Your favorite Peasant is making an endorsement for
the presidency, and it is not a difficult choice to make.
President Donald J. Trump has compiled a record of
accomplishments in one term than most presidents
have been able to do in two. I know, I remember
when he was nominated by the GOP four years ago
I was shocked and filled with dread. Your then-
fretful Peasant was contemplating a pair of awful
choices for the White House; a swaggering, ultra-
cocky, bragadaccio-spouting New York billionaire
or a former First Lady with an outsized ego and an
even larger lust for power who would run over her
own mother to gain even a smidgen of power.
I chose the least awful of the two awful choices,
figuring that Trump was a question mark while
Hillary Clinton was without a doubt the epitome of
elitism, corruption, and downright vileness.
She was, and is, more crooked than a spine with
Thank God that Donald Trump won that election,
one in which Clinton was favored by almost everyone
on both sides of the political divide to win (even by
your faithful Peasant; I figured she'd win by some
shenanigans such as electoral fraud, a' la John F. Kennedy
in 1960), but oh, the shock and horror exhibited by the
Democrats attending their victory parties (Gee, this wasn't
supposed to happen!) and the amazement mixed with joy
at the Republicans' parties, including the one I attended
in downtown Milwaukee! As soon as Donald Trump
was inaugurated he hit the ground running, and here
is but a few of his accomplishments in fulfillment of
his campaign promises:
1) New Jobs
In the first two months of 2017, Trump's first two months
of his first term, President Trump helped create an economic
climate which made possible the creation of 238,000 jobs
in the private sector. Wages grew during this time by an
average of 2.8% while unemployment dipped to 4.7%.
Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians have all benefited from
historic employment gains. People who lost their jobs
during the Obama years, many of whom had given up
on finding new jobs returned to work in brand new jobs
at decent wages.
2) Reduction in the National Debt
When Trump's predecessor Barack Obama left office he
left the country a debt load of $19.947 trillion. President
Trump cut that figure by $68 billion. It was the first time
in decades that the nation's debt didn't increase under a new
3) Manufacturing Jobs Come Back
U.S. manufacturing jobs made a comeback, according to the
Philly Fed Index which measures how well manufacturers
are doing. The index shows this field having its best numbers
since 1984 when President Ronald Reagan was in office.
If we re-elect President Trump we could very likely top that
mark in his second term.
4) Companies from abroad are planning or are already
planning to or are already investing in U.S. production.
Samsung, for one, will be among those overseas firms which
will be hiring and/or transferring production to our country.
What a nice change from having our companies and our jobs
moving from our country to companies in other countries!
5) The Stock Market Sets New Record Highs With
Astonishing Regularity
With the growing confidence of businesses big, medium and
small, it's no wonder that stocks are on a rocket ride.
6) Trump Saved the Coal Industry from Being Regulated Out
of Business
President Trump rid this industry of the crushing regulations
imposed upon it by President Obama, who had it in mind to
eliminate coal as an energy source and therefore the very
industry itself. Hillary Clinton promised to continue this
terrible policy if elected. Trump saved many jobs and
kept an option for the American people's energy.
7) The Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership is Gone
President Trump removed the U.S. from a trade pact which
was of no real benefit to the county while giving other
countries in the pact an upper hand over us, causing the
loss of many jobs.
8) The Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare is Underway
The so-called Affordable Care Act (ACA), an Obama creation,
with its Individual Mandate and Obama's and the Dems' con job
in selling it to the American people ("If you like your doctor,
you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan ...")
is going away thanks to President Trump, who is working on
creating a replacement which will be truly affordable and
will be market-based rather than bureaucratic and intractable.
9) The Appointment of Conservative Supreme Court Justices
Three new justices, all conservatives, are now on the United States
Supreme Court, and will be a strong bulwark against the liberal
justices and their judicial activist mischief against the Constitution.
All chosen by President Trump.
10) President Trump is the Most Pro-Life President Since
Ronald Reagan
President Trump also chose the conservative justices for SCOTUS
for their being pro-life regarding an unborn baby's right to live and not
be hideously killed via abortion. This raises the bar of respect and
reverence for human life in our country, especially within its govern-
mental functions and operations.
