Thursday, December 30, 2021

New Year's Greetings & Wishes!

Happy New Year to my grand and wonderful readers!
Let's shake the dust of 2021 off of our shoes and get
ready to welcome 2022! Great prospects lie ahead on
our political front, and there will be many other beautiful 
blessings awaiting us as well. 

One of my most beautiful blessings is having you all for 
my readers! My health is getting better and this will 
translate into more and better blog posts for you to 

We shall meet again here after New Year's Day, and 
rigorously examine the news of the day as always.
May you all have a fantastic New Year's Eve and a 
terrific New Year's Day! 


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Very Merry Christmas!

Your favorite Peasant wishes all of you, my dear, 
wonderful readers, a most Merry Christmas!
May you be able to get together with all of your 
family and friends, have a grand Christmas dinner, 
light a Yule log, sing Christmas carols and 
contemporary Christmas songs, make out under 
the mistletoe, and engage in that most eagerly 
anticipated Christmas activity of all, exchanging
and opening Christmas gifts --- some open them
on Christmas morning, some do so on Christmas 

But let us not be remiss in acknowledging the 
Reason for the Season, the Christ in Christmas!
It is the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ, our 
Lord and savior, who had come into our world 
to show us a better way and to live our lives 
thus. And let us never, ever, be ashamed nor
apologetic about proclaiming this day as what
it in fact is: Christmas. Some people may find 
that offensive to their politically correct 
sensibilities; Jesus Christ and the magic of 
the day and the season are stronger and more 
soul nourishing and fulfilling than their 
shriveled, restrictive, dictatorial, and 
narrow political notions. After all, it's Christmas,
for Christ's sake! And Christmas with all its
heavenly brightness has illuminated our oftentimes
dark world long before political correctness and 
"wokeness", its jumped-up version, came into being; 
we must never be reticent about this beautiful, sacred
day nor the man, who was more than mere man, 
for whom the day was named. Neither government
edicts regulating our ability to gather in our houses 
of worship or in our own houses with family and 
friends, nor bands of radical thugs can force us to
abandon our traditions, our practices, nor our faith
in something higher, bigger, brighter, and more
soul nourishing than the realms of government, 
entertainment, or anything else devised by man.

Rest assured that Christmas will be around long 
after this gruesome twosome has died out! 
Something good, so incredibly and indescribably 
good, will come out of what we as a nation are going 
through at present, and nothing will be able to stop it.
And the fetters of authoritarianism, totalitarianism,
and radicalism will crumble into dust.

God bless us, everyone! 
From Tiny Tim, "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens



Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Bob Dole, R.I.P.

Ten days ago a statesman who never made it to the presidency
nor the vice presidency yet still left an indelible mark on our
country and our politics passed away; Retired U.S. Senator
Robert J. Dole was 98. 

The native Kansan made service the core of his life. Service in
the Army,  the Kansas state legislature, the House of Represen-
tatives, and the Unites States Senate (where he was at various 
times Senate Majority leader and Senate Minority leader), an
advocate for various charitable causes and organizations, 
and in his political career was an advocate for and practitioner 
of bipartisan cooperation and teamwork. While being highly
critical of his Democrat colleagues, the Republican Senator
Dole made friends with and worked closely together with 
many of them to pass important legislation for, to name but
one effort, an international school lunch program to help
impoverished children around the world, for which Dole 
and Sen. George McGovern (D-SD) were awarded the 
2008 World Food Prize. What made the receiving of this
honor was the fact that Dole was one of the most conservative
members of the Senate when he was a member while
McGovern was one of the most liberal senators (some say 
THE most liberal senator). They bridged the partisan gap 
to do phenomenal work together. 

Dole earned two Purple Hearts for his grievous injuries 
as well as the Bronze Star with a "V" device for valor 
while serving in the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division in
Italy during WWII. He never regained the full use of his right
arm, but never regretted his efforts to gain victory in battle;
he would later write a war autobiography about his battle 
experiences and his battle to regain as much of the use of 
his wounded areas of his body that he could.

Dole also was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by 
President Bill Clinton, to whom he lost the 1996 presidential 
election. Dole made many friends and forged alliances with 
people that held much different politics and political ideas.
Your faithful Peasant knows of no one from either major
political party today who has picked up where Bob Dole left 
off in this regard. 

