While it's true that our country will have a national election
to, among other things, determine who will be our president,
held this day November 5, we have an election happening
every day. While on the first Tuesday in the coming month
we will be voting with our ballots, many Americans are voting
with their feet to show their preference for life in the red states
(Republican run) over life in the blue states (Democrat run),
leaving the latter for the former every day. The results thus far
show a landslide for the red states.
Since 2004, American families have made this choice in ever-
increasing numbers. The red states offer lower taxes along with
either lower or no state income taxes, more robust job growth
making for lower unemployment numbers, and laws which
protect children from the crackpot left-wing social and
educational ideas du jour. The blue states offer the exact
opposite of each of the benefits of red state living.
During the COVID-19 pandemic the red state schools were
open and the children were maskless; the blue state schools
were either closed or required the students to mask up.
In the former, churches and other houses of worship were
open; not so in the latter. In the red states businesses were
open for business; in the blue states they were either
shuttered or operating with their staff working from home.
State economies were strong in red territory; weak as
water in blue.
What the American people and their families desire so fervently
is for government to foster freedom, not bind them up in
condescending paternalism. They are certainly making their desire
known by moving from states like California, Illinois, New York,
Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington (the state and D.C.), and
Maryland to states like Florida, Texas, South Carolina, South
Dakota, Idaho, and Tennessee. On this day, November 5, they'll
also make their preference known by marking their ballots.