Wednesday, September 29, 2021

California (Nightmare) Dreamin'

Those Californians who had finally had enough of the infamous
loopy-lefty governance of their home state which produced 
runaway taxes (in terms of both quantity and cost), huge, 
intrusive government micromanaging their lives, increasing
crime in the cities, and outrageous behavior and activity 
including but not at all limited to public urination and defecation,
attempted to recall and remove the head of the khakistocracy,
Gov. Gavin Newsom. A most left-wing Democrat, Newsom 
himself had ordered California's beaches, famous for their beauty
and splendor, closed during the early weeks of the Coronavirus 
pandemic. He also failed to adequately address the homelessness
problem plaguing many of the state's major cities, ditto the 
drought and its (and Sacramento's) effects on available water, 
frequent power failures, sweeping fires destroying neighborhoods 
and entire towns, and his hypocrisy regarding his mask mandate
--- he attended a big gala at a toney French restaurant sans a mask.
Newsom also ordered a ban on large gatherings such as this one!

Republicans, so few as a percentage of California's electorate, 
initiated the recall effort after Newsome's 2018 election. They 
thought that not only could they unseat Newsome but that they 
could also reverse their long-sagging political fortunes by thus
taking out the head of the cabal, then going after the rest in
the capitol and break up the Dem's near-monopoly on the 
Golden State's government. Sadly, this didn't come to pass.

A cluster of candidates, mostly Republicans, ran in the race
to topple Newsom. Radio talk show host and author Larry 
Elder emerged as the front runner and the leading opposing 
candidate in the first stage of the balloting. Among his
fellow candidates were Caitlin Jenner (formerly Bruce Jenner,
'70s Olympic Track and Field champion), Assemblyman
Kevin Kiley, businessman John Cox, and former San Diego
Mayor Kevin Faulconer. There were 46 candidates in all (!).
Recall elections historically haven't been successful for 
those initiating them in California; out of 55 leading up to 
this campaign, only one had been successful --- the one 
in which bodybuilder and action movie star Arnold Schwarz-
enneger, a moderately liberal Republican defeated incumbent
Gray Davis for the governorship. And this recall flopped like
the other 54. 

Anyone who had been following the recall effort from its inception
would have thought that it would have been a certainty that 
the power-mad Gov. Newsom would have been shown the door
by the voters. The final straw for many Californians was his 
draconian shutdown of practically the entire state, affecting
schools, businesses, houses of worship, beaches, and parks
both big and small. A great economic hardship resulted for 
people who couldn't work at their jobs and for people who
couldn't run their businesses. Many residents packed up and
moved to lesser-taxed, less-regulated, not-so-tightly-locked-
down states stating that they had to make a living, that their 
children missed too much school, and their freedom of move-
ment was severely restricted. Newsom's violating his own edicts
were another reason many gave as to why they moved.

But many Californians stayed and fought via the recall campaign.
However, many more Californians, those that the state has had
the misfortune to become known for --- the flakes, nuts, weirdos,
the hopelessly vapid, the sort of people that comedian Jay Leno
would feature in his chats with them in his "Jaywalking" segment
on the Tonight show when he was its host. And of course the 
Hollywood set, with their well-loaded checkbooks and their 
lefty-chic politics (refer to the aforementioned phrase "hopelessly
vapid"; they fit quite neatly under that heading) --- won the day 
by winning the recall election with their campaign contributions,
their rallies, and their votes that came in droves. 

And now there is just one thing left for the defeated citizens of this
woeful state to do, if they see no reason to remain and to somehow 
fight on: to vote one more time, this time with their feet. They 
can take a page from the book by their fellow Californians who 
had already removed to more politically and economically 
favorable states to start anew. I admire the spirit and pride that
the recall activists showed, and I would have even more admiration
for those who would choose to stay and fight on in the face of 
daunting odds. For what it's worth, though, your doubtful Peasant
does not see the situation improving to the point where the state
will no longer be written off as a combination of backwater and 
insane asylum, at least not in the near future. In the final analysis,
only time will tell, and believe me it's going to be quite a long time.


Friday, September 24, 2021

A Belated 12th Anniversary Thank You to My Readers

Friends, your faithful but hurried, harried Peasant 
forgot all about my --- our --- anniversary yesterday;
it was the 12th anniversary of the day I began 
publishing my blog, and you my faithful readers
coming to visit me, with the aim of getting 
acquainted with me and my blog. And a wonderful
friendship was born! A thousand pardons for failing
to mark those twelve magnificent years in a timely

You are the reason why your faithful Peasant has had
this blog for these past twelve years! I look forward
to every week and our weekly get-togethers with great
eagerness and anticipation! May we have twelve more 
years together right here, analyzing the political and
economic news of the day while praising the good,
castigating the bad, and encouraging the ugly to act
in a less ugly manner. You're all the greatest readers 
a blogger could ever ask for!

God bless!


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Biden's War on Profits

President Biden's programs and their fiscal ramifications
have inflationary tones; indeed, economists are saying that
inflation is currently making a comeback. 