Farewell to a unique statesman and a great American.
Requiescat in pace.


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Pearl Harbor: Eighty Years On

This week contains the 80th anniversary of the attack
on Pearl Harbor, a U.S. naval installation in Hawaii;
the day was yesterday, while today is the 80th anniversary
of the day that the United States formally entered WWII
by declaring war on the Imperial Japan, as it were the 
Japanese planes of their air force and navy that attacked us.
Our military didn't hesitate to respond, and after nearly four
full years of fighting against not only the Japanese but 
Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy we had defeated the Axis
powers to win the war. Our people had the grit, the deter-
mination, and the will to build their fighting forces at a 
breakneck pace to ready to fight our foes. Victory --- 
total and absolute --- was the goal; failure was never 
an option, nothing less than victory no matter how long
it would take.

Fast forward a few decades, and one sees that we had 
walked away from Afghanistan, leaving her army, her
people, and some of our people abandoned and vulnerable
to the Taliban, which quickly blitzed it way over the land
to take control of the beleaguered country. All because 
our current president thought it would be politically popular
to bring the troops home after their being away for so long. 
Never mind the fact that we had beaten back the terrorist 
forces in Afghanistan and were still working with the Afghan
army to get them to be able to fend off their enemies on 
their own; sadly, they were not at that point when our troops
were brought home in a swift exit.

Presently, the Communist Chinese have built up and modernized
their navy and have developed a budding nuclear arsenal. Their 
navy has surpassed the U.S. Navy as the world's largest navy
(they have had for some years, and still have the world's largest army) 
and they are making menacing overtures to Japan, South Korea,
and of course Taiwan. Two survivors of the bombing of the 
USS Arizona, which now serves as a monument and has a chapel
just above the waterline to offer up prayers for the rest of the ship's
crew, entombed below in the submerged wreckage. I have a nagging
question: If we were to soon go to war against China, would we
battle on to victory as we did in WWII, or would we just walk away
and go home like we did in Afghanistan? Would the pair of USS
Arizona survivors see us fight as doggedly as we did in their 
war, or would they see us leave the region and our allies to what
might be a sorry end, thinking nothing of it? Would they have 
a last earthly memory of our being brave and gallant, or would
their final memory in their lives be of their country turning its 
back on its duty and its friends? 


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Climate Change Chicanery

Well over a decade ago former Vice President-turned-climate-
change-huckster Al Gore warned us that we are "true planetary
emergency" and "unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse
gases (were) taken within the next ten years, the world (would)
reach a point of no return." Not unlike the ever-failing gambler
who claims that the next roll of the dice, the next flip of a card,
the next horse race will result in the payoff of his strategy and
the bucks will come rolling in like a tidal wave, global warming
fearmongers never reflect on their past erroneous predictions,
always instead looking toward the future and the validation of
their wild prognostications. U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
(D-NY) claimed that "the world was going to end in twelve years
if we don't address climate change." Unlike Gore, she attempted
to do a CYA by following up with claiming that she was engaging
in "dry humor and sarcasm" when she issued her warning.
No go for both Gore and AOC.  

Now comes a bitter-sounding, self-righteous 16-year-old girl from
Sweden, Greta Thunberg, who led a worldwide children's strike,
resulting in many schoolchildren skipping school to join said strike
against inaction on climate change. Her high on emotion, low on
facts and logic speech at the United Nations' Climate Summit
on September 23 was a Tour de Force in public hysteria which
was of course hyped to the heavens by the lamestream media
with their shared hope that governments the world over, including
the United States, would at last "do something". 

Now, climate change is a phenomenon that should certainly be
observed and studied; Mother nature can sometimes be in high
dudgeon with her behavior causing a catastrophe somewhere in
the world (hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, etc.),
but two things should always be remembered: These events
have nothing to do with any actions of humanity, or the lack
thereof, contrary to the dogmatically held beliefs of the
enviro-alarmists, and that the scare-tactics of a child likely
coached and verse-fed by grownups with nefarious intent,
scaring both impressionable youth as well as adults who
should know better. Con artists like our former Vice President
are bad enough; we certainly don't need children programmed
and pimped by malicious mischief-makers pestering us as well. 


