with a government truly "of, by, and for the people", granting
liberty and personal freedoms the likes not seen, let alone
experienced by other nations, having fought a long and
bloody war against our parent nation to be able to create
a nation and a life unparalleled at that point in world history,
is now in danger of losing what we sacrificed so much to gain.
The Far Left has made unprecedented progress in taking
control of our federal and local governments and in pressing
their agenda upon us. A president undoing the work of his
predecessor in slowing illegal immigration at our southern
border, resulting in a dramatic increase in people coming
from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, South America,
and farther afield, including the Middle East. Governors
leaving mask mandates, lockdowns and partial restrictions
on peoples' movement in the face of the waning Coronavirus
pandemic because they have gotten drunk on the power that
they amassed and are loathe to give up or even loosen up
their reins of power. Mayors who hamper the efforts of the
police in their cities to tamp down on violent crime, and
tell the victims of these crimes and their families in so many
words that they and their suffering don't matter, that it is unjust
to lock up people of color who engage in criminal activity.
Many cities have turned into veritable war zones with riots
or robberies, as well as attacks on police and their police
headquarters. Black-on-black crime? Unless it is a white
person which attacks or steals from a black person these
lefty government officials couldn't care less.
And now we are faced with something called "Critical Race
Theory". It is an ideology which, in the name of eliminating
racism would actually increase it, by dividing Americans
into racial categories of "oppressor" and "oppressed" and
"abolishment of whiteness". In classrooms, critical race
theory-grounded indoctrination have often begat race-based
struggle sessions, with public school forcing children to
rank themselves according to a racial hierarchy while
forcing white teachers to enroll in "antiracist therapy"
and encouraging white parents to become "white traitors".
Parents and others along with their state legislators have
been pushing back hard against this attempt to take the
country into racial retrograde, turning back the clock
on the progress we have made in forming better racial
understanding and peaceful coexistence. In the past few
months, lawmakers in 24 states have introduced, and six
have enacted, laws prohibiting public schools from
promoting CRT (the shorthand name for this ideology)
and its core concepts, including but not at all limited to
race essentialism, racial superiority, and collective guilt.
Recent polls have shown that among those Americans
who have heard of CRT, 58% have an unfavorable view
of it, including 72% of independents. And isn't it the
votes of the independents which are necessary to win
elections, so some political pundits claim?
Some things about CRT which must be understood:
one, it is not an exercise in fostering racial sensitivity
or understanding our country's history vis-a-vis race
relations. It's a radical left-wing ideology that uses race
as a tool for fomenting moral, social, and political
revolution, and also tries to brand the United States as
a hopelessly irredeemably racist nation, its racism under-
pinned by the Constitution and its principles of freedom
and equality, which to the far-lefties are lies and
empty promises. Second, the grassroots movement
against CRT is nonpartisan, multicultural, and mainstream;
black people, Hispanic people, women, Asian-Americans,
Democrats, Republicans, Third-party voters and independents
have all been protesting vehemently against the
implementation and spread of CRT, even in liberal cities such
as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Denver.
Third, state legislation about CRT bans a specific set of
pedagogies, according to Christopher F. Rufo, who is a
contributing editor with City Journal. Lefty media
mouthpieces have tried to con people into believing
that such bills in states such as Oklahoma, Tennessee,
Texas and Idaho would prohibit teachers from discussing
racism in the classroom. This is false on its ugly face.
All this legislation does is prohibit teachers from
getting their students to believe that one race is "inheritantly
superior to another" and that one race is "inherently racist,
sexist, or oppressive," also claiming that "(one) bears
responsibility for actions committed in the past by
others of the same race." This last notion is what fuels the
reparation movement in which radical race hustlers and
like-minded extremists demand that government pay
significant sums of money to black people to make it
up to them for their ancestors having been (or likely
having been) enslaved in the early years of our nation.
Furthermore, CRT has taken root in some private as well
as public schools, from elementary to high school to
college. Parents, conservative and moderate legislators
and true journalists should band together to combat this
totalitarian scourge. This, by the way, is similar to what
transpired in countries which were taken over by
socialists and communists. It's time to gird ourselves
with the truth about our magnificent history so we can
destroy the lies of our enemies within. Otherwise, the
Fourth of July will no longer have any meaning but just
be another day in Amerika.