But our president, in order to shore up support for his 
economic agenda, is looking for scapegoats for to palm
off the blame onto. He has found such a choice in the
pharmaceutical industry. Now, your faithful Peasant has
his own criticisms of that particular industry, but here I 
find Biden's accusations to be quite meritless. Claiming
that the pharma firms are "jacking up prices", he is 
castigating the very companies that have produced the 
vaccines and treatments (in record time yet!) that are
saving people the world over from the Coronovirus
pandemic. Making a pitch for his drug price controls,
he claims that we Americans "... pay the highest pre-
scription drug costs of any developed nation in the 
world." While he is right on this point, he must realize
that we also get access to more and better treatments 
sooner than in the other developed countries. And 
his fiscal initiatives will certainly have an adverse effect
on drug prices, among other goods and services. 

The profits that the pharma firms make make research 
and development into new treatments possible. In the 
meantime, drug prices have been declining thanks to
increased competition. Prescription drug prices have 
dropped 2.6% over 2020 while the consumer-price 
index increased 5.4%. Also keep in mind (a pity that
Biden doesn't) that Medicare already negotiates over 
prescription drug prices, which is why some consumers
aren't seeing the price cuts.

Private insurers that manage Medicare Part D plans demand
rebates from the pharma folks to place their medicines on 
formularies. Then the insurers use the rebates to reduce 
premiums for all beneficiaries. The result of all this:
drug makers raise their list prices, making some beneficiaries
with higher deductibles and coinsurance pay more out of
pocket for some drugs. 

However, a recent study by IQVIA discovered that net prices
after rebates for brand medicines declined 2.9% in 2020. 
Per capita-wise, real net spending on drugs in the U.S. 
increased by a mere 0.5% annually over the past decade 
even as higher-cost treatments have been approved.

President Biden wants to get rid of the profits that make 
possible the incentive to innovate. Large pharmaceutical 
firms invested $91 billion in new treatments in 2020.
The Coronovirus pandemic proved that the benefits in 
lives saved are a magnificent profit in another, more 
dear currency. Pity all this is lost on our president.


Thursday, September 9, 2021

A Tragic Way to Celebrate a Tragic Anniversary

We are coming up on the twentieth anniversary of 
9-11, the date when terror paid us a call in three 
different locations in our country, killing many 
of our fellow Americans in the ghastly process.
And the events in Afghanistan, beginning with
President Biden's quick and massive withdrawal
of our troops which enabled the Taliban to take 
the country in a blitzkrieg not unlike the one 
which the Germans rode to complete domination
of Poland in 1939, is how we will be 
commemorating this tragic anniversary. 

Biden made up a withdrawal date loaded with 
symbolism to make him look fiercely determined
on this anniversary, never mind the consequences
of his action. We left our major air base in the 
middle of the night (!) no less, without first informing
the Afghan military. We left many of our weapons 
behind and the Taliban happily took possession of 
them. We didn't tell our allies what we were doing 
and how we were doing it; they followed us there 
and paid dearly for doing so. Worst of all, we 
removed our military personnel before removing 
U.S. citizens, particularly those employed at our 
embassy, and our friends --- those brave Afghans 
who helped us materially and in other ways as 
well. They were left without protection from the 
onrushing Taliban, and many were captured or 
killed on the spot. Women were forced out of their 
workplaces and their classrooms and into burkas.
Many Afghans sped to the Karzai International Airport
to get a commercial flight, or really ANY flight, out of
Afghanistan. The remaining Americans did 
likewise. Many of both were waiting in vain for flights 
to help them escape. And ponder this: the Taliban and
their pals in Al-Qaeda will get a base from where they 
can plan and launch terror attacks like 9-11 on our allied
countries and on us. Want something more to make you
roll your eyes and your jaw drop? President Biden 
thinks he has a firm deal with the Taliban to have 
them provide safe passage out of Afghanistan to 
the Americans and the Afghanis who worked with 
them (?!?!?!?!?!). Biden's dippy Secretary of State
Antony Blinken (where's Winkin' and Nod?) pro-
claimed "The Taliban has committed to let anyone
with proper documents leave the country in a safe
and orderly manner. They've said this privately and 
publicly many times." Your quizzical Peasant wonders,
what color is the sky in the world in which Biden 
and Blinken reside? With the withdrawal of our
military people from Afghanistan the Taliban has 
the leverage to block anyone they want from 
leaving the country for as long as they want. 
And these two nimrods don't know this? 

Response or comments from the president and his
regime? They think that it will all go away, just like
a bad dream and always try to change the subject
when anyone asks about Afghanistan. However, 
the aftermath will play out over the course of many
years, like Vietnam. And President Biden showed
himself to be a man without kindness or an interest 
in the well-being of others. This episode caused severe
damage to his presidency and to his personal reputation
which may not be at all reparable. He has even given
the perception that he doesn't listen to advice from 
many people, if anyone. His military and political
advisors urged him not to go the route he has taken
on Afghanistan; he paid them no mind and listened 
to his own counsel.

