Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Peasant Begins His Thanksgiving Vacation

Friends, your overworked Peasant is taking a few weeks off
to celebrate Thanksgiving and to recharge my batteries. I am in
the middle of writing some wonderful posts to share with you, my
wonderful and loyal readers, and am setting up my apartment to
host small (but fun-filled) parties and song circle sessions for our
Chuck Ward Celtic Song Circle. Add to that my becoming a foster
parent for another at-risk cat, a lovely little girl cat named Brownie.

Furthermore, I shall be participating in the inaugural meeting of
the Conservatives and Republicans of Greater Milwaukee on
Saturday, November 16. I was invited by my friend and fellow
activist, Thomas Brian, with whom I showed up to protest the
debut of the Milwaukee Streetcar, a/k/a the "Trommy", a/k/a
"(Mayor Thomas) Barrett's Folly", which I posted about at the
time last autumn. I shall share with you about the gathering,
which is to be held at Aliotto's Restaurant in Wauwatosa.
If any of you would like to come, it will be on from 3:00 to
6:00 PM at Alioto's, 3401 N. Mayfair Road, Wauwatosa, WI.
For those who might not be able to make it, especially those
of you who live outside of the Milwaukee area and maybe
outside of Wisconsin, you are welcome to send donations
to this fledgling conservative group at:

P.O. Box 14801
West Allis, WI  53214

We will be taking on the Democrats and other liberals across
many political subjects, especially their legislative initiatives
at the state and local levels. I am jazzed about this new bunch!

And I shall be busy with some home improvement projects as well.
No rest for The Peasant, but I shall lighten my load to a reasonable
and manageable one. After which I shall return to you, my great
and good friends! In the meantime, have a Happy Thanksgiving
with your families and friends, and let us all be thankful that we
live in the United States of America --- where we have freedom,
prosperity, and abundance!

God bless you all! And God bless America!


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