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Thanksgiving Through the Tears

Thanksgiving shall be here the day after tomorrow, and it will
be observed with a tinge of sadness. Just the day before yesterday,
Waukesha, my county seat and a Wisconsin city that I have a long
history with, held its Christmas parade --- the biggest Christmas
parade in the state since Milwaukee discontinued theirs. It was 
always a joyous event, but this year it had a tragic twist: 
a driver of an SUV sped through the parade route on Main Street,
and ran into and over many participants and attendees. Five have 
died, while over forty (the count at the present time) are injured,
some severely. As more details regarding this tragedy are made 
known your sorrowful Peasant will update you, my loyal readers.

In the meantime, count yourselves lucky and be thankful that you
are safe and sound wherever you are, and give thanks for being so
as well as for all the good and beautiful things in your lives --- 
your families, your homes, your jobs, your physical, emotional,
financial, career, social, romantic and every kind of health that
a human being can possibly have. For all in this world is fleeting,
and it and we can go at any time. Let us, then, enjoy our many 
blessings while we can, and let's hug our spouses, children, 
brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, parents, grandparents, all our
family members, and our pets, as many of us count our dear
cats, dogs, and other pets as family too (I certainly count my
lovely cat Brownie as family!). For before very long our time
draws to a close, and believe me time zips by before we realize
it's gone. We can depart anytime, anywhere at all. 

Your thankful Peasant is overjoyed about the blessings I have 
been given. And that includes each and every one of you, my
wonderful readers!


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Go For Broke; Make 'em Go Broke!

Saule Omarova is President Biden's nominee for Comptroller
of the Currency. And she has an idea for combating climate 

In a video interview that she gave last February this Cornell 
professor was talking about U.S. national investment authority.
She sounds like someone Biden would nominate for Comptroller
or a similar position. The conversation oddly turned to climate 
change and how it would affect fossil fuel producers. She said
the most breathtaking statement regarding the smaller ones in the 
field: "A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to,
probably, go bankrupt in short order --- at least, we want them 
to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.  

Now let Omarova's words sink in. She wants to put some businesses
out of business, chucking heretofore working employees out the 
door, interrupting their means of making a living for their families
and themselves just to enact some crackpot program which will not,
despite its billing, solve climate change. Her attitude is,
I want to get this program to fight climate change up and running,
and if it hurts some workers by depriving them of their paychecks
and benefits, it's no big deal because these peasants, their families
and all, are no big deal. 

Omarova then added that the establishment of a National Capital
Management Corporation would make things better by "becom(ing)
a kind of equity investor at that point, taking over management of
those companies and basically leading them through restructuring 
to a new technological business model". Got that? First, put the
private firms out of business, then get government central planners
working on restructuring them in a way that would suit the political
class' tastes. The peasants in the private sector, you see, are far too
stupid, let alone insensitive to the environment and the climate to
allow them to continue to work and to allow them and their businesses
to keep functioning the way they have always done. Government 
knows everything; the peasants know nothing. 

As Comptroller Omarova would have lots of authority to regulate 
banks. She is signaling that her fondest wish is to refuse capital to the 
companies she despises and wants to see go bankrupt. Par for the  
modern Democrat Party apparatchik. Thanks and praise to the 
Wall Street Journal for their article in their editorial section shining 
light on her power lust and her grandiose scheme. Now We the People 
must contact our senators and tell them to vote her nomination down. 


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Regarding Veterans Day ...

Once again, your humble and grateful Peasant wishes 
to thank our courageous veterans from all our military's
branches, who fought in the most recent wars which our
country was involved in, serving our United States of
America with bravery, dedication, and grit --- making
many sacrifices along the way; all gave some, while 
some gave all. 

As I have paid tribute to all our wonderful vets on this 
blog on Veterans Days past, I ask myself "What more 
can I say?" So I'll just say here today, this Veterans Day:

*If you like speaking your mind, thank a vet!

*If you enjoy the services at your house of worship, 
thank a vet!

*If you like going hunting with your shotgun or rifle,
thank a vet!

*If you appreciate being able to defend yourself, your 
family, your home or your business with same, thank a vet!

*If you enjoy your liberty, your very freedom which is
yours by virtue of being a citizen of this great and magnificent
country, birthed in bloodshed and nourished in trials and
soul-trying circumstances, springing up through the soil
of shifting fortunes and human machinations like a bright
and beautiful flower with generations of veterans the gardeners
helping the flower along, THANK A VET! 

