Thursday, February 22, 2018

Rev. Billy Graham, R.I.P.

The man known as America's Pastor, who has been a
faith confidante to several presidents, held rallies for
Christ throughout the United States and the world,
and made a tremendous difference in the lives of
millions of people the world over, Rev. Billy Graham,
went to his heavenly reward this week at the grand age
of 99.

Not only did Rev. Graham reach out to Christians, he
reached out to many people of many faiths, making
an indelible mark on them with his humble yet forth-
right and unapologetic preaching of the gospel. Graham
paid no mind to political correctness, nor to whatever
the times proclaimed to be socially acceptable, necessary,
or taboo; he chose to obey God rather than man, as the
Family Research Council said in a tribute to Graham.
Having had a humble and simple upbringing, he
accomplished much with his worldwide ministry,
having dedicated himself as an instrument of God.

To have attended one of his famous rallies was to have
experienced something that was unique and transformational;
many who have had the good fortune to have done so
commented that they were never the same since, and were
grateful for it. Your faithful Peasant attests to this, having
attended a 1996 rally in Minneapolis. Rev. Graham was a
stately and riveting sight, so dignified in appearance in a
bright-colored but appropriate suit and his silver hair
immaculate, his face beaming in the main lights as if
he were Moses having returned from the mountain where
he communicated with God. It was a sight I shall never forget,
even if I live for as long as the good reverend himself.
And I felt lighter of body as well as spirit besides, whatever
my challenges at that point in my life having withered in the
presence of this heavenly ambassador.

Rev. Graham ministered to the famous and the common;
the rich and the poor; the young and the old; all races,
all colors, all whatever category you can think of. Although
having received fundamentalist Christian training at
Bob Jones University, Rev. Graham crafted his sermons,
his lectures, and his books to appeal to a wide and varied
section of humanity. Over the course of his long and amazing
life and career, Rev. Graham made many more friends than
enemies without ever diluting his teaching, without compro-
mising on the tenets of his message. A rare talent, especially
in this present age.

Thank you, Rev, Graham, for making our country and our
world all the better for your having been here. You leave
us a most magnificent legacy, one that will likely never
be matched, much less surpassed. Godspeed and
God bless.


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