Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Who Pulls Sen. Russ Feingold's Strings?

As we approach our special day --- the day of our
national election, the political weather forecast is
predicting a massive tsunami of change in Congress
as well as state legislatures and governors' offices.
The waves of public sentiment are poised to sweep
a lot of elitist pigs from both major political parties
out of office, putting in their places good, solid,
conservative candidates who will respect the
Constitution and the people rather than spit on
them. Now we will get some REAL change, not
more of the awful stuff that Mr. Hope and Change
has been forcing on us from the White House!

In your beloved Peasant's home state of Wisconsin,
incumbent U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, extremely left-wing
Democrat and relaible Obama yes-man, is trying for a
fourth term in the Senate but is running farther and
farther behind businessman and political newcomer
Ron Johnson, the Republican candidate and Tea Party
choice. Sen. Feingold has been elected and re-elected
by scant margins, only because he has faced either flawed
or little-known opposition. Last time out he defeated a
businessman who was a candidate for the Senate seat
Feingold has held now for nearly eighteen years, a candidate
who was a novice in politics, someone who had good ideas
but was most ineffective at communicating them and therefore
could not beat an eminently beatable incumbent.

But this election is different for the following reasons:
Ron Johnson has been a much better communicator
of his ideas as well as a more fierce attacker of Sen.
Feingold's record in the Senate. Johnson understands
that politics is a rough, tough endeavor and one must
both attack and defend with unrelenting vigor. Moreover,
the increasing anger at the current Congress, not to
mention the White House and the party which currently
controlls them has provided a wave of energy to ride.
That is certainly the case here in Wisconsin, where
Badger State Democrats are bracing for a rough
storm. Here, the problem has been more with these
Democrats and their dismissiveness toward the people
and their concerns rather than with sellout Republicans,
as the case has been in some states. For Sen. Feingold's
part, he has consistently ignored the opposition of his
fellow Wisconsinites to Obamacare, Cap & Trade,
bank & corporate bailouts on the taxpayer's dime,
and dubious "stimulus packages" which do nothing
to stimulate the economy but rather harm it further
through increased deficit spending and increased
borrowing, the latter creating more debt. We now
have record levels of both.

And to further insult the people of my state, and the
candidate that a demonstrable majority of them are
supporting, Sen. Feingold has attacked Ron Johnson
by questioning who Johnson is beholden to, as far as
third party (a/k/a interest groups) support is concerned.
This from an incumbent who has long received the support,
especially financial support, of labor unions, Hollywood
celebrities, feminist groups, abortion so-called rights
supporters, and oh, yes, left-wing billionaire George
Soros, through the political group which
he funds to the hilt. Soros has been trying hard to influence
our elections with his vast fortune from currency trading,
attempting to bring our country into his sphere of influence,
funding Democrats in their election bids for Congress
and the Presidency. Soros has put his finger into other
nations' political pies for the same purpose over the years.
So who is Senator Russ Feingold to criticize Ron Johnson,
or anyone else for that matter, given his long list of special
interest supporters?

This race has Obama & Co. concerned, and gravely so.
This is why President Obama, the First Lady, and Vice
President (and Gaffemaster General) Joe Biden have all
made special visits to Wisconsin to talk up Sen. Feingold's
record in the Senate and to raise money for his campaign.
Obama personally came here FOUR TIMES just to help
his ol' pal Russ with his flagging campaign! That should tell
you, my wonderful and intelligent readers, that Ron Johnson
is running a strong, vibrant campaign, enough so that he
is highly likely to send Sen. Feingold packing.

It's no sense trying to talk to the Senator; although he has
conducted "listening tours" around the state he listens only
to those who agree with him and his actions on behalf of
Obama and his agenda. He has even disparaged some of
the citizens who have voiced their displeasure with his votes
in the Senate, including the entire county of Waukesha.
That's right, Sen. Feingold had made condescending remarks
about the people of Waukesha County, a prosperous and
hard-working people, because they overwhelmingly dislike
him and the policies he supports. Your favorite Peasant
had e-mailed him on a couple of issues and he sent back
letters bragging about his support for the very programs and
legislation which I oppose, and how it will somehow be good
for Wisconsin and the country, taking a paternalistic tone in
his responses. Your diligent Peasant has learned that he has
taken the same tack and tone with other people as well.

Note to my fellow Wisconsinites: This jerk has to go! NOW!
On November 2 we have an opportunity to replace this elitist
pig with a candidate who understands us and our concerns,
who will listen to our concerns, our opinions, and our ideas
regarding the issues and challenges we face as a state and as
a nation, and will abide by the Constitution in his actions in
the United States Senate. Let's tell Russ Feingold to update
his resume' and start peddling it, because we are going to give
him his pink slip! We want a senator who will be beholden
to us, the people, not to big-monied, high-powered interests
who don't have our best interests in mind and frankly could
care less!

Senator Feingold, start cleaning out your office and pack your
bags. We Wisconsinites have had more than enough of you.


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