Remember, as The Peasant says: Freedom isn't free; freedom costs.
But freedom isn't a luxury, it's a necessity! And our vets have 
always paid the price without counting the cost.


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Big Brother's Kid Sister

The negotiations over the $3.5 trillion (more likely $4 trillion)
so-called Infrastructure Bill of President Biden's and his fellow
Democrats are foremost on the minds of many in Washington
but Biden has another bee in his bonnet: Supercharging the 
regulatory state. Toward that end, he has nominated progressive
(read: radical left-winger) Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communi-
cations Commission. Biden and his White House crew have 
praised Sohn as "one of the nation's leading public advocates
for open, affordable, and democratic communication networks."
Translated into truth-speak, this statement of enthusiastic 
support means Sohn is in favor of utilizing the FCC's regulatory
power to handcuff broadband providers and to diminish 
the First Amendment rights of conservatives. 

Sohn founded Public Knowledge, a lefty group that has long 
worked for increased government control of the internet as 
well as the media in general. She was a major force in the 
battle to enact the "net neutrality" regulation which classified
broadband providers as common carriers under Title II of the
Communications Act of 1934, as well as the Wheeler rule, 
created by Obama FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler (to whom 
Sohn was a counselor) which banned broadband carriers 
from charging heavy-bandwidth using websites. i.e. Facebook
higher prices to carry their content. You know the lefties' rule
regarding a company making a profit; profits must be punished
and restrained in the name of economic justice. Broadband 
investment declined, before making a comeback when then-
President Trump's FCC tossed out the Wheeler rule. 

Progressives want the government to regulate broadband rates
like electricity prices, and Sohn is rather warm to the idea.
Furthermore, Sohn is certainly no friend of the First Amendment
as she is very keen on using the FCC's regulatory power to 
censor conservative media and revive a version of its antiquated
and outmoded Fairness Doctrine which made sense in the days of 
far fewer television and radio stations and the internet was not 
yet invented, but not today now that there are dozens of internet
sites, more television networks, and more radio networks as well.
Sohn especially has it in for Fox News: "For all my concerns
about #Facebook, I believe that Fox News has the most negative
impact on our democracy." Could Sohn be concerned about more
American TV audience members turning conservative, therefore
eschewing the Liberal Establishment media and their dreck?

Additionally, Sohn has suggested using the FCC's power over 
broadcast licenses to censor conservative outlets, such as Fox
News. She claims to be a supporter of "a diversity of voices in
the media" but doesn't want to extend that diversity to conservatives.
That's the left-wingers' idea of diversity: everyone, regardless of
racial, gender, gender-preference, and other classifications make
a mighty chorus, but no righty voices are welcome and no one 
in the chorus is allowed to sing from the conservative songbook.

The FCC is currently evenly divided, 2-2, and if Sohn is confirmed
(and she definitely should NOT be!) the Dems will make a 
blitzkrieg to enact the progressive agenda in the agency. Biden 
will be all too happy to do this favor for the predominant progressive
wing of the Democrat Party, as they helped him to get elected,
reasoning that at least Biden is not anything at all like Trump. 
If these people get their way, the First Amendment will be on 
its deathbed.

Sohn clearly cannot be placed on the FCC. Furthermore, Biden may
make her Chairwoman as soon as she is safely aboard the FCC
ship. He's done something like this before, nominating and getting
far left-wing Lina Khan on the Federal Trade Commission, then
making her the FTC's Chairwoman. 

The Senate Commerce Committee will hold a confirmation hearing
next week. All senators on the committee should ask her some tough,
probing questions, regardless of their party affiliations, for this is not a 
matter of political loyalties; this is a matter of adherence to and 
preservation of constitutional law. 


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Captain Kirk Gives a Royal A**whooping

A follow-up to the story of William Shatner's trip
to outer space: the actor who played Captain Kirk
on Star Trek has gotten into a shootout with Prince
William of Great Britain, who recently made some 
pointed remarks about Shatner's record-setting trip.

In an interview with a BBC reporter, Prince William
Stated "We need some of the world's greatest brains
and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not
trying to find the next place to go and live." He then
followed his missive with a crack about Shatner's 
spaceship having created a carbon footprint while
making a flight for the purpose of leisure. Really?

