Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Have a Politically Incorrect Happy Halloween!

Friends, it's that time of year again. The day of masks and costumes,
candy galore, parties aplenty, spooky stories told by the campfire
or the fireplace, and ... being haunted by political correctness.
Oh, yes; the frighteningly far left-wingers have trained their PC
guns on this most surreal and supernatural of holidays, seeking to
play their malicious tricks on those of us who love this seasonal treat.
What is their stratagem? Halloween costumes. Specifically, costumes
of certain characters being of races and ethnicities, i.e. Native
American (Pocahontas), Arab (Aladdin), and Asian (Mulan) to name
but a few. Appropriation of another culture, don't you know. And
these PC rules are imposed in some communities, especially on college
campuses. Notre Dame University strongly discourages dressing up
as any of the aforementioned Disney characters, including
Snow White (?!). You may be wondering, my great and wonderful
readers, why Snow White, who is as white as her name suggests,
has been added to this list of forbidden characters to dress up for
Halloween as. Notre Dame's diversity enforcers say that the young
lady is offensive because she is by definition (you can't make this up!)
a white supremacist (!!). Robert Ripley, call your office.

Also out, according to the PC cops on the campus scene: afros,
dreadlocks, ponchos, tattered rags and patches (offensive to the poor,
even though it's the style with many students in high schools and
colleges), or prison garb (no orange jumpsuits, very hurtful to anyone
who is serving or has served time). Cowboys and Indians? Horrors!
Can't have anyone running around dressed like them either.
Smacks of racism on the frontier. Gee, it's a good thing that
John Wayne isn't around to witness this astounding stupidity.

Your favorite Peasant's own alma mater, the University of Saint
Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota issued an edict which was printed
on handbills and distributed to all their students prohibiting wearing
headdresses, Mexican sombreros, and geisha outfits. One UST coed
stated "I can't dress up as Pocahontas, so I think I'll go to the (campus)
party dressed as Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a white lady pretending to be
an Indian." Sounds like a sharply witty response to the ridiculousness
of the school's officials and their PC rules; let's hope that the young
lady doesn't get in Dutch for her humorous display (Oops, your
very politically incorrect Peasant just appropriated a nationality!
Mea culpa!).

So, what to do? How then to celebrate Halloween in style?
This is, to the consternation of the ever-so-PC Left, still a free country!
Especially with You-know-who in the White House and the GOP in
charge of Congress! You'll be a hit with those of us who love and
cherish our freedom as Americans! And don't forget to vote on
November 6, when we can add to the majorities in both chambers
of Congress as well as to elect like-minded candidates to the state
governorships and legislatures. The more such fine folks we elect,
the more we will thwart the lefties and their plans to transform our
free and wonderful country into a woeful place where one would be
afraid to express himself for fear of being persecuted and prosecuted!

And have a wonderful, fun-filled, delightfully spooky, politically
incorrect, Happy Halloween!


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

An Unprecedented Invasion

As we gather here to discuss the latest news on our political scene
there is a huge mass of people moving steadily northward from
Central America, through Mexico, heading toward our southern
border. Observer's estimates peg their number at around 7,000
as they ignore police and immigration officials on their relentless

This mass of men, women and children were joined by many more
as they made their way from Honduras up through Mexico, whose
government officials have been pressured by President Donald Trump
to somehow stop them. Meanwhile, President Trump has been massing
soldiers and Marines at the border to prepare to turn back the hordes.

