Friday, November 6, 2009

The Reckoning

The results of Election Day this week have shown two things:
the manifestation of the outrage of many Americans over the
growth of government and resultant spending with their elected
officials' refusal to even listen to their objections, and a preview
of what's in store for many more of these arrogant elitists in 2010.
These races were for the governorships of New Jersey and
Virginia and for the U.S. House seat from New York's 23rd
Congressional District.

In New Jersey, a very solidly Democrat state, voters angry at
Democrat Gov. John Corzine over his gluttonous appetite for
taxing and spending gave him his walking papers, voting in
Republican Chris Christie to replace him. Christie promised to
slash taxes and expenditures as well as to crack down on the
corruption in Trenton, which has been largely perpetuated by
Democrat legislators. Corzine was running for a second term,
and has become just the third incumbent governor in New
Jersey's history to be defeated in a bid for a second term,
while Christie became the first Republican governor there
since the 1980s.

Virginia chose Republican Bob McConnell as its next governor
over Democrat State Sen. R. Creigh Deeds. In a very conservative
state where Democrats have made considerable gains in recent
elections, electing Democrat governors and swinging the state for
Barack Obama in last year's presidential election, Virginia voters'
disgust with skyrocketing government growth and encroaching
economic stagnation shot the Democrat's rocket out of the political

 In New York's 23rd Congressional District, however, conservative
activist Doug Hoffman lost to Democrat Bill Owendespite a gallant
campaign along with the withdrawal of Republican nominee Dede
Scozzafava from the race just days earlier. But it was a nail-biter;
Owen took 49% of the vote to Hoffman's 46% while the New York
GOP bosses' sweetheart Scozzafava received 5%. Her name
remained on the ballot because she withdrew too late in the
season to have her name removed. Scozzafava, being a true class
act, promptly endorsed the Democrat Owen after announcing
the cessation of her campaign. To the best of your favorite
Peasant's knowledge, the New York Republican bigwigs
never raised a peep to object, let alone did anything to
counter Scozzafava's blatant act of party disloyalty.
This race should have been a slam dunk!

The contested seat was held by a conservative Republican for
nearly twenty years, and had been in GOP hands for more than
a century! But the New York Republican Party chiefs, being much
more liberal than the national party, handpicked a candidate who
was politically indistinguishable from most Democrats over a true
conservative Republican who then had to run on the New York
State Conservative Party ticket. I would not be surprised if these
same party poopers voted for the Democrat Owen after their
stooge Scozzafava exited the race!

The commonality in all three races? The Tea Party Activists!
Many disgruntled voters banded together with the Tea Party
Movement by not only voting for, but also actively campaigning
for conservative candidates, putting liberals in both parties on
notice that they WILL be listened to, that they WON'T be brushed
aside, and that they are taking back our government at all levels.
If the Democrats and the "Establishment" Republicans want to
avoid further political bloodletting, they have exactly one year
to clean up their act. If they fail to do so, they'd better dust off
and update their resume's because they're going to need new


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