As the long hot summer, made even hotter by the violence
ravaging many of our cities mercifully winds down, the tide
is beginning to turn in the direction of order and safety
with the actions taken by President Trump offering to send
federal troops to the afflicted cities, some of whose mayors
having (after initially strenuously refusing) accepted his offer.
After recent rioting and destruction in Kenosha, a small city
in my home state of Wisconsin, over the shooting by local
police of a black crime suspect who lunged into his car
(perhaps to get a weapon? The matter is under investigation
as your faithful Peasant types this post) using seven bullets
to bring him down, city officials begged Gov. Tony Evers to
send the state's National Guard troops to aid in the quelling
of the mayhem; asking for 750 troops, Gov. Evers sent just
150. After pleading for more troops, Evers sent another 100
troops; still not enough to get the job done. All the while,
Evers tried his damndest to publicly downplay the situation
and its seriousness. Meanwhile in Portland, Oregon, where
there were riots for almost 100 consecutive days (!), that
state's governor, no conservative by any stretch, allowed
for the federal deputizing of Portland's police so that they
could make federal charges stick to those whom they would
arrest. And this strategy has proved effective in reducing
the violence in that torn and tattered city.
President Trump, upon learning of the trouble while making
public safety a central theme of his campaign for re-election,
planned a visit to Kenosha to view the carnage and visit the
people who lost businesses and other property, city officials,
and law enforcement officials. Gov. Evers and Kenosha Mayor
John Antaramian, both Democrats, wrote to President Trump
asking him not to come to Kenosha due to their worries of
"exacerbating tensions" in that city. Big joke; they seemed to
have no problem with the tensions which boiled over into
rage, followed by full-blown violence after the shooting of
the aforementioned crime suspect. They seemed rather hesitant
to have the National Guard come to help. But they didn't want
the president to come to town to assess the aftermath and
offer $1 million to Kenosha law enforcement, $4 million to
aid small businesses with their losses, and $2 million to aid
public safety in Wisconsin?
Here, politics played a key role: both the Democrat governor and
mayor didn't want the Republican president to come to town
just two months out from the election, and with the latter
gaining momentum in polls around the country, largely because
of his open support for the restoration of good old fashioned
law and order as opposed to left-wing Democrat mayors and
governors refusing to publicly acknowledge the bloody out-
breaks for what they are. And with President Trump having
won the Badger State four years earlier, Evers and Antaramian
didn't want to risk having a presidential appearance tilt this
Battleground state toward the GOP again. However, this
time they are likely too late to stem that particular tide.
The American people want these few, simple, yet important
things from their government, especially from their president:
A strong economy with many jobs and few (and low!) taxes;
Strong, effective defense of our shores, and strong, effective
preservation of law, order, and safety. They know that they can
rely on President Trump to deliver these goods, whereas they
are leery of former Vice President Joe Biden's willingness and
ability to do likewise if elected. And this sentiment holds for
their respective political parties as well. Additionally, the
Lamestream Media has been unable to sway enough voters
to support their candidate Biden, and this is likely to affect
the Democrat Party down their ticket as well.
The Dems certainly haven't learned from history, especially
their own. In 1968, riots over the Vietnam War and urban
poverty broke out in Chicago during the Democrats' conven-
tion there; this made many Americans, Democrat voters as
well, rethink voting Democratic that year, resulting in
Republican Richard Nixon's election over Democrat Hubert
Humphrey. Message to the Dems: It's about law, order, and
public safety, stupid! And the one thing, and likely only
thing that these radical left-wing thugs understand is the
presence of well-armed police and national guardsmen
with the means to subdue them coupled with the will to
do so.
Gee, your confident Peasant can't wait for November.
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