To begin with, there are precisely no inhabitants of 
our planet seeking to move to another planet. Zero,
zip, nada. As for the alleged carbon footprint, the rocket
carrying Shatner and a few other passengers was  
powered by liquid hydrogen and oxygen. 
An atmospheric scientist told just last
July that "The main emissions will be water and some 
minor combustion products, and virtually no CO2."
So much for carbon footprints. Now, building the 
rocket and sending it into space does create some 
carbon emissions, but not to the degree that Prince
William and other like-minded people claim.
Besides, putting on a royal wedding with a bunch of
guests from around the world and a military flyover
produces much more carbon emissions, Billy Boy.

So what was William Shatner's response to Prince 
William? In an interview with Entertainment Tonight,
Shatner remarked "He's a lovely, gentle, educated man,
but he's got the wrong idea, the idea here is not to go, 
'Yeah, look at me, I'm in space!' " Shatner also said that 
the Blue Origin flight was just another "baby step" into
the heavens. And your favorite Peasant would like to add
that the aforementioned space flight, along with all of 
those that took place before, let alone all of the earthly 
journeys to see what is on other continents and on the 
other side of our world raises human ambitions, including
helping its human inhabitants to increase their knowledge 
and understanding of the world. Does Prince William 
believe that this is a bad thing, or didn't he consider 
this truth? Pity he didn't do the latter before flapping
his royal yap.

In closing, isn't it better to have American billionaires 
competing with NASA and with other nation's
governments for the business of space travel, much like
air travel in airplanes? And to have other billionaires from
other countries such as Richard Branson in this field of
endeavor as well? I always thought that competition 
between providers of goods and services was a good thing.
What say you, Prince William? 


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Life Imitating Science Fiction

William Shatner, the actor best known for his role 
as Captain James T. Kirk, skipper of the Enterprise
in the original Star Trek TV series and movies, has
ventured into outer space many times in this renown 
franchise. Now, at the age of 90 (!) no less, Shatner
has taken a trip into that boundless place of legends 
and unforgettable tales for real, becoming quite the
legend himself as among other things being the oldest
man in space.

Shatner made the trip in conjunction with Jeff Bezos,
founder of Amazon and Blue Origin, the latter a private 
space company that planned and arranged the trip.
A deeply moved and very grateful Shatner told the
multi-billionaire entrepreneur "What you have given 
me is the most profound experience ... I'm so filled 
with emotion about what just happened ... it's extra-
ordinary, extraordinary. I hope I never recover from this."
This adventure may never have happened for the veteran 
actor if all space exploration were still being run by the
government via NASA; now such efforts are being 
accomplished by private entrepreneurs such as Bezos
(who also happens to be one of the wealthiest people on 
the planet), along with Richard Branson and Elon Musk.
Less hurdles to clear this way. And get this, Bezos says
that he was partly inspired to found Blue Origin by 
"Star Trek", which he enthusiastically watched as a boy.
This monumental venture made two journeys: a private
sector originated flight from Earth into outer space,
and a flight from science fiction adventure into real life.

These people have proved beyond all doubt that dreams 
really can and do come true. Especially when one lives 
in a country where you can be whatever you want to be, 
do whatever you want to do, and accomplish whatever 
you want to accomplish provided that you have the dream,
the desire, the courage and the will. Congratulations to
William Shatner, his shipmates, and to Jeff Bezos.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Colin Powell, R.I.P.

This past weekend we lost a great soldier, statesman and 
diplomat; Gen. Colin Powell, leader of our military forces 
in the Gulf War, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 
National Security Advisor, Secretary of State, 
as well as a member of three Republican presidential 
administrations, passed away after battling
Parkinson's disease, cancer and coronavirus. 

Eighty-four years of age at the time of his death, Powell
led a full life not merely in terms of longevity but of
accomplishment. He was the first black Secretary of State
as well as the first black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs 
of Staff, a double record. Respected by members of both
the Republicans and Democrats, Powell was also known 
for his modesty, optimism and sense of humor. He never
let his considerable career success go to his head. 

With the late Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf as his executive 
officer, the two field leaders created the battle plan which
helped the United States and her allies win the Gulf War 
in just six weeks. American forces captured and marched 
off the surviving members of Iraq's Elite Army forces,
right after Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein promised that 
his elite soldiers would bring about "The Mother of all
battles" and that his forces would produce a huge 
surrender by the U.S. and allied forces. Although Saddam 
was right about the battle and the surrender, he was wrong 
about which side would give up. 

