Some scary things have been happening to the lefties and the Democrat
party. Recent debated between their candidates for various offices in
various states, among them governorships and U.S. Senate seats, have
not gone well. As a matter of fact, they went from mediocre
performances to unmitigated disasters. Most notable among the
latter was the debate between Pennsylvania Democrat Lt. Governor
John Fetterman and his Republican opponent TV personality
Dr. Mehmet Oz, in which Fetterman stumbled and bumbled his way
through the affair, even declaring at one point that he was in favor
of fracking to get fuel (he's not, but he has very little grasp over the
content of his speech when he talks due to a near-fatal stroke he had
around the time of the Pennsylvania primaries. Why his handlers,
and even his wife, is letting him continue with his campaign and has
let him participate in this debate when he's clearly not up to it all
is anyone's guess). Incumbent Republican Senator Ron Johnson
in my home state of Wisconsin, seeking re-election, has come form
nearly ten points behind to pass his radical left-wing Democrat
opponent Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, as Barnes is being a little
too honest about one thing while not being honest enough on some
others; while being vague or worse on employment matters as well as
on previous personal political activities, i.e. helping to establish the
far-left Working Family Party, a tiny but feisty minor party which is
active in Wisconsin, New York, and a few other states while being
forthright on releasing more violent criminals while favoring issuing
cash bail requirements for violent criminals to be free while awaiting
their court cases.
And of course the scene wouldn't be complete without our dementia-
riddled president adding to the pot. His pronouncements on the
inflation rate, which is the highest it's been in over 40 years, as being
minor and temporary have gotten many Americans quizzically
wondering where he gets his gas for his limo (I do believe I've hit on
the crux of the matter re: President Biden's understanding of how
things like gas prices come to be!). And then he blames the oil
companies for being greedy, jacking up the price of their gasoline
at the pumps, and even apportioning some of the blame to the gas
station owners for getting in on the action! He's been just as ridiculous
on other subjects in his speeches as well. It's no wonder that his staff
minimizes his public appearances in terms of times in the limelight
and how much time per appearance!
Meanwhile, GOP candidates are picking up more and more points in
the polls, including black and Hispanic candidates, eating into the
heretofore "safe" constituency groups of the Democrats. Polls also
indicate the return of the House to the Republicans and even that
of the Senate, the former by a wide margin and the latter by a hand-
ful of seats, say 52-48 or so. But it would be enough to hog tie
President Biden and the Dems for the next two years! And this will
not bode well for them in 2024.
And all around the country, the people have had them up to the sky
with their mix of incompetence, dishonesty, gaslighting, and arrogance.
So this shall boil down to a witches' brew of frightening consequences
for the Democrats and their pals, and the coming election will be the
scariest of the scaries that will manifest. Happy Halloween, Dems!
And a very Happy Halloween to you, my wonderful readers!