Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Democrats Go Fishing

The Democrats are nothing if not persistent, dogged, dedicated,
and fixated in their mission to drive a fairly and squarely elected
president, elected by the people over their chosen heir apparent
to succeed their President Hope and Change, out of office and
therefore undo that very election. Their latest gambit has been to
bring back a convicted liar and disbarred attorney to once again
testify before Congress in their endeavor to beef up their narrative
as to why President Trump is not fit to be our president and should
be removed from office.

Michael Cohen, former counsel and former friend of President Trump,
 was recently sentenced to three years in prison for lying to Congress
the first time he was subpoenaed to testify regarding the now-utterly
disproven charges of collusion between Trump and the Russian
government. Yet he was brought back by Congressional Democrats
to throw some more mud at the President; he stated that he was sorry
to have worked for Trump and that he is "a racist, a con man, and
a cheat". Now. let's examine Cohen's words, bringing the light of
scrutiny to bear. Cohen, knowing well what might happen to him
in prison, as "snitches" are considered to be low on the social totem
poll of prison inmates, would jump at any offer to either waive or
at least shorten his sentence. So the Democrats had this in mind,
to be sure, when they sought to bring Cohen back to testify again.
This time they prepared the sheet music of their favorite song for
their jailbird to sing, and gave him their request as if they were
patrons in a nightclub and Cohen the club's singer. So far the Dems
have tried to pin anything they could find or fabricate in order to
impeach and remove President Trump from the presidency, and
with each setback they have become more fixated, more maniacal,
and more desperate in their rotten quest. But they are going to eat
still more crow, followed by a slice of humble pie for dessert after
Cohen admitting that he had no evidence of the alleged collusion.
But he put his statement this way: "Questions have been raised
about whether I have direct evidence that Mr. Trump or his
campaign colluded with Russia ... I do not. I want to be clear.
But I have my suspicions." So, Cohen added a barb to his admission
of not having evidence of collusion. Something that certainly pleased
his Democrat handlers, I'm sure. As did the many exhibits that Cohen
brought to the hearing, trying somehow, some way, to pin something
illegal or at least reputation-damning on President Trump, including
checks for payment to prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a swanky
Russian hotel, one that supposedly President Obama and his wife
slept in when they visited that country some years earlier. By the by,
this little episode with the hookers and the "golden tribute" never
happened. But the Democrats are digging in their heels, hoping
that something will break their way. Like, perhaps, some factual
evidence that will hold up under legal scrutiny.

So this is the scenario which we are currently faced with.
Ever since Donald J. Trump was elected, never mind inaugurated,
to be our president both the Democrats and the lefties have been
beside themselves with rage over these two events taking place,
and have been feverishly trying to rid our duly elected president
from power, basically telling the electorate "No, you cannot have
Donald Trump as your newly elected president, because we loathe
and despise him. You are free to vote for whomever you please,
but if we don't like who you choose then we will not let him
serve his term. You plebes can vote, but we shall decide!".
But all of the false testimony, all the at best questionable exhibits
trying to be given the mantle of evidence, all of the fishing trips
(like this one) for such evidence to initiate impeachment proceed-
ings, and all of the temper tantrums by politicians, activists, and
other Trump-haters will not alter the fact of the results of the
2016 Presidential election, nor will any of it drive our freely
elected occupant of the White House and his administration
from Washington. Our constitutional republic remains, and shall
remain standing, and We the People shall see to it that it shall
always be thus. Anyone who has a problem with this are welcome
to move to another country where things are done more to their
totalitarian tastes.


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