Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Voyage Round the News

Your watchful Peasant has been paying even closer attention
to the news of late, more than ever before. Here's what I

Jay Carney, heretofore President Obama's spokesdweeb
who swore to every lie that his boss uttered as Press
Secretary, resigned from this position and has joined
the Washington Speakers Bureau to join the D.C. gab
circuit with other former presidential cabinet members,
former congressional members, and other people of
influence in the Washington sphere of influence.
Carney stands to make honoraria upwards of ---
brace yourselves! --- $100,000 per speech. This
simply proves what P.T. Barnum, master showman of
the nineteenth century, once remarked: "There's a
sucker born every minute." And any person or group
willing to pay a hundred grand to hear what a person
who has never said anything worth ten cents quite
aptly proves Barnum's point.

The ever-continuing flow of aliens entering our country
at our southern border has taken a new and tragic turn.
Children --- unaccompanied by parents or other adult
relations --- are being brought into the U.S., either
riding on board ramshackle trains with little or no
food and water, or are being smuggled in by "coyotes",
people that take aliens to our country illegally and for
exorbitant fees (usually every last dollar that aliens
and/or their families have). President Obama has asked
Congress for $3.7 billion to give medical and other care
to these people, some of whom are NOT even children
but are in fact adults, some of whom are in fact gang
members from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras,
covered in tattoos of their gang logos. And some say
that Obama has been planning to have these ---
and I'm going to call them what they are, you know
how much your beloved Peasant HATES political
correctness and its rotten lingo --- illegal aliens
come to our country to settle here, making these plans
early on in his presidency. We have a debt load in
excess of $17 trillion, courtesy of this very president,
and we cannot be expected, nay, demanded to pay
money that we don't have in order to bring here a
swarm of people, children or adults, undocumented and
outside our immigration laws which have served us
long and well before this regime. Your faithful
Peasant will have more to say on this matter in the
very near future.

There is a movement, I don't know how large it is, but
there is in fact a movement to draft Mitt Romney to
run for the presidency again (Yes, again! The same
Mitt Romney who was an such an ineffective candidate
as the Republican nominee in 2012, and Obama so ripe
for the picking!). This much I do know: those behind this
laughable plan are the RINOS and their beltway allies,
the ones who claim that a true conservative can never,
ever be elected president; that only a "thoughtful, reasoned,
reasonable, high-minded" moderate or liberal can ever
be embraced by the electorate. No Tea Party people need
apply, thank you; just give us someone who is of the
beltway establishment or at least someone who is
acceptable to it. Your exasperated Peasant says to these
lunkheads: Have you forgotten Ronald Reagan? A true
conservative if ever there was one, Reagan said what he
would do if he was elected, and then did almost all of
what he said he would do. He would have done everything
that he put on his agenda if he had both a Republican House
as well as a Republican Senate, but he was able to compromise
on a few ideas and means to implement them without
compromising his core values. Contrast this with how
today's Republicans, including the two Republican presidents
elected since Reagan, have carried on. The beltway set is
a part and parcel of the liberal establishment, with its citadels
of power and its salons in Washington, New York, Chicago,
and L.A./Hollywood. They sneer at the rest of the country
and we, her people. If they had their way, we would have no
real choices in our elections; tweedle-dum and tweedle-dummer
just ain't gonna cut it! We must draft a real conservative to
be our standard bearer in 2016 and work like people possessed
to get him/her elected! Let Mitt Romney and others of his ilk
remain in their country clubs while we genuine conservatives
do the work of reclaiming and rebuilding our great country!

U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is leading the charge to uncover
the facts about the Benghazi disaster in which four Americans
died at the hands of radical Islamists. And he is making the Obama
regime and their former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton nervous!
Clinton has resorted to personal attacks on the conservative
congressman, and many of her political supporters, hoping to
elect her to succeed Obama in the White House, are joining her.
Gowdy has been hugely instrumental in creating the committee
in Congress to investigate and to hold hearings on Benghazi,
and Team Obama and Clinton know that he won't rest until he
gets to the truth. Gee, it sure is great to see a Republican on
Capitol Hill stand up to the regime, and on a burning subject
such as this one! May what he has spread to his colleagues in
both chambers.

Billionaire investor and philanthropist Warren Buffet has been
quite the sugar daddy to the abortion industry. In the past 12
years he has given $1.2 billion to it (talk about blood money!).
His charity, The Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation, however,
states with great clarity that they will not respond to any inquiries
regarding their financing except for their Outstanding Teacher
Awards and their scholarships. Gee, it sounds as if Buffet and
his empire are trying to sweep this information under the rug.
But it is widely known that Buffet is a huge abortion rights
supporter, and that it stands to reason that he would every now
and then write a fat check to NARAL, Planned Parenthood,
or some related entity to fund their rotten work. Naturally,
the lame-stream media won't elaborate on any of this. Many
thanks for Freedom Weekly
for bringing this information to light.

Your favorite Peasant will have more juicy news to share with
you, my grand readers, next week! See you all then!


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