A reminder to all my Wisconsin readers: Election Day is April 4
and Wisconsin has early voting, the time period for voting ahead
of Election Day began nine days ago. So please don't tell me that
you have a very tight schedule (you wanna compare schedules with
me? I've already voted on the first day of early voting!), or that the
weather is or might be inclement and make for slippery roads or
that you have to help an ailing relative or whatever. You've got time,
and you've got an important date with political destiny which you
dare not miss! Besides, Voting early is a good voting strategy in that
it can "bank" a candidate's votes so that if there is a smaller than
expected voter turnout on Election Day then said candidate will likely
have the majority of votes for him/her so that they may be well ahead
of the other candidate(s) and may well wind up being victorious.
Since your keeping-ever-current Peasant first wrote about our state's
upcoming election in which we shall choose a candidate for a soon-
to-be-vacated seat on our state's supreme court, some new information
about the lefty candidate, Judge Janet Protasiewicz came to light.
And let me tell you, it ain't pretty!
Some years ago she was briefly married to a prominent Milwaukee
jurist, Judge Patrick J. Madden, a well-known conservative. The
The marriage fell apart before too long, thanks to Protasiewicz'
maltreatment of her husband who was twice her age. Michael
Madden, Protasiewicz' former stepson, told a family friend who
wishes to have his name kept out of the press because of the
contentiousness of the election with Judges Daniel Kelly and
Protasiewicz drawing nearer, about the physical abuse made on
the elderly Judge. Another family friend, John Ehr, went on record
regarding the ongoing abuse, saying that he saw some of the alleged
abuse with his "own eyes", according to his statement he gave to
Wisconsin Right Now --- Unintimidated, a Wisconsin news web site
which gives a conservative perspective on the state's news stories.
Ehr, by the way, is a former Milwaukee restaurant and bar owner who
is a long-time friend of the late Judge Madden's family and an
self-described "liberal" regarding his politics, so you know that
his claims are not part of some vast "right-wing conspiracy" to
derail Protasiewicz' candidacy for the state's high court.
Furthermore, Ehr said that he heard Protasiewicz refer to black
people by the "N-slur" in a conversation.
Other people who know Protasiewicz, who was a Milwaukee assistant
district attorney at the time of her short-lived marriage to Judge
Madden, have reported that she was not at all a nice person. One
friend of the family, who gave her name as Rita (not wanting to
give her full name) gave similar accounts for this article. So far
two first-hand witnesses have come forward to tell how Protaseiwicz
interacted with her husband.
So we have a liberal candidate for Wisconsin's highest court that has
signaled how she likely would vote in certain cases, disqualifying her
from giving her decisions on said cases, but also indicated that she'd
not recuse herself from ruling on them; a candidate who had acted
violently toward her husband according to witness given by a family
member and at least two family friends; and has been so lenient on
dangerous criminals, so as to enable them to go forth and commit
further crimes including, but not limited to, assault, rape, and armed
robbery; a candidate who shows no proper understanding of the
state's constitution, choosing to be guided by her "values";
a candidate who has no regrets over her atrocious leniency shown
toward said criminals nor her dismissiveness toward their victims;
and a person who isn't fit to be a Milwaukee Circuit Court judge,
let alone a justice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Do we really
want to trust her with a seat on the highest court in our state? Besides,
if she gets elected, there will then be a 4-3 LIBERAL majority
(emphasis added) which would go after all of the Walker reforms
that have benefitted our state since they were crafted by then-Gov.
Scott Walker and passed by the state legislature. And the political
map of our state will be redrawn to give a big advantage to the
Democrats, with the 4-3 left-wing court turning away all challenges
to the map for who knows how many years? Remember, a justice
on the state's top court gets a 10-year term and can run for re-election,
meaning a justice could serve for twenty years or even more if
they so choose. Elections in our state would have a diminished
meaning which could be boiled down to: the people vote, but the
court decides. The court would in effect be our master. The left-wing
justices would rule over us like gods on Mount Olympus. Is this the
Wisconsin that we want to hand down to our children and
You all by now are quite familiar with Judge Daniel Kelly and his
record of service as a judge and as a past justice on our high court.
He respects and follows the constitution of our state, he does not
tilt his judgement toward or against anyone because of political
or personal biases. Judge Kelly also has a sharp intellect which
has helped him to have a commanding grasp of the law, which
greatly outshines that of his opponent. So please, go out and vote,
for you are not merely electing a high court candidate, you are
choosing what kind of state, what kind of society, what kind of
legacy you are giving to the coming generations. And you can
do this by simply marking a ballot with the name of the candidate
who shall interpret our laws, not legislate over them.
Simple enough, and yet so urgently important.
Let there be tears of joy rather than tears of sorrow on April 5.