Can you imagine the thoughts and emotions running
through the minds of our military veterans who 
served tours of duties in Afghanistan, being seriously
wounded or even maimed? They must be thinking that 
they sacrificed so grievously for what --- a quickie
exit which was no more than an abandonment of an
ally who needed our help desperately? An ally which
instead got the shaft as a result? That they gave up a leg,
an arm, more, for what? That friends in their units died
for what? And the families of those who were among 
the casualties, some of whom are now bitterly opposed
to Biden's actions and his even occupying the White
House? One mother of a marine killed in action 
spoke recently on Sean Hannity's radio show and 
ripped into the president, even using strong language.
Although these words were bleeped out, Hannity 
expressed his sympathy to her and her family. 
And who could blame her? Who would begrudge her
emotions? After all, her son died a completely 
senseless, avoidable death, and she has not heard any 
words of sympathy nor condolences from her son's
commander-in-chief, whose careless actions put her 
son in the crosshairs of lethal danger.

The way we ended our involvement in Vietnam was 
terrible. But the way President Biden ended our 
involvement in Afghanistan could prove to be far,
far worse, for the reverberations from it will be 
sounding in our ears and those of our allies for 
perhaps years. Then there's the rest of the conse-
quences which have yet to manifest. Let's hope
that we can give President Biden as ignominious 
an ending to his presidency as he has given our
commitment to Afghanistan and her people.


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Biden & Bernie vs. the Billionaires

Everyone by now has heard about the behemoth budget
that President Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders (Ind.-VT) 
have collaborated on, along with its focus on "infrastructure"
(I placed this word in quotation marks because Biden and 
Sanders have expanded it to mean things which are not and 
never were meant to be defined as infrastructure). The tab
for it all are astronomical to the point of record-setting; 
Sanders made a budget proposal of $3.5 trillion (!),
dwarfing Biden's proposal of $1 trillion (?!). The free-
spending pair defended their break-the-bank budgetary
plans with the usual class-warfare rhetoric: both of 
these turbo-charged spendthrifts called upon the 
"billionaire class" to "pay their fair share of taxes".
"We are living in a nation where the people on top are
doing phenomenally well," Sen. Sanders bellowed to 
a crowd at a rally for this Marxist monstrosity in Iowa
recently. "They have so much money, they don't even 
know what to do with it, and now some of them are off 
in outer space spending their billions. Well, we think 
maybe it might be a good idea , before you go off to 
outer space, to start paying attention to the struggles
of working families on the ground." Indeed, let's get
working families hooked on more and more financial
handouts from Uncle Sam rather than allow the biggest,
and other big income earners to keep more of their
money so that they can expand their businesses, which
would mean more jobs, some of which would be held 
by members of the aforementioned working families.
When the peasantry work for their subsistence they
gain independence and a sense of accomplishment
rather than languishing at home watching TV knowing
that the government will take care of them to the point 
of their not trying to do for themselves what left-wing 
politicians have soft-soaped them into giving over to 
the government to do for them; to feed, shelter, clothe,
and to medically treat them on the dime of those who
do work, and have achieved various levels of considerable
success. When these hard-working businesspeople see 
what their taxes will be under a Biden-Sanders "infra-
structure" funding scheme many of them will either 
simply not continue to build and grow their businesses,
or they will pack up everything and move their operations
to countries with lower corporate and individual income
taxes. Either way, American workers will be out of work
and non-working Americans will not even try to find
work, and presto! A massive welfare state will spring up 
and the national economy will stagnate and shrivel.

Furthermore, the left-wing gruesome twosome will run out
of billionaires to drain for their spending binge. According
to the 2021 Forbes billionaires list, there are currently 724
billionaires in the United States with a collective net worth 
of $4.4 trillion. President Biden's own infrastructure plan 
includes approximately $550 billion in new spending, but 
the total bill is nearly $1 trillion on the nose. Bernie's budget?
A cool $3.5 trillion. If Sen. Sanders were to tax away every
asset of every U.S. billionaire --- that includes (but is certainly
not limited to Elon Musk's bitcoin holdings, Larry Ellison's 
boats, Oprah Winfrey's houses, and Ted Turner's ranches,
or the classic car collections of Jay Leno and Jay-Z
--- it STILL wouldn't cover the cost of the Democrats' next
two legislative plans. Think of that! Many thanks, by the way,
to the Wall Street Journal for publishing these facts in their
Aug. 31 edition's Review and Outlook section.

And then there's the funding of the federal government's 
operations, roughly $4 trillion per annum. And Bernie 
still harbors his dream of Medicare for All, a socialized
medicine scheme which would make Obama's so-called
Affordable Health Care Act look like a little child's 
birthday party. Bernie keeps pumping his "us versus them"
message, but he doesn't realize that there aren't enough of 
"them" to sink his teeth into --- meaning that he, Biden,
and the government will have to go after the millionaires,
then the upper-middle class, then the middle class. Their 
taxes will need to go on a rocket ride too, much more 
dramatic than that taken by Jeff Bezos, currently the 
biggest American billionaire and the wealthiest person
on the planet. After plundering "them", the socialistic
Democrats will look hungrily at "us". Then what would
we do? And unlike how he ended our war in Afghanistan,
President Biden will prosecute this war, his and Bernie's 
War on Wealth, fighting to the last billionaire. Then the last 
millionaire. Then ... you get the idea.