While most Americans have been pinching pennies
and stretching dollars as they have battled high prices
and firmly-planted inflation, the wealthier among us
have been on a spending spree.
The top 10% of earners, which is made up of households
bringing home about $250,000 or more annually, are
treating themselves to designer clothes and accessories
such as handbags and such, thanks to soaring gains in
stocks, real estate, Bitcoins, and other assets. All of this
accounts for nearly 50% of all spending in the United
States. Three decades earlier, spending by our wealthy
made up approximately 36% of our spending!
Mark Zandi, Chief Economist at Moody's, estimated that
spending by the top 10% of income earners accounted for
nearly one-third of gross domestic product. During the
period between September 2023 and September 2024,
while the larger-income earners increased their spending
by 12%, spending by the middle-class and lower-middle
-class earners dropped. During the current inflationary
period we're going through, the bottom 80% of earners
increased their spending, but barely stayed ahead of
price increases over that period, while --- those awful,
big bucks, big shots that the left-wingers love to malign,
those top 10% earners spent 58% more (!).
Some economists predict that with affluent folk discovering
that the worth of their assets has greatly increased in recent
times despite the higher inflation, there will be an increase
in high-end travel filling the airlines' coffers. The wealthy
(and wealthier) will be flying off to Europe, Hawaii,
Jamaica, Brazil, Acapulco, Switzerland, and other known
playgrounds of the well-to-do. Airline stocks would rise
quite a bit; so would the stocks of hotels and other travel
lodging businesses, also clothiers, travel gear makers and
merchants, and of course the oil companies what with all
the gas which will be needed to fly and drive the rich and
adventurous about on their tours, not to mention other firms'
stocks because of the demand for their products and services
being driven upwards by these financially elites. And the lefties
resent all this, wanting to raise existing taxes on their earnings
and create new taxes on not only what they earn but what they
save and invest.
These fools must ultimately realize that the economic fortunes
of the middle- and lower-class income earners can only benefit
from the wealthy and their spending habits, for many of them
work to provide the goods and services that the wealthy purchase.
These are things that one wouldn't see in countries with socialist
political/economic systems, yet the left-of-center bunch hail
and praise these pitiful setups while disparaging the free market
which has made possible the wealth of those spending their time
and efforts utilizing the market instead of joining the leftists in
the latter's disparagement of same. Socialist societies do poorly
even in the best of economic times, and hurt the worst in the worst
economic times. The wealthy have a buoyant effect on the free
market societies which minimizes the fallout from the tough times.
When will the lefties ever learn?