great Britain
was to achieve equality under the law, property rights, and political
self-determination beginning with Home Rule, establishing their own
legislature rather than having a distant British parliament dictate
how things would be in their native land. Communism and
communists are as far removed from these things as the sun is
from Pluto. Guevara having had some Irish blood is not a good
enough reason to honor him, given how he lived his life, forcing
oppression upon people under the weak guise of liberation.

During the rest of the Cold War years in the wake of Guevara's death,
the international Left made him a martyr to the cause of such
"liberation", but all one need to do is see the mass privation,
oppression, repression and broad suffering of the Cuban people
continuing today, under the rule of Raoul Castro, Fidel's brother who
succeeded his late sibling as Cuba's strongman. As horrible as British
rule was for over seven centuries in Ireland, it was not as much so as
the Cuban communist's regime's domination of that nation is, and
as the communist regimes in other nations from Soviet Russia to
China to North Korea to Vietnam to ... you get the point.

My dear ancestral country, please get a clue.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Not At All Fabulous Four

Just recently, Senate Republicans once again booted another
opportunity to repeal Obamacare; well, four of them did so,
sinking the rest of them along with any chance of repeal before
year's end. The latest bill which would have repealed the hated
individual and employer mandates as well as the medical-device
tax along with block granting Medicaid money to the states,
giving them control over how to manage the program according
to their constituents' needs and wishes, the Graham-Cassidy bill,
missed passage because of the four rats whose votes denied 
the GOP the fifty votes needed to clinch repeal (Vice President
Mike Pence would then have cast the tie-breaking vote in favor
of passage). 

Here are the four who have made a mockery of the Republican
Party's promise to the American people to repeal the so-called 
Affordable Health Care Act if only we would vote for them,
granting them majorities in both chambers of Congress and 
voting for a Republican president, which of course we did:

Rand Paul (KY), who was elected on his promise to vote for 
repeal of the health coverage boondoggle but backed out 
at crunch time. Paul helped to kill the Senate's first replacement
bill over the summer because it didn't repeal every last provision
in the law (so he said at the time). He did, to his credit, vote for
the so-called "Skinny Repeal", but that bill merely repealed 
the mandates and the medical device tax, nothing more.
But on Graham-Cassidy, which would have done just a wee
bit more, Paul punted. Could it be that many of his fellow
Kentuckians are on the lower rungs of the economic ladder
and he is afraid that they'll vote him out in a trice if he tries
to rescind Obamacare? He has a golden opportunity to explain
to these constituents that Obamacare is not the panacea it has
been presented as and ballyhooed to be by the Democrats; that
a market-based health coverage program would be less costly
and more efficient for them and for everyone. As a political
libertarian, you would think that he'd jump at the chance to
do this. But Sen. Paul is doing no such thing. I guess that makes
him a LINO (Libertarian in name only).

Lisa Murkowski (AK) was all in favor of dumping Obamacare
while Obama was in office, but as soon as Donald Trump got
elected she did a sudden about-face and voted against repeal
in the previous votes on Obama's health coverage program.
On many other measures before the Senate Senator Murkowski
has proven her RINO credentials for all to see, so this
development is certainly no surprise. If there is a bill before
her chamber which would shrink the federal government even
by the tiniest increment she'll attack it like a pit bull that
hasn't eaten in three days.

John McCain (AZ) ran for re-election to the Senate on the
promise that he would vote to abolish Obamacare, and like
Sen. Murkowski did an abrupt about-face, in effect telling
the folks back in Arizona "Bleep you!". And with his recently
discovered inoperable brain cancer slowing him down, McCain
has been having his treatment covered by the cushy-comfy
health coverage plan which he and his colleagues have long had
available to them (which also is the same coverage that the
members of the House receive), and which they have voted
to keep by exempting themselves from having to enroll in
the Obamacare plans which were forced down the throats of
us mere peasants (!).

Finally, there's Susan Collins (ME), who through her years in
the Senate has authored a voting record indistinguishable from
those of many Democrat senators, so much so that she really
is in the wrong party. She also voted (surprisingly) to not pass
the legislation which sent the Affordable Health Care Act
(Obamacare) to then-President Obama's desk for his signature
to become law, but again, with the changing of the guard at
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue she voted against each measure
designed to repeal all or part of the act. She heard from many
of her fellow Maine folk who had wanted her to vote for
repeal but apparently thinks that they are too stupid to make
their own health care choices and that her state's government
is incapable of managing Medicaid better than Uncle Sam.
Sen. Collins certainly embraces the liberal mantra that the
government cannot trust us peasants with such important
choices; that it's better that the "experts" in Washington step
in and do these things for we simple-minded simpletons.
Besides, an independent and independent-minded peasantry
is a threat to the establishment's acquisition and wielding of
power! Horrors! What's a good statist to do?

Why Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell doesn't
impose at least a modicum of party discipline on these recalcitrant,
troublesome non-team players points out yet another reason
why we conservatives have neither any trust nor confidence
in him and his leadership (perhaps your frustrated Peasant
should have put that word in quotes?). We have to make it clear
to these senators that we elected them and their fellow GOP
colleagues to do a specific task, to do OUR bidding, not that
of any special interest parties, not big-monied beltway fat cats
who invite them to fancy-shmancy cocktail parties and stuff
their wallets with wads of cash in exchange for giving them
what they want and giving us the shaft, nor that of the
establishment press in the hope that they'll write complimentary
things about them. They didn't work on their campaigns,
we did! They didn't vote for them, we did! We put them in
office and we can take them out of office! With the mid-term
elections coming next year, we have to drive home these truths
to these four self-serving elitists. It's a crying shame that we
have to fight two battles, each on a separate front; fighting
the Democrats on one front, while fighting RINOS on another
front. But our mission is our mission, and although we didn't
choose these battles, they chose us. And now we must do what
we must do.

This is war!


Monday, October 2, 2017

Taking a Short Break

Friends, your favorite Peasant is in need of
a little break to take care of some personal
business. I am going on a business trip to 
participate in a business venture with a family
member. But I'll be back before you know it,
my fantastic readers!

Meanwhile, enjoy these fine online publications
while awaiting my return:  National Review Online Weekly Standard Online

Thank you everyone for your kind understanding
and indulgence! Be back soon!