Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Democrat Party is Its Own Worst Enemy

Daniel Henninger stated in a recent column that your
favorite Peasant came across in the Wall Street Journal
today that, if the Dems' never-ending attempts to impeach
and remove President Donald Trump from office "we would
have had a 'normal' presidential term, mostly about domestic
and foreign policies, which would have given Republicans
space to disagree with Mr. Trump. But the Democrats ---
by making Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Alexandria Ocasio
Cortez (the infamous AOC; your Peasant's notation),
... and Medicare for All the faces of their party ---
have turned themselves into something no Republicans,
many independents and frankly more than a few centrist
Democrats cannot abide." Henninger hit it out of the park!

With an at first gradual but now galloping pace, the radical
elements which have made their home in the Democrat Party
like fleas taking up residence on a dog have now all but
taken over their host. These elements, straight outta The
Far Left, eschew the rules of compromise, meeting the
opposition halfway in order to get legislative work done;
they have neither time for compromise nor for dissent
within or from outside their ranks. When the Green New
Deal was rolled out by AOC and her fellow far-outs the
entrants in the Democrats' field of presidential hopefuls
all showed their fealty to it by genuflecting in synchron-
ization right from their first candidates' debate. They all,
in addition, did the same with the subjects of Medicare
for All (the Dems' latest plan to foist government-run
medical coverage, A/K/A/ socialized medicine, upon
all Americans) and the preservation (and possibly the
expansion of the scope of) Roe v. Wade, keeping abortions
legal and ending restrictions on abortions and the funding
for them, e.g. the Hyde Amendment. On abortion, the
Democrats have made abortion a political sacrament;
pro-lifers are no longer welcome in their ranks, especially
if they wish to run for any office --- especially the presidency.

Recently, one of the more extremist candidates vying for the
Democrat Party's laurels as their presidential standard bearer
dropped out of the contest, after showing her astonishing
lack of preparation for the debates concerning several of the
topics, including Medicare for All; she couldn't even
clearly lay out how her own Medicare expansion program
would work. Having been perceived by many both inside
and outside of the party as the progressive bellwether, that
spot is now shared by Sens. Elizabeth Warren, the faux 
Cherokee, and Bernie Sanders, the avowed socialist who
ran four years earlier and lost to eventual nominee Hillary
Clinton despite turning out huge crowds to his rallies while
Clinton addressed few attendees and many empty chairs.
Joe Biden, the Vice President during the Obama years,
is the centrist's best hope, or maybe they have a second,
better choice; former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg,
who recently entered the fray. Being more fiscally prudent
while still being socially (and considerably lefty), Bloomberg
is also a better public speaker and has greater command of the
pertinent facts regarding the topics of great interest to the
Dems, and can readily fund his own campaign since he is
a billionaire.

Ah, but that won't fly with the progs; they claim to want to
drive Big Money out of politics starting with the Democrat
Party. Also, with Sen. Harris' departure from the race they
are now down to one non-white candidate, Sen. Corey Booker.
They have a gay candidate, South Bend, Indiana's mayor,
Pete Buttigieg (Mayor Pete to his supporters), but they have
soured on him because he once did some volunteer work
for (GASP!) the Salvation Army, a charitable organization
which is not a fan of gay marriage (Mayor Pete has a husband),
and is one of many such organizations regularly lambasted by
the LGBTQ crowd, which purports to speak for gay people and
members of other sexual-classification minority folk. They are
certainly determined to have a voice in choosing a nominee
at the Democrats' convention in Milwaukee next summer, and
they have the clout to ensure being heard and listened to.

While the radical sorts bemoan the dearth of non-white, non-male,
non-heterosexual candidates in the Democrat presidential pack,
it is important to keep in mind the fact that when the Dems won
back the House in 2018, it was centrist candidates who led the way;
31 successful Dem candidates, mostly middle-of-the-road sorts,
defeated incumbent Republicans in suburban districts where
many female voters were venting about the president, whom they
found distasteful and disturbing. And many of these newbies,
being the centrists that they presented themselves as while on
the campaign trail, were reluctant to help impeach an duly
elected president on the flimsy "evidence" that President Trump
twisted the Ukrainian head of state to get him to dig up dirt
on ex-Vice President Biden's inept, family name-riding son
who was appointed to a cushy position with an Ukrainian
energy company despite his having no knowledge about how
the firm operates and being paid a whopping salary for ...
doing nothing other than just being the son of a former American
Vice President. You see, the Dems couldn't find any proof
of Trump's allegedly having had a similar deal with Russia
in order to win the 2016 presidential election, not could they
find anything to hang on him re: many many many other
allegations and accusations of a variety of mischief, including
hiring prostitutes to pee (!) on the bed in the Ritz Carlton Hotel
in Moscow (!!).

Meanwhile, as Henninger additionally pointed out, for once the
GOP is unified. Oh yes, there's no major squabbling among the
party stalwarts on Capitol Hill, in the White House, or anywhere
else. Because if the Democrats' all-out war that they are waging
on the Republican president, the party luminaries are muting
their criticisms of their titular leader so as to put up a united
front against the Democrat foe. And the radicals in the latter
party, the self-proclaimed "Resistance", can credit themselves
for the Republicans' newly established adhesiveness thanks to
their myriad FAILED attempts to hang a scandal on the object
of their hatred; President Donald J. Trump.

The more center-leaning members of the Democrat Party,
independents, Republicans, be they conservative, moderate
or liberal, are all sick and tired of the wild and wooley,
Failure Du Jour show being staged by these loony lefties.
Some of these fed up folks have vented on local and national
political radio shows, and many of them have declared their
intentions to vote for President Trump in next year's election
despite their being turned off by his bravado and other traits.
But they also have seen our economy improve, their taxes cut,
jobs coming back, regained respect from our allies and the
return of the worry and fear in the minds of our enemies.
For these reasons, these voters will eschew the radicalized
Democrat Party, their empty promises, and their nasty,
vicious lies in 2020.


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