While some of the bedraggled army of humanity have escaped terrible
situations in Honduras, some of them involving themselves or their
children to sell drugs for local gangs there, others have included people
looking to come to the U.S., legally or not, to take up residence as well
as some reportedly being terrorists from the Middle East, trying to pass
themselves off as Hondurans or Mexicans to enter the country. And
while Congressional republicans have been drafting legislation to both
stop and punish this mass on the move, their Democrat counterparts
have, predictably, done nothing of the sort; they have long made it
clear that they want to ease the borders and welcome all immigrants,
their obedience to our immigration laws not mattering, to our land.
One big reason for their doing so is to get as many of these question-
able newcomers onto the voter rolls and voting for their candidates
in our elections. Don't believe it? Don't think it possible? The city
of San Francisco recently passed a law allowing such immigrants,
without citizenship, to vote in local elections for school board seats.
It won't be any stretch to legalize their voting for city council
members, mayoral candidates, then candidates for the state legis-
lature and the governorship, then Congressional candidates, both
House and Senate, and the Presidency itself. And other cities in
other states, and the states themselves would follow suit if they
have Democrats holding enough key offices. And we've already seen
how these places and their officials have done nothing to punish
or deport lawbreaking immigrants who have come here illegally,
effectively giving a great big middle finger to the families and friends
of their victims (remember Kate Steinle?).

Oh, and another such massing of the same has formed in Guatemala,
and are beginning their trek northward as well. Your news-observant
Peasant learned of this just a couple of days ago on Fox News. And
the funding source for this escapade? Nicolas Madurro and his com-
rades in Venezuela. The socialist (practically communist) regime
there would love to do anything to make trouble for the U.S., now that
their pal Obama is gone from the presidency and Donald Trump is
in charge. President Trump has made it clear that he is no kindred
spirit where Madurro and his brand of politics is concerned, and
that makes the Venezuelan dictator most uncomfortable, as well it
should. Madurro realizes that our current president will not brook
any revolutionary mischief in the region, and most certainly
will closely follow the situation in Venezuela regarding human rights,
which are under the totalitarian gun there. This strategem, then,
is a clever way for Madurro to both lash out at the U.S. and our
president, as wellas to make a distraction both big and messy enough
to divert American attention away from the goings on with and within

All your amazed Peasant has to say about this unprecedented situation
is thank God we have Donald Trump in the White House rather
than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton! President Trump respects
our law and the Constitution, and cares enough about our country to
protect it from such an invasion, and make no mistake, this is indeed
an invasion which we are facing. And the Republican majority in
both chambers of Congress are rallying around our courageous
President, working with him to stave off this catastrophe in the making.
They are doing what We the People have elected them to do, and are
not caring about what the Washington Post, the New York Times,
MSNBC or CNN will say as they will predictably go into their
histrionics. They know who put them in office, and they know
and perform their duty. Let us keep this in mind when we go to
the polls in a couple of weeks.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Injustice Done to Justice Kavanaugh

The Left has declared its intention to make our country
ungovernable for Donald Trump and the Republican
Party as soon as Trump was declared the winner in
the last presidential election. And they have done their
damnedest to carry out their vow.

Their latest antics have been their slanderous smearing
of the name and reputation of one of our country's finest
judges in a shameful attempt to disqualify him from being
confirmed for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Thank
God their malicious campaign was a resounding failure.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh walked through fire to take the
seat on SCOTUS which was vacated with the retirement
of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. A Constitution-respecting
conservative, the left-wingers saw him as a threat not just
because of his judicial mien but as an additional conservative
voice on the nation's highest court, making a conservative
majority on the Court. After all, President Trump has already
nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Court, ensuring a
conservative continuance in the seat held by Justice Antonin
Scalia until his sudden passing. And, horror of horrors,
Justice Kavanaugh has a history of ruling in favor of life
in cases regarding abortion! So what's a good progressive
radical left-winger to do? Why, attend the Senate's hearings
on the nominee's SCOTUS confirmation and raise holy hell,
take to the streets with signs proclaiming him to be a
misogynist, and find a woman willing to testify to a lie
about having been sexually assaulted by the judge back
when they were teenagers. Never mind that the testimony
proves to have more holes than a block of Swiss cheese;
never mind the many women in the candidate's past, going
back to those aforementioned youthful years with stops
along the way to visit and view his judicial career; never
mind his years coaching a girl's basketball team, winning the
respect and admiration of these female colleagues, friends
family and acquaintances as he went. And for good measure,
cover the man's home with hateful graffiti further smearing his
good name. Why, it matters not that the peasants, er, the people
duly elected President Trump fair and square, because they
preferred his politics, his policies, and whom he would choose
for openings on the Supreme Court. Heck, the American people
are a bunch of "deplorables" that you could "smell from the
nearest Wal-Mart, and are a collection of this-a-phobes,
that-a-phobes, fill-in-the-blank-a-phobes! And they're stupid,
much too stupid to determine who should govern them and
how they should be governed!

