Thursday, January 16, 2025

On the Recent Increase in Federal Revenue

According to the Congressional Budget Office, federal revenue 
increased last fiscal year. While this is certainly good news, 
the deficit was at that time $1.8 trillion. The Democrats call
this a critical lack of revenue, stating that corporations, wealthy
people, really everyone and anyone who has money aren't 
paying enough in taxes --- they aren't paying their "fair share",
don't you know. But despite the towering deficit, federal revenue
increased by $479 billion year over year for an 11% rise.

$343 billion of that increase came from individual-income taxes
and payroll taxes. Corporate tax collections went up by 
$109 billion. As U.S. GDP growth for the 2024 FY grew 
approximately 2.5%, revenue growth has surpassed economic 
growth. But Congressional Democrats want to take even more 
from these sources because they allegedly don't pay their 
"fair share". Yet when they do get their way on tax increases
these clueless greedheads spend the money faster than they 
can receive it.

No, Democrats, the problem is not too little revenue; the problem
is too little spending restraint, and that's on you.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Battling Back Against Wokeness

The good feelings we conservatives have enjoyed in the latter half
of 2024 are continuing without stopping or slowing into 2025.
More and more organizations, including but not at all limited to
businesses, state and local governments, schools (including univer-
sities), entertainment, and more are refusing to be bound and gagged
by woke rules --- wokeness is political correctness on steroids ---
i.e. bowing down before pronoun regulations, forced acceptance of 
the wild beyond belief i.e. admission of boys in girls' locker rooms 
and rest rooms because the former "identifies" as girls, self-censor-
ship to avoid trouble with the law or opprobrium from and castigation
by certain circles (this last one is something hampering sand-up 
comedians and comedy screenwriters) and like totalitarianisms.

Toward the end of the old year the University of Michigan, hardly a 
conservative haven, ended their required diversity statements rule.
The school is ceasing to mandate the statements in hiring decisions
in hiring decisions. Furthermore, the University has dismissed a DEI 
(Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) administrator accused of making 
anti-semitic statements. Gee, isn't it odd that DEI types favor and in 
fact demand inclusiveness for so many groups of people but bar 
certain other groups because of their own bigotry and hatred for 

Anyway, the University of Michigan is to be commended and 
encouraged for taking these two steps, which hopefully will be
the beginning of a journey back from extremism and unequal 
treatment of whichever groups of people for unjust reasons.
Let us take a moment to applaud this university for its brave