Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Note of Endorsement

Friends, your faithful Peasant has a brief note for you
this week. As today is the day of Wisconsin's primary
election, and there is a Republican primary for the soon
to be vacated U.S. Senate seat due to Sen. Herb Kohl
(D) retiring, I want to urge my fellow Wisconsin conser-
vatives to vote for Jeff Fitzgerald to be the GOP nominee
and to back Jeff in the general election this fall.

The current Assembly Speaker, Jeff Fitzgerald has been
highly instrumental in getting Gov. Scott Walker's budget
and accompanying reforms passed in a most contentious
political atmosphere in Madison. He has been a great team
player in making this historic legislation come to life, and
is a genuine conservative, someone who will be respectful
of both the people and the Constitution; not just on fiscal
matters but on all issues and legislation. Also, in a campaign
for the party's U.S. Senate nod, Jeff has refrained from
getting involved in the rhetorical brawl that has broken out
among the other GOP candidates, preferring to speak of his
legislative accomplishments and stands on the issues of
importance rather than trashing his opponents with partial-
truths and strategically-clipped sound bites of their words.
The sad thing is that each of the four candidates for the
Republican nomination would make a good U.S.Senator,
certainly better than the unopposed Democrat candidate
who will be the opponent to beat in November; one is a
former governor of the state (and a very popular political
figure to this day), a former congressman, and a businessman
who is a first-time political candidate, but all of them have
gotten engrossed in a battle of name-calling, innuendo,
and questioning the conservatism of one another. It is your
fair-minded Peasant's fervent hope that Jeff Fitzgerald will
be able to quietly pass the political food fight by and grab
the GOP blessings; will you, my fellow Badger State
righties, help Jeff to triumph?

He's so committed to his Senate bid that he's giving up both
his powerful position as Speaker and his safe Assembly seat
to bring some Wisconsin common sense to woebetide and
awash Washington. He is doing this for us! This alone is a
strong reason to give Jeff Fitzgerald our support. How
about it, folks?


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