And when Brett Kavanaugh fired back at his enemies in the
confirmation hearings, he became emotional; describing what
his family went through in the hellacious process, the baseless
accusations against him and the pain it caused them (his wife
and children were in the Senate chamber for the hearings), and
the toll it was taking on them, could one blame him? Yet that's
exactly what the leftist bullies did, they blamed their victim
just as a schoolyard bully blames his smaller quarry for
wearing a certain color or style of shirt, or an abusive husband
blames his wife for doing this or not doing that. Gee, if only
the bully were simply given his way every time, all the time,
there would be no need to attack anyone, because all would be
right with the world --- well, as far as the bully is concerned.
And make no mistake, the Left is one big collective bully,
seeking to impose its will on the rest of us. They are still cheesed
off over the last presidential election, and they are getting back at
the electorate for having chosen Donald Trump rather than
Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders (their overwhelming favorite
who was deprived the Democrat Nomination by the party's
bosses because they had preordained Hillary to be the Heir
Apparent to their precious Barack Obama. Some lefties wrote
in Sanders rather than vote for Hillary). They will stop at nothing,
will stoop to any depths, destroy the names, the reputations, the
careers and the lives of anyone who dares oppose them, especially
if they are allied with President Trump, all to quench their thirst
for absolute power --- the Constitution and the will of the people
be damned. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), not known for his
titanium-spined conservatism, said this at the hearings to the
Democrats, but his words apply just as aptly to the aggregate

"Boy, you all want power ... God, I hope you never get it!"

Yes, Brett Kavanaugh survives the massacre launched against him
and was sworn in as the newest U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Yes,
it was yet another victory for our indomitable President Donald
Trump. But the Left never ceases in its attempts to remake our great
country into one which we wouldn't recognize and wouldn't want to
live in. We won another important battle, my friends. But the war is
far from over.

And we have a mid-term election coming up next month. It will be
the most important mid-term election in years, maybe ever.
Remember this episode on Election Day. And for the sake of our
country, our liberty, and our future generation, vote. We don't have
the luxury of sitting this one out. Let us not let Sen. Graham's fear
that the Left regains power in Congress become our dark reality.


Monday, October 8, 2018

A New Development for Us

My wonderful readers, your busy Peasant has some news for you,
this time of a personal nature. Due to some extra work I have
picked up in addition to my handyman business, and the schedule
I am now committed to, for the time being I shall post on any day
in which I get time to do so. Not to worry, we can still get together
every week for our visits; it's just that the days in which we will
meet will vary. But we shall get together!

I am most grateful for this economic bonanza, as this year has been
a financially difficult one for me. And I am also grateful that we can
still gather here at this very place, this blog, to examine and discuss 
the political and economic news of the day as before. I treasure you,
my grand audience, more than you'll ever realize! And it's not simply
for the reason that if it weren't for you I wouldn't be publishing this
blog. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and observations of these aforemen-
tioned topics with you, because you are a sharp, aware, astute, and
knowledgeable audience and that we are on the same wavelength
where our keeping current on the news is concerned. And although
not all of you are conservatives, you still enjoy our get-togethers,
appreciating a different perspective and being unafraid of encountering
same. You enjoy reading other points of view, in that it gives you
insight into different angles on news stories along with different
views and ideas, providing intellectual challenges and adventure.
And for that your grateful Peasant certainly prizes you, and enjoys
having your company here each week!

