Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Truth is Always the First Casualty of War

News out of Gaza in recent days has announced two things:
500 deaths outside a Gaza hospital and that it was caused  
by an Israeli strike. The source of this news item was Hamas's
propaganda campaign, trying very hard to make the Israeli
forces look like bloodthirsty beasts, and much of the inter-
national media, with its widespread anti-Israel bias,
unquestioningly took Hamas at its word. Thus, truth is always
the first casualty of war, as one side begins to fight on a 
second front --- the battle to persuade people as to who 
are the good guys and who are the villains; the latter always
try to dress up as sheep while covering their wolfish tendencies.

Surprisingly (to say the least), President Biden said in a speech
during his recent visit to Israel that proof emerged that the 
cause of the attack was a Palestinian rocket, not an Israeli
one. In so doing he kept the focus on Hamas's egregious 
violations of the laws of war, which have of late been used 
to hamstring Israel and its capability to defend itself and to
gain support from western nations. The BBC said --- on air
--- that the Israelis "said they are investigating, but it is hard 
to see what else this could be, really, given the size of the 
explosion, other than an Israeli airstrike, or several airstrikes."
Really? Do you Beeb boobs believe that the Palestinians would
never, ever, fire at a hospital, trying to take out doctors, nurses,
children, and patients while the Israelis would do it in a 

Headlines have since shifted, but now political lefties around
the world are holding protests asking Israel to initiate a cease-
fire. Hamas would like it a lot if Israel were to do this, of course.
Meanwhile, a White House National Security Council spokesman
averred that "(Our) current assessment, based on analysis of 
overhead imagery, intercepts and open source information,
is that Israel is not responsible for the explosion at the hospital
in Gaza." An intercept of a call between Hamas members 
along with Israeli drone film bolster the already accumulated 

So what actually happened? Either of two things: Possibility one,
the Palestinians launched a rocket which malfunctioned and never
got near its intended (Israeli) target; Possibility two: the Palestinians
deliberately struck the area just outside one of their hospitals and
tried to pin the blame on Israeli forces. The hospital still stands,
but the parking lot outside the hospital had been hit, with lots of 
evidence of fire damage but not the impact crater one usually sees
with Israeli air strikes. 

Now, regarding the rules of warfare which civilized nations developed 
through the centuries, there are two iron-clad rules right off: One,
you can't target civilians. Two, incidental casualties must be balanced
against the aims of war; in other words, proportionality is to be 
sustained. This is acknowledging that in any war some innocent 
bystanders, if you will, are going to get killed, but these deaths must
be related to the goals of self-defense. While zero casualties is, sadly,
an impossible goal, the more realistic goal is then to minimize these
deaths with the count consistent with defeating the enemy.

Hamas and their allies blow it on Rule One; every rocket attack they 
made and continue to make on Israel is a war crime according to this
rule. But journos in the West, government officials in many western 
nations and politicians in and out of office hold Israel to casualty 
totals extremely close to zero while turning a blind eye to the totals
piled up by the Palestinians, and are quick to believe all accounts of 
alleged Israeli atrocities while excusing actual Palestinian atrocities,
blithely lying that they are just defending themselves, or that they 
are getting justice for their own having been killed by the Israelis.
Note: The Israelis DO NOT (emphasis The Peasant's) bomb hospitals,
schools, orphanages, or shoot at civilian women and children.
The Palestinians hide behind children to avoid being shot at, especially
children taken hostage. 

Israel is now getting much deserved support from the United States,
with President Biden seeming to start to understand the truth behind
how the war in Israel is being waged by the Israelis, fighting valiantly
to defend their land and their people. Let's hope that this is the pivotal
point in the war, and that Israel is on the road to victory. And let's 
hope that the rest of the West, especially our allies, are starting to have
this understanding as well.


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Singapore Sings Praises for The Peasant

Something remarkable has happened in recent weeks 
and months; Singapore, located in the Pacific Rim region
of the world, a tiny but bustling nation, has taken a big 
bright shine to The Peasant. As of September, PWAP has 
been attracting a record (for this blog) number of readers
in each of the past four months, reaching a peak of 15,455
for September! Along the way, Singaporean readership 
has surpassed all of the other countries where PWAP 
is read in terms of total views online; even the 
United States has been passed by! The Peasant's home
country! The U.S. presently trails Singapore in total 
views to date: 28,534 to 23,305. Singapore leads 
the world in readership of PWAP, with the U.S. now
in second place.

To my readers in Singapore, it's wonderful to have you
all aboard! I know that you favor limited government,
low (and few) taxes, unnecessary regulation, and 
a harmonious social order for a harmonious society;
the very things that The Peasant likes! In this world,
in these trying times, it is so important and reassuring 
to be united with like-minded people who share one's 
hopes, concerns, aspirations, and a unquenchable thirst 
for freedom, and with that a passion to preserve that 
freedom for not only our generation but for those to come.
Because if we lose that precious commodity, it would be
nearly impossible to regain it. 

In closing, please feel free to leave comments on this blog
telling me what you liked about the pieces The Peasant
has posted and how they resonated with you. Let me know
what you most enjoyed in each article. And also feel free
to tell me a bit about yourselves. In the meantime, thank
you for your most enthusiastic readership! Your humble 
Peasant is most grateful!


