Wednesday, May 4, 2011

William Rusher, R.I.P.

During your favorite Peasant's recent and unavoidable
absence, a luminary in conservative circles passed away
after a long life and career of much accomplishment.
William Rusher, conservative activist, staff member at
National Review, author, fierce debater, and unflagging
champion of conservatism, died peacefully at the age of 87.

In the 1960s, Rusher was one of the pioneers who ventured
into talk radio and issues-oriented television. He demonstrated
to everyone regardless of political persuasion that not only
could conservative positions withstand liberal fire but could
blow away liberal positions when brought forward with
knowledge and aggressiveness. Indeed, Rusher came across
as a  knowledgeable and erudite conservative while showing
an "everyman" quality, making him a favorite on talk shows
and at dinner parties.

Rusher was very active with organizations such as the Young
Americans for Freedom (your ever-lovin' Peasant was a
member while in college) and the American Conservative
Union, meeting and mentoring many young conservative
activists on college campuses to be alternative voices to
the shrill radical left-wing elements there. Rusher was also
an early supporter of Ronald Reagan as a presidential
candidate. Rusher's greatest legacy, however, is his
promotion of the idea that social and populist conservatism
was, and is, just as important as economic and foreign-
policy conservatism. He made it not only possible, but
practical, to be an all-around conservative; Rusher most
certainly helped make an all-around conservative out of
your faithful Peasant!

We conservatives owe a great debt of gratitude to this
scholar, gentleman, and patriot. Peaceful repose to you,
William Rusher.


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