Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Thanksgiving Thanks and Thoughts

Your thankful Peasant wants to thank all of you, 
my wonderful, delightful, and enthusiastic readers 
for your ongoing support through your readership
and your comments about those posts which have
moved you to give your thoughts and opinions on.
May you all have a most Happy Thanksgiving and 
be able to spend it with your families and friends,
enjoying each other's company and each other's
love! May you also enjoy some grand Thanksgiving 
dinners too! Put away your calorie counters and just
enjoy the bountiful treat, for it is a part of this
beautiful holiday!

Let us also be thankful for one good thing which came
from some otherwise disappointing election results:
we took back the House and unseated ultra-liberal and
ultra-crooked Nancy Pelosi from the position of House
Speaker, defanging Pelosi by dethroning her! Word has 
it that she'll serve out her new term in the House but not
be House Minority Leader, then retire. Let's all give her
a hale and hearty goodbye when she does pack it in;
to not let the chamber door whack her on the way out!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



Thursday, November 17, 2022

Socialists Are What Socialists Do

Yvon Chouinard, billionaire, founder of Patagonia, a $3B Company,
and avowed socialist, recently transferred control of his vast company
to a newly founded environmental organization of some sort.
Two things to keep in mind here: One, a great many wealthy people 
don't like to publicly acknowledge that they are wealthy. Two, even
self-avowed socialists will do everything they can to avoid capital 
gains, gift, and inheritance taxes. This billionaire claims that he 
never intended to be come a billionaire or for Patagonia to become
a $3B company. He just feels that his creation's profits would be 
better utilized if kept from the U.S. government, to Uncle Sam's

Well, many Americans feel the same way about their earnings, many 
of whom don't make nearly as much money as does Chouinard and
his company. But let them try to play keep away from our government's
coffers and see what happens. One rule for the Liberal Establishment 
elite, vast wealth and all; another rule for the peasants. 

Is it any wonder why I have taken up my pitchfork? 


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Post Election Day Thoughts

We've put the 2022 mid-term elections behind us,
and it's all over but the shouting. Your favorite Peasant 
is now going to do a little shouting myself.

What was supposed to be a red tsunami turned out to be
a red ripple. Yes, the Republicans won enough seats in the 
House to wrest it from the Democrats, and yes,
they dethroned Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker; she's no
longer the second in line for the presidency and is not the
second-most powerful government office holder in the 
country (thank God!!!). But instead of taking forty or more
seats to have a significant majority, they picked up less than
half that, and although the Senate races are not all settled
it looks like the GOP will have, when all is said and done,
picked up just one or two seats there, if any. The Senate 
could remain at 50 seats for each party, leaving the chamber
in the Democrats' hands with Vice President Harris in
the tie-breaking position. I haven't yet seen the final tally on
the gubernatorial races around the country, but sadly my
state, Wisconsin, has re-elected very left-wing Tony Evers
to a second term in the governor's office; yes, the knob who
was willing to let Kenosha burn to the ground during the riot 
in that major Wisconsin city in 2020, the year that such riots 
and carnage took place in many U.S. cities, all run by 
Democrats of course, many in states run by Democrat 
governors like Evers. Some other government officials
and advisors to Evers badgered him (no pun intended) to 
send the Wisconsin National Guard to Kenosha to quell
the riot and prevent more damage, and finally prevailed 
upon the governor to dispatch some Guard personnel to 
the stricken city, which they saved from further mayhem.
The honcho who did not add more staff to the department 
responsible for getting people their unemployment checks
when they applied at the time of Evers' lockdown mandates
when the coronavirus hit the state, causing many workers to 
be laid off. This resulted in many workers having their checks
delayed or not receiving them at all (your angered Peasant was
one of the latter). The Supremo (Stupremo?) who mandated 
schools and churches to be closed, and when schools reopened 
mandated the schoolchildren, all the way up to high school age,
wear safety masks to school, even though his administration
knew full well that the masks were ineffective against the virus
(as did many other Dem government officials in the other states).
Students fell badly behind in their schoolwork and their learning
while workers either worked from home (if at all) or, if they could
return to work at their places of employment, had to wear masks
and get vaccines, which also were not very efficient in keeping 
away the virus as it turned out. Workers refusing to get vaccinated
were faced with dismissal from their jobs. Families and friends 
could not gather together in numbers above a set limit in their own
homes (!). Restaurants, bars, pubs, theatres, and sports facilities
were either closed or severely limited in terms of how many people
could be in these places at any given time. And there were more 
such indignities and outrages as well.

Evers gave every reason not to re-elect him, but he had the good 
fortune to run against a candidate from the GOP who ran a campaign
which left much to be desired, including an accusation of sexual
harassment in his construction business to which he either weakly
or never responded to (if Tim Michels did respond I somehow
missed it). Evers won by 52% to 48% in the final vote, but a 
more aggressive candidate would have won the race easily, sparing
we Wisconsinites another four years of this clueless, careless, 
passionless, absolutely lacking in empathy elitist pig. Michels is an
honorable man, but he was a mediocre campaigner and candidate.

The attorney general's race was a close-but-no-cigar effort to unseat 
Democrat incumbent Josh Kaul, an AG with a bleeding heart for 
criminals but no empathy for their victims, nor any concern for 
the law-abiding citizenry. His refusal to enforce a 150-year-old law
on Wisconsin's books greatly curbing abortion was another reason
to send him packing, as it does no service to have an AG who will
only enforce laws that he approves of. 

At least we succeeded in re-electing U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, 
a Republican who has served two terms and came to the Senate
straight from his plastics manufacturing company, never having 
run for office before. He defeated, albeit narrowly, a radical left-
wing Democrat and current Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, who is 
even more gung ho for criminals being treated with kid gloves and
a penchant for supporting taxes high and plentiful on the wealthy and 
the middle class while not paying his own taxes (property) and 
not paying traffic tickets, both going back a while. 