And although the economy had taken a hit in March from the
Coronovirus pandemic, sending it into recession, it came storming
back, breaking out of the recession while registering a historic increase
in GDP (7.4% for the 3rd quarter of 2020; 33.1% for 2020 so far!)
Nothing like this had ever happened in our nation's history. Your joyful
Peasant could go on with mentioning still more of President Trump's
accomplishments --- all made during one single four-year term ---
but I would well be at it until Saint Patrick's Day. Suffice to say,
my wonderful readers, that this most unlikely of people, this
true political outsider, this fantastically wealthy fellow who could
simply have opted to continue to run his real estate empire and
gradually wind down his career, lolling around in his money and
his opulence had taken it upon himself to seek the highest office
in the land with the goal of rebuilding our economy and revitalizing
our country --- at a frightful cost. The hate thrown at him like
sacks of burning excrement, the brickbats coming at him,
his family, and his administration from many places including
but not limited to the media, the Democrats, the radical feminists,
even people in his own party does not make for a peaceful life.
This endless torrent of hatred bedeviled President Trump
ever since he was elected, let alone inaugurated. But there
are many, many, many of us who appreciate what he has done
for us in repairing our country, and we must, and we shall,
vote for our courageous president on November 3 (that is,
those of us who were able to vote early in their states.
Your eager Peasant voted on the first day of early voting
here in Wisconsin!). Many people have said that this
election is the most important election yet, but all of our
past elections have been important. How could an election
NOT be important, for your vote is your voice in how we
are to be governed and by whom. But this election is going
to determine more than that, much more. Our election
is going to be not just the choice between which presidential
candidate, the choice between which party is to control
the House and the Senate, but also will be the choice between
which kind of country we shall have; will we continue to
have the country that our Founding Fathers meant for us to
have --- toiling and sacrificing so much, including fighting
a long and especially bloody war against a then world power
to gain our independence and to live as free people without
the diktats of a huge, overbearing government micromanaging
all that we say and do, or will we have exactly that type of
government which our Founding Fathers wanted to avoid,
where we will be intimidated into censoring ourselves when-
ever we want to speak our minds about what we see is lacking
in our government and our society; to be expected to adjust
our day-to-day lives to fit the rules and regulations mandated
by our government officials on high (elimination of "Hate
Speech", the Green New Deal, etc.), to have "Open Borders"
coupled with "Sanctuary" laws across the country
allowing all to enter our country without following our
longtime laws regarding immigration, even especially
violent criminals and international terrorists who would then
wreak havoc and make mayhem against us with impunity;
to have welfare programs the likes and scope not yet created
and implemented, all of which would crush anyone and every
entity (especially businesses) who pays taxes with taxation
beyond anything our country has ever had. And as for the
respect and sanctity of human life, forget it folks because
we'll all be expendable and devalued in Orwellian ways.
And there will not be another opportunity to take back
and restore our country as we've always known it for a
horribly long time. Want to know what would happen to any
dissidents who would try to begin that process? Just look
at China to see what they do with their dissidents. Open a
history book and see what Russia, in their Soviet Union days,
did with their dissidents. Do you know that the CPUSA
(Communist Party USA) has not nominated a candidate for
President in recent years, this year included? That's because
they have publicly announced that their stands on the issues
of the day are so much in allignment with the Democrats
that they are simply recommending to their comrades that
they vote Democrat. They found political commonalities with
Barack Obama and with this year's Democrat nominee
Joe Biden, and with the Democrat platform. This illustrates
how far the Dems have sailed leftward, they are now that
extreme in their politics and therefore cannot any longer be
trusted with power.
Your serious Peasant is not going to offer any Halloween
bromides, no such humor, this Halloween day, as there are
so many serious issues for us to deal with. Let us pray that
we can once again engage in levity and laughter after
November 3.
So, there's plenty of reasons and plenty of motivation to
vote in this election. Vote as if your country, your freedom,
and your lives depend on it. Because they do.
Vote Trump. Vote Republican. Vote freedom.