In addition to his work regarding Iraq and Afghanistan, 
Powell involved himself in other aspects of U.S. foreign
policy, including improving bilateral relations with China 
and Russia. Powell also worked to withdraw the U.S. 
from the U.S.-Russian Ballistic Missile Treaty.

Furthermore, Powell also pushed for international cooperation
for North Korea and Iran to end their nuclear weapons program.
He successfully helped bring about Libya's nonproliferation
of nuclear weaponry in 2003, a feather in both his and President
George W. Bush's hats. While in the Second Bush cabinet, 
Powell also urged President Bush to increase his commitment
to the international fight against AIDS.

Born In Harlem, New York to Jamaican parents and joining 
his college's ROTC program, graduating at the top of his class 
at the City College of New York and achieving the top rank of
cadet colonel, Powell was a decorated soldier in the Vietnam 
War, earning a Purple Heart, the Bronze Star and the Soldier's 
Medal. From his military career he began a career as a diplomat
and an indispensable member of three administrations. His life
is a sterling example of how one can achieve success in the 
United States through hard work and relentless effort. In his
own way, Colin Powell achieved the American Dream. 
Sir, you have done your country proud. You have been a model
to be emulated by the current and coming generations of
Americans. Rest in Peace. 


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Being Educated by the Uneducated

Here is a little news item which brilliantly illustrates
why celebrities, especially those who politically tack
left, are not very good moral arbiters, nor are they good
teachers of recognizing and exposing abuses of human
rights in the world. Although the story began two years ago, 
things have not improved, for the players in this 
morality play not only haven't grown wiser, they have 
gone off on other far-left tangents. 

First, the backstory: in recent years, the National Basketball
Association and China have formed sports and commercial
ties; some Chinese basketball stars were signed by NBA
teams, the most famous player from the Land of the Hidden
Empire being Yao Ming, the imposing center who played
several seasons for the Houston Rockets. Soon, some of
the Chinese stars playing in the U.S. were signed to endorse-
ment deals for athletic wear and other things. Chinese teams
came over to play exhibition games with American teams.
And both countries made loads and loads of money all
the while. 

On October 4, 2019, Daryl Morey --- general manager of the 
Houston Rockets --- tweeted an image with the caption
"Fight for Freedom. Stand With Hong Kong." The reference
was to the battles raging in the streets of Hong Kong between
the brave citizens of the former British territory and the
Communist government who have been tightening its
control over the once-autonomous city-state, whose
autonomy the Chinese communists promised to respect
and not interfere with (a "pie crust promise", if ever there
was one). When the Chi-Coms heard about the tweet they
pitched a royal one all the way from Beijing, retaliating
against the Houston Rockets and the NBA, both of which
have considerable commercial interests in China, and have
had such for quite a while. The Rockets, the other teams
 and their owners, and the league bigwigs themselves all
came down not on the side of Mr. Morey, but on top of him,
figuratively stomping him into the ground for his tweet,
which he soon afterward deleted. Then the Los Angeles
Lakers' LeBron James, one of the league's biggest stars,
put in his two cents (and your infuriated Peasant wouldn't
give two cents for James' two cents!) with these comments:
"We all do have freedom of speech, but at times there are
ramifications for the negative that can happen when you're
not thinking about others and you're only thinking about
yourself," and followed that up with "I don't want to get
into a word- or sentence-feud with Daryl Morey, but I
believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand, and
he spoke."

So, if your inquisitive Peasant understands LeBron James'
missive, if Morey spoke out in favor of the Chinese
communist government, voicing support for the Chi-Coms'
crackdown on the Hong Kong protesters regardless of
their chosen tactics and their brutality, James would then
think Morey to be well-informed and truly "educated" on
the situation there. And, James has a problem with anyone
publicly uttering any statement of support for the brave
Hong Kong freedom activists being gassed, clubbed,
tased, maced, and arrested for standing up to one of the
world's most totalitarian governments. The totalitarians
in Beijing certainly have a problem with such statements
spoken about them, as they cannot abide the truth about
themselves. So, they put pressure on the whole of the NBA
to bring Morey to heel, to shut him up about the Chinese
and how they are conducting themselves in Hong Kong.

