Friday, December 28, 2012

Norman Schwarzkopf, R.I.P.

Just yesterday we lost a great military leader,
humanitarian, and patriot; General Norman
Schwarzkopf, who with General Colin Powell
led the American and allied forces in the Persian
Gulf War in 1991, passed away at the age of
78. He had been suffering from pneumonia.

Schwarzkopf's legacy famously includes his quick
and crushing defeat of Saddam Hussein's forces
in Iraq, which took just six weeks to accomplish.
This was done with minimal allied casualties, and
had freed Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. He was
feted as a hero at home and abroad; the soldier
known as "Stormin' Norman" was decorated for
his efforts in that war by President George H.W.
Bush and was given an honorary knighthood by
Great Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, among his
many accolades.

The general was known as a soldier who loved
soldiers; he was a West Point graduate and made
the Army his career, and he cared deeply about
the well-being of his soldiers under his command
as well as U.S. soldiers in general. He lived out
his storybook life in Tampa, Florida, where he
was last posted as an active military member,
and where an elementary school named for him
stands, reflecting the high esteem that the city
has for this warrior and humanitarian. He was
involved in veteran's affairs and children's
charities while declining offers to run for public
office as well as largely shunning the spotlight.

General Schwarzkopf was legendary yet humble,
larger than life in accomplishments but modest in
bearing. A fine soldier, a great military leader,
a caring citizen, and a true patriot, he will be
missed and remembered with fondness and
gratitude. May he rest in peace.


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