Thursday, July 24, 2014

Milwaukee County, Support Your Local Sheriff!

Your beloved Peasant, Milwaukee city and county resident,
is endorsing our incumbent sheriff, David Clarke, for re-
election. Clarke, a conservative Democrat (an almost extinct
creature!), a lifelong citizen of the city, is a dedicated law
enforcement agent who has kept Milwaukee from becoming
more dangerous than it is; he would be able to make the city
even safer if he were not opposed and stymied by a soft-on-
crime mayor, his allies on the city's Common Council and
the County Board, bolstered by maddeningly lenient local
judges. Your favorite Peasant will expound on the Milwaukee
political scene regarding this situation later on; for now I
want to urge you, my locally-based readers to mark your
calendars to remember to vote on Tuesday, August 12,
to return our courageous sheriff to office!

Clarke has worked in law enforcement and public safety
locally for the past 35 years, beginning his career as a
Milwaukee Police Officer, rising to the rank of Lieutenant
of Detectives, then rising even higher to become Commanding
Officer of the MPD's Intelligence Division. Clarke later was
selected for training by the FBI's National Academy in
Quantico, Virginia, gaining leadership and management
instruction at this prestigious school. Clarke is also a
summa cum laude graduate from Concordia with a degree
in Criminal Justice Management. The university later honored
Clarke with their Alumnus of the Year Award in 2003.

Sheriff Clarke knows his role: to protect and serve the people
of Milwaukee County, not the left-wing, winking-at-criminals
pols and special interests. That is why he is feared and hated
by the latter. Oh, and he also happens to be black. Gee, he's
black, conservative, and a no-nonsense sheriff; a triple threat
to the local libs! And get this: Sheriff Clarke has gone on
record, stating on local radio talk shows, and even appearing
in ads supporting Wisconsin's Concealed carry gun law,
recommending that people get trained and licensed to
carry firearms to protect themselves from muggers and other
criminals. Our sheriff knows that one cannot always call
9-1-1 to get the police to come to one's aid in all such
situations, and even when one can the police cannot be there
quickly enough to prevent the crime from being carried out.
Moreover, response time has at times been horrendously
slow, making things easier for the criminals and harder for
their chosen victims. Yet the local powers-that-be think that
calling 9-1-1 is the proper response when facing criminals
preying on you here in Milwaukee; if there's a long wait time
for the police to arrive too bad, so sad. Better somehow that
the thugs have the guns rather than the law-abiding folks,
for that makes fewer guns out on the streets. I guess the local
honchos never got the memo saying that when guns are
outlawed, only outlaws have guns. But if they did, would
they care? With their upside-down, inside-out priorities,
don't bet on it.

Appointed Sheriff of Milwaukee County by then-Gov. Scott
McCallum in 2002, Clarke would win election and re-election
by landslide margins over politically liberal opponents, each
year gaining more votes and percentage points for greater
victory margins. He is being opposed in the Democrat primary
on August 12 by a police lieutenant who is a toady to the current
Chief of Police Ed Flynn, who is in turn a toady to the left-wing,
criminal-coddling Mayor Tom Barrett. Now THERE'S a puppet act!
Your law and order loving Peasant recommends to my Milwaukee
-based readers to vote for Sheriff Clarke in the Democrat
primary. The date for the primary is coming up fast,
and I wanted to get this endorsement posted in time for you,
my fantastic local readers, to act! Please join your faithful
Peasant in voting for Sheriff David Clarke to remain our
sheriff and our buffer against the criminal class and the local
pols who favor them above we, the law-abiding citizens,
especially those who have been preyed upon by these thugs.
We'll be Democrats for a day --- just long enough to do some good,
and to tweak the Dems' collective nose!


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