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Israel Under Siege

On October 6, Israel was swiftly attacked by Hamas, one of 
the radical Islamic groups in the Middle East, backed by 
Iranian money and supplies. A full-on, all-out jihad was 
launched against Israel by combined forces who have
long wanted to eradicate Israel and her people from 
the face of the earth. Israel has fought wars in defense 
of their country so many, many times throughout their 
3,000 year history. and now they must fight yet another
such war.

Israel was first attacked by an aerial force, followed by 
a land attack. How can this have happened, Israelis have 
started to ask. And how can it be that Israel allowed a 
bloodthirsty terrorist group to rule for as long as it had in 
Gaza, just next door? Hamas's intentions were always 
obvious. To get Hamas out of there, Israel might have had 
to forcefully remove them and take over the governance 
of Gaza itself, and the magpies of the democracies in the 
West, all safe, comfy and cozy would have yelled "Foul!"
and "Bloody murder!" in response. They just plain don't
get it in regards to what Israel faces, and has faced every 
day for many years, nay, generations, centuries; some of 
them don't even care.

Gaza was given up by Israel in 2005 under pressure from 
said Western democracies, including --- quite sadly ---
the United States, and the Gaza is still called "Israeli-
occupied" (!) by the U.N. The Western media journos 
and their higher-ups have fallen in line with this false
bit of narrative. They don't care that the Gaza's dictatorial
rulers are sworn to obliterate Israel; these U.N. and media
elites don't care about Israel, period. 

Israel was even castigated for forcefully stopping Hamas's 
previous attempts to rush the border. The Western media 
called the Hamas border-rushers "protesters". a' la the 
"peaceful protesters" that have been rioting, burning, and
looting in several U.S. cities a few summers ago (!!).

Meanwhile, reports have been coming in from Israel telling
of people dragged off the streets and tossed into vehicles,
taken off by Hamas to who-knows-where, and families 
murdered in their homes, some even in their beds.
Men, women, and children have been thus killed. There 
has been a report of an elderly woman too infirmed to be
taken off by the Hamas invaders, so the latter killed her 
in her home by dousing her with gas and lighting her afire.
Further reports of babies' and toddlers' bodies having been
discovered mutilated, some even having been decapitated.
Anti-Israel politicians and journos around the world, 
including in the U.S., claimed that the grisly fate of those
innocent children was just a lie, and that the adults that
were killed was justifiable, given what Israel allegedly did 
to Palestinians in Israel for so long. 

Israel will do what it has to do in order to defeat their invading
enemies, regardless of what Anti-Israel figures want and say.
It would, of  course, help Israel if the U.S. would make it
clear to all in the Middle East, especially Hamas and Iran,
that they support Israel and will assist Israel as much as it
can just short of direct military involvement; they can move
a battleship or two and a maybe a few aircraft carriers to
the Eastern Mediterranean to demonstrate their willingness
to place themselves in a position to make such involvement
if circumstances call for it. And it was such a great surprise 
to hear our heretofore feckless president Joe Biden denounce
the invasion of Israel and the ensuing slaughter of innocent
civilians, calling it "Sheer evil" (!!!). Let's hope and pray that
Biden will have the resoluteness to have the appropriate 
actions accompany his words! These actions should reflect 
that American power need only be demonstrated in order to 
deter another war in that region. Another benefit of such action
would be that it would shut down Hamas and their allies,
as well as to shut up anti-Israel loudmouths in the West.


Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Social Club for Hustlers, Rogues, and Their Apologists

Founded on the heels of WWII, the United Nations was billed
as the world's best hope for preventing any further world wars
and many smaller ones, as well as a place where discussion,
negotiation, and diplomacy would resolve disputes between 
various groups of people including large nations. In the years
since its founding the U.N.'s record in regards to the afore-
mentioned has been spotty at best. 

How's the U.N. doing of late? With an emerging world order led
by rogue regimes and their equally repulsive friends and allies,
one wonders what is the use of having the U.N. at all? 
Recently the U.N. hosted a gathering of dignitaries, functionaries,
and a few heads of state for the United Nations General Assembly,
and our (heaven help us) President Biden was among the throng.
Biden made his annual speech to those assembled, the Presidents
of Russia, China, and France didn't bother to attend, nor did the 
U.K.'s Prime Minister, and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi gave a 
speech dedicated to taking a pot shot at the United States. 
By the by, Raisi gave his squalid little presentation just one day
after Iran expelled the U.N.'s top nuclear weapons inspectors.
In addition, the U.N. has stood cravenly by as North Korea
ignores Security Council resolutions and sanctions to expand its
nuclear program. On the Ukranian conflict with Russia? 
The U.N. has been even more pitiful. Russia's veto in the Security 
Council coupled with China's backing had blocked any meaningful
response to Russia's mayhem. Ukrainian President Volodymyr 
Zelensky made a rare visit to the U.N. to state the case for support
against Russia's invasion. The U.S. and its allies will determine 
whether Ukraine ultimately defeats the Russians in their war.

U.N.-style multilateralism is flimsy and ineffective as China and 
their fellow rogues show off their power, with no one to rein them
in. The left-wing internationalists in Biden's State Department 
fantasize about groups of nations meeting at the U.N. to settle 
their spats in peace, but all they are doing is dreaming pipe dreams
while the present wars grind on, grinding people and their 
countries into rubble, leaving Biden's ivory-tower dwellers 
wondering why.