Monday, May 21, 2018

The Peasant Announces something BIG! (And Memorial Day Thoughts)

Friends, your always busy Peasant is becoming
even busier. Time is not being generous with me
even now, so I can't give all the details about
what I'm soon to be involved in, but I will say
that I'm going to undertake a lucrative
activity which will bring some very welcome
dollars into my coffers! My schedule will be
affected in that I won't always be able to bet
together with you, my fabulous readers, every
Thursday as has been our practice for quite some
time. Not to worry though; we shall get together
whenever I can wrangle some time for us to share
together for our visits. And I'll have time to be
more forthcoming about my wonderful opportunity!

And with Memorial Day coming up, please keep our
brave veterans, past and present, in your prayers;
for we owe them greatly for our wonderful country
and our freedom, our prosperity, and our way of life.
And take time to thank a vet for his/her service!
Whenever you see a vet selling poppies, flags, or
other patriotic items to raise money for one of
the wonderful veterans' organizations such as
the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American
Legion (to name but two), buy one of their
items and visit with them for a spell! Ask them
about their service, and thank them for it and their
sacrifice. This will give them --- and yourselves ---
such joy.

Meantime please enjoy these other wonderful
conservative online publications:

National Review Online


See you, my treasured readers soon!
Thank you for your company and
your ongoing support!


Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Political Awakening of Kanye West

On the Left, one sees absolute lockstep in the movement
of its adherents; everyone obediently accepts and adopts
the ideological line on whatever the burning issue of the
moment is, as well as maintains position on various
"bedrock" issues, i.e. legalized marriage for gay people,
abortion, open borders, etc. Woe to they would deviate
from the decreed liberal orthodoxy, for there shall be severe
opprobrium and some stiff ostracization for they that dare
to think outside of the leftist box, be they everyday sorts
or celebrities. Recently, a celebrity ran afoul of this rule,
and has caught the aforementioned hell --- but also some
praise from quarters which heretofore never had any
admiration for him.

Kanye West, a rather famous rapper, was the darling of the
Left for his pointed remarks aimed at then-President George
W. Bush in 2005 in which he claimed that Bush didn't care
about black people re: the government's response to the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast states.
But lo and behold, West has had a rethink about the left-
wing orthodoxies and pieties in recent years, and has spoken
out on his new doubts and resultant questions in regards
to them. "Do you know how bad I would want to go to
George Bush and say 'I'm sorry for hurting you, I was an
artist and I was hurting when I went up to the telethon
(that raised money to help the survivors of Katrina).'
And did the fur fly! Oh, did the Left pitch a collective
royal one over this remark by the rap star! But that's not
all: West made some other statements that drove the
lefties even further 'round the twist, such as praising
conservative black female activist Candace Owens
("I love the way Candace Owens thinks!");
comments on slavery ("When you hear about slavery
for 400 years ... 400 years? That sounds like a choice,");
praise for President Donald Trump (he wrote a song in
praise of the American political figure most hated by
the Left); and retorts aimed at his former admirers
on the Left who have castigated and excoriated West,
and one rapper even putting a bounty on his head (!)
to shut him up. Such behavior from the crowd that claims
to be tolerant, accepting, and inclusive.

This serves to detail and relate Kanye West's fall from grace
in the Left's so-called polite society. The leftists cannot
handle encountering anyone from outside their ranks with
a different point of view, but they cannot countenance
anyone from within their hive daring to question their
dogma, and actually thinking for themselves ---
oh, horrors! What's are good totalitarians to do?
Why, shame and shut down the wayward rebel!
The Left, you see, only pays lip service to tolerance for
other opinions and the freedom to express them; they
don't actually practice these civilities. And now Kanye
West sees who are his true friends, and who are not,
and the reasons why.

But the Left should heed this truth: more and more black
people are questioning their political orthodoxy, but many
of them voted for Donald Trump in 2016 or are moving
politically closer to him especially as his economic
policies are reversing the sorry condition that his
predecessor, Barack Obama, had left them in, and
actually listens to their concerns rather than simply
take them and their votes for granted. Kanye West
now sees this, and many more black folks are coming
over to have a closer look at what conservatism has to
offer, including that of the Trumpian variety. If the
Left thinks that they have serious dissention in their
ranks, they ain't seen nothing yet; a showdown, followed
by a mass exodus is brewing, and it won't be pretty.

But it will be beautiful for the rest of us.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Lightning Strikes Again in Great Britain

Another NHS vs. parents' rights showdown took place
in Great Britain, and the same tragic result reoccurred.
Alfie Evans, just eleven days away from what would
have been his second birthday, died from a neurological
disorder, after having had artificial ventilation and
hydration turned off by order of the Alder Hay Hospital
in Liverpool, the NHS, the Supreme Court of the United
Kingdom and the European Court of Human Rights.
Baby Alfie's case is eerily similar to that of Baby Charlie
Gard, whom your diligent Peasant has written about on
this blog.

Like with Baby Charlie, Alfie's parents wanted to take
him abroad for possible life saving treatment;  Bambino
Gesu' Pediatric Hospital in Rome agreed to do what it could
for Baby Alfie, and without cost to Alfie's parents or to
the NHS. And, as with Baby Charlie, the U.K. government
gave a cold, steely "no". The Italian government even granted
Alfie citizenship and prepared to take him to Rome immediately.
Mariella Enoc, chief of Bambino Gesu' which is affiliated with
the Holy See, thus having a strong connection to the Vatican
and the Pope himself, flew ASAP to Liverpool to attempt
intercession but to no avail. The forces of socialism in the U.K.
won again, claiming another precious little victim.

Tell us again, left-wingers, about how a national health care
program is more humane than a market-based one; show us
how it is more compassionate, more caring, and more responsive
to patients, especially to seriously ill tiny babies like Charlie Gard
and Alfie Evans; demonstrate to us stupid, dense, clueless, short-
sighted right-wing peasants how grand, how efficient, how
forward-looking a state-run health care setup would be, and
how its doctors and officials are so much smarter than we
Great Unwashed are, especially re: choosing the best care
for ourselves and our loved ones. And please illustrate how
it is sometimes absolutely essential that some patients,
especially wee little babies, are made to die. Oh, we poor
simpletons cry out for knowledge! Please educate us as to
why some people simply must be scrapped like old radios
or furniture or clothing, even if there is a real possibility that
their conditions could be turned around and their lives spared.
And do inform us as to how it is that life thus has no truly intrinsic
value, really no value other than that which the almighty, all-
knowing state assigns it in accordance with its purposes!

Ah, 'tis a brave new world ... and your disgusted Peasant, for one,
wants nothing to do with it!

God rest you, Baby Alfie. Enjoy playing together with Baby Charlie
in heaven. How terribly you both have been wronged.