Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Gift Ideas

How's everybody doing?

Your friendly neighborhood Peasant has some wonderful gift ideas

for you! These gift items are geared toward the conservative bookworm

in your family or circle of friends (It may even be you!).

Here is a short list of some wonderful books written by and for "right-

minded" folks, some of them I have scanned at local bookstores and

libraries. Not only will they provide much reading pleasure but also

political and intellectual vitamins to bolster a righty in an argument

with a lefty (or lefties). Some of these books have some terrific humor

as well!

"Going Rogue"

by Sarah Palin

Publisher: Harper Collins

$24.95 hard cover

Governor palin's account of what happened in the 2008 presidential

campaign, including her problems with some of Sen. John McCain's

campaign staffers as well as her assessments on Barack Obama. She

also shares her thoughts on a run for the Presidency in 2012. A must-

read for conservatives looking to rebuild the GOP and reclaim the White


"Losing Mum and Pup: A Memoir"

by Christopher Buckley

Publisher: Hatchette Book Group

$24.99 hard cover

The son of William F. Buckley Jr., regarded by many as the Father of

the Conservative Movement in the United States, Christopher Buckley

gives a tragicomic account of the year in which he lost both parents.

His mother, a renown socialite, with her husband hosted many a party

featuring members of Congress, U.S. Presidents and cabinet members,

heads of state from other countries, not to mention many dignitaries and

prominent conservatives from many different backgrounds, passed away

shortly before her iconic husband Bill. Christopher Buckley shares all

what transpired with him and other members of the Buckley clan along

the way in the time of the departures of his beloved parents, whom he

affectionately addressed as "Mum and Pup". Both touching and humorous,

it is a book which resonates well with anyone who likewise has bid a final

farewell to one or both parents (as I have done).

"Arguing With Idiots - How To Stop Small Minds and Big Government"

by Glenn Beck

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

$29.99 hard cover

Packed with sharp insight, solid wisdom, and pointed humor, Glenn Beck's

latest book is a great source of information to use when arguing politics

and related things with a liberal. He crafts wonderful comebacks and

arguments geared toward stock, reflexively made points from left-leaning

opponents. Beck also gives many facts to have at the ready, backing them

up with logic and giving the sources of these facts. Informative and fun!

Also from Glenn Beck:

"Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-Of-Control

Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine"; a book which pays homage to

and bases itself on the writings of one of our country's founding fathers.

A reminder that actions do indeed have consequences.

"An Inconvenient Book: Real Solutions to the World's Biggest Problems"

which tells how Americans can work to solve the problems relating to the

enviornment, the economy, national security, and more besides. A fine

antidote to the "solutions" thrown at us by the "politically correct" and by

people with self-serving agendas.

I shall share some more conservative-themed Christmas gift ideas as I

find them. Meantime, I hope that these aforementioned ideas prove

helpful to you in your Christmas shopping efforts. These are wonderful

books to give to that special someone and a self-indulgent treat just for


Again, Merry Christmas & Joyful Tidings!


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