There have been mistakes, overlooked opportunities, failures, and 
insufficiently aggressive tactics in the campaigns of some of the 
Republican candidates for state constitutional offices and legislative 
offices, some of which have cost the campaigns victories. This has
held true for many races in other states as well. The Republicans did
indeed have some important victories and accomplishments
in the midterms, but with an overhaul of their campaigning methods
and practices they can have red tsunamis instead of pitiful little ripples 
or worse, painful defeats in races that they should easily have won. 
The GOP has two years to fix this, or else it's another four years
of ornery, elitist, demented Joe Biden or someone as bad if not


Monday, November 7, 2022

A Word About Election Day (Which is Tomorrow): VOTE!

Friends, as you are aware tomorrow is Election Day. 
Although the presidency isn't up for grabs (wait a 
couple more years) both the House and the Senate are.
If we can swing both chambers, as the Democrats
have a narrow majority in the former while the latter,
although tied up at 50 seats apiece, is in Democrat
hands with the Dem Vice President holding the 
tie-breaking vote when a tie occurs on legislation 
voted on, then we can have a buffer against President
Biden's radical agenda formed by the radical elements 
which have taken over the Democrat Party in recent years.
There won't be any more "stimulus" programs or 
any other multi-trillion dollar schemes which would 
guarantee we'd never have a low-debt load, let alone
debt-free country again, nor ever again have a balanced 
federal budget.

There also would be no more pushing far-left "educational"
texts, classes. programs, and other components of a radical
agenda on our schoolchildren either. Nor any "gender equity"
ploys such as biological members of one gender having to 
compete in sports against transgender athletes who have
a considerable advantage because they still have the 
musculature of the gender that they naturally had.
And there will be no more laws penalizing people 
who improperly refer to another's gender, that is, 
mistaking the other person's pronoun to be referred to
as, i.e. fines, disciplinary action at work or school, or 
worse. We shall also do away with shockingly lax criminal
laws regarding penalizing criminals. We can dismantle 
the lefties' progressive plan to turn our country into a 
socialist hell, and to eradicate it for all time.

We can restore sanity along with Constitutional rule of law 
in all areas and aspects of American life. We not only can, 
we must, for the sake of not only ourselves and our families 
and communities but also for the generations to come. 
We can restore our country to the kind of country that it was 
meant to be once again. And all we need to do is simply 
to take that all-important first step, which is to vote tomorrow.
You all know who the candidates are that will work with us to 
make all of this possible. But they can't help if we don't exercise 
our right and our duty to vote.

It's easy to register to vote; you can do so at your polling place.
Bring family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and classmates
with you. Get as many people whom you know to the polls as
you can! 

But most importantly, just vote. Please, vote. Vote as if your lives
depend on it, because they do. Our way of life, and the quality of
life for us all, the American people, are on the line. The very things 
which make our lives livable. The reasons why so many people
flocked to our country since its inception, all for having a better 
life. The elements of our national society which has made our
country the envy of the world. 





Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Lina Khan Can't

Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Lina Khan 
has had loads of fun, pushing around businesses since
being installed in her current government position. 
However, she may have recently met her match.   

Walmart answered a punch Khan fired at them with
a punch of their own by challenging an abusive
lawsuit via challenging the agency's enforcement power.
Federal agencies, with their legions of bureaucrats, 
make rules and regulations that have the force of 
laws, and backed by the law itself. Walmart is battling 
back at the action taken against the retailer and the notion  
that an agency can do this with impunity. 

The FTC lawsuit claims Walmart aided and abetted 
con artists who took advantage of their customers, but
said suit has skimpy evidence. The FTC doesn't show that
Walmart had done anything wrong; rather, it argues that 
the company turned a "blind eye" by processing money 
transfers requested by customers who had been swindled.
This despite the fact that Walmart ran various anti-fraud 
programs including requiring customers to show government-
issued photo identification and warning them about scams.
However, the FTC complains that Walmart should have 
done more to stop the less than estimated 0.08% (!) of 
payments which customers unknowingly sent to the 
confidence tricksters via Walmart's money-transfer 
services. Furthermore, the FTC also argues that Walmart's
mere awareness that some of their customers might be
cheated (!!) makes the retailer liable for damages.
That's tantamount to a tire store selling sets of tires to 
their customers while being at all aware that any and all
of the tires may go flat by developing a leak or getting
punctured, then holding the tire store liable for any 

Walmart makes a powerful case that Congress "exceeded 
the limit on the powers that may be constitutionally vested"
in the FTC when it granted the bureaucratic agency the
authority to sue businesses in federal court. The basis of 
their case is the Supreme Court's Humphrey's Executor
(1935) precedent. In that case, the Court upheld restrictions 
on the President's removal authority of FTC commissioners
on the grounds that the FTC was an "administrative body" 
that exercises only "quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial powers"
such as conducting administrative adjudications as well as 
making investigations and reports to Congress. However,
in the 1970s Congress gave the FTC fundamentally executive 
powers by allowing it to seek injunctions and monetary relief
in federal court. Walmart stated that this act is invalid under 
Humphrey's Executor. Walmart held that if the President can't
fire commissioners at will, then they can't wield executive power.

Walmart is seeking merely to reaffirm Humphrey's limitations 
in their case which illustrates how agencies that are supposed 
to be independent have become constitution-flouting bullies
without accountability regarding how they use their power.

FTC Chair Lina Khan, take note. The FTC is not a branch of 
the federal government, and you, madam, are not a queen, 
even though you like to act like one.