So to recap, your favorite Peasant shall still be here with you on our
weekly basis; the days of each week will vary but our visits will
continue to take place. Thank you all for your ongoing support!
You're the very best readership I could ever ask for!


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Following Up With Helpful Information re: Protesting Barrett's Folly (The Streetcar)

Friends, I feel that I, your dependable Peasant would be remiss
if I didn't provide just a wee bit more information re: protesting
the Milwaukee streetcar, a/k/a (Mayor) Barrett's Folly, a/k/a/
The "Trommey" (Tom Barrett, trolley combined), a/k/a The
Trolley to Nowhere. There are some other nicknames for the
trolley, but for the sake of decorum your faithful Peasant won't
publish them here.

For my fabulous readers who live in or near Milwaukee and
commute into the city at all, here are some phone numbers of
key individuals who will have a say as to whether or not
Milwaukee will receive a BUILD grant (formerly known as
TIGER grants) for a cool $9 million to run the streetcar on
its limited route through downtown. Please do call these folks
to let them know your opposition to the funding of this colossal
waste of money, for you just might sway them to refuse its

When you call, be sure to raise these points to emphasize your
opposition to this misbegotten project:

1) Milwaukee is not a rural community; in Wisconsin, priority
is given to rural projects, so as to avoid any possible taint of bias
favoring the cities.

2) Safety concerns; the design of the layout for the tracks which
the trolley will roll along was poorly drawn up. It would be sharing
traffic lanes with cars, causing confusion and traffic snarls, not to
mention accidents.

3) It's not at all innovative, like Mayor Barrett and his fellow local
elitists proclaim. As a matter of fact it is very similar to the trolley
system Milwaukee had for much of the twentieth century, going up
to the 1960s before it was taken down, having outlived its usefulness.

4) Also contrary to what Barrett and his pals trumpet, Milwaukee's
quality of life will not be improved one iota by the streetcar.
If anything, it may well cause its deterioration, what with the
aforementioned traffic problems that would manifest. And what
about the noise level? How loud would it be when operating?
How would that affect city residents?

5) The local bus system, run by MCTS (the Milwaukee County
Transit System) could make better use of any grant money
provided by the taxpayers in that it would be able to restore
routes which were either pared back or eliminated due to budget
constraints. The city and Milwaukee County could partner to
find ways to enhance the bus system and make it more convenient
to ride for people (including your intrepid Peasant).

6) Moreover, Mayor Barrett made deep cuts in the budgets for the
city police and fire departments to fund his rail-traveling pet
project. The residents of the increasingly crime-ridden urban
neighborhoods here have been begging the clueless mayor for
more police to patrol their deteriorating communities but have
been given a deaf ear and the middle finger from Hizzoner.
This is the chief reason why your favorite Peasant moved to
the suburbs, as my former neighborhood, Washington Heights,
has become a haven for thieves who steal, and steal from cars.
There is also an increase in drug-related activity there as well.

7) And Barrett wonders why more and more people are fleeing
Milwaukee for safer environs! Restore funding to the police and
firefighters, beef up the bus system, forget about the Trommey
and you'll attract people to Milwaukee again!

Now for the contacts:

1) DOT (Department of Transportation) Region 5 Chicago office
P: (312) 353-1653
Note: Jason Ciavarella is the person to ask for here. He is 
Planning Director at this office. If he is not available, ask for
Bill Wheeler (title unknown).

2) Tonya Iverson, WISDOT (Wisconsin Department of Transportation)
P: (608) 266-2574
Note: Tonya is in charge of approving CMAQ grants (Congestion
Mitigation and Air Quality). She has a lot of say re: these grants!

One last point: when you call, be polite, be pleasant, and be soft-
spoken. However, be businesslike. Have the aforementioned points
written on a pad to have handy when you are discussing your
opposition to the streetcar, so the people you are talking to will
know that you know what you're talking about. This way, they
will take you seriously and treat you as such!

Good luck everyone! And yes, your action-taking Peasant has
already called these folks, and was received most respectfully,
utilizing the tips I've given here.