But it is LeBron James and the servile, money-chasing wimps
of the NBA that are the uneducated ones, they are the ones
who are thinking only of themselves here. Do they know,
and if so do they even care, that China is employing violence
to arrest and punish the Hong Kong protesters who only want
China to keep its promise of autonomy for 50 years through
2047, as stipulated in the transfer of governance of Hong Kong
from Great Britain to China. And for that the Chinese
communists behave as communists the world over behave,
all too typically and predictably.  But this is not something
for "woke" self-proclaimed avatars such as LeBron James
to trouble themselves with. And this isn't the first time that
James has spoken out regarding political matters, especially
when he sees an opportunity to castigate the United States
for its supposed social injustices. In 2018 James made a
tweet of his own in which he proclaimed "Injustice Anywhere
Is A Threat to Justice Everywhere --- Our Lives Begin To
End The Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter."
So, employing clear and simple logic, LeBron James and
friends don't think that the plight of the Hong Kongers
matters? Why would this be so? Is it because the Hong 
Kongers are fighting a communist regime, heaven forbid?

LeBron James and other lefties, both those who are serious
advocates for their poisonous politics and those like James
who are merely radical-chic dilettantes, fancy themselves
as being intellectually and morally superior to the people
who don't share their views. They think themselves to be
at the head of the class, because they think themselves
educated and aware, or in their silly parlance, "woke".
These people are only fooling themselves, with their
utter ignorance of the true threats to human rights and
the thugs which pose them, and are therefore flunking
out. Meanwhile, sports fans who are sick and tired of
the purveyors of leftism injecting their favorite sports
broadcasts with left-wing political propaganda will
rightfully rethink watching the NBA's games this
season, and maybe for many seasons yet to come.
And here, in 2021, the overall situation has not at
all improved, so as a result an increasing number of pro
sports fans are becoming ex-pro sports fans as they boycott
pro sports in general, not just pro basketball. And the lefty
millionaire professional athletes and the empty-headed billionaire 
team owners along with the league bigwigs haven't a clue as to


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Welfare for the Wealthy (Courtesy of the Democrats)

Our president loves to play the class card when it comes
to economic matters. President Biden is trying mightily
to keep alive his record-breaking (and bank-breaking) 
budget, at the core of which is his $3.5 trillion tax and
spend plan which he swears will help "working people"
to pay their bills. The truth is that Biden's program 
is really a government subsidy gift-giving device which
will give subsidies to everyone, including the well-off.
Yes, you read that right my fantastic readers. Biden and
the Dems want to hook even the upper-middle class 
on the government teat. In the Bernie Sanders-Joe Biden-
Nancy Pelosi bill the goodies include:

*The expanded child tax credit which has become a 
monthly check from Uncle Sam that transfers lots of
money to financially secure middle-class families (!).
Currently, the allowance is now $3,600 per child 
under six years of age, and $3,000 for ages 6 through
17. A married couple earning $150,000 a year with four 
children (two under six years of age, two above) would
qualify for $13,200 annually.

*A new entitlement caps costs for child-care at 7% of 
income and was at first limited to parents making up to 
200% of their state's median income. But the hard-core
lefties that call themselves "progressives" got rid of the 
cap in committee so it would cover the upper-middle class
and the outright wealthy, making the entitlement universal.

*Democrats also want, and have long wanted paid 
family leave --- about two-thirds of average wages for up
to 12 weeks per year for any family care. This would apply
to full-time AND part-time employees, and in the case of 
newborn babies both parents would be entitled to have leave.
So a married couple with a newborn, each earning $200,000
could each collect more than $1,000 in weekly benefits,
extrapolating to $24,000 of paid leave in one year. A couple
with an income of $100,000 each would be eligible for 
approximately the same amount (!!).

*The legislation also includes a gigantic $12,500 electric 
vehicle tax credit. Since EVs cost considerably more than
similar gas-powered vehicles, this money will go largely
to fat-cat coastal residents. This means that a couple can
make as much as $800,000 annually and STILL qualify
for at least some of the credit (!!!). 

*And saving the best for last: the return of the state and local
tax deduction. Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised her bunch in
the House "meaningful" relief above the current $10,000 cap.
Most of those who would have anything to gain are --- you 
guessed it --- the well-to-do. 

The Dems figure that subsidizing the upper middle-class this
way would make President Biden's program safer. They reason 
that if they can't get Mohammad to come to the mountain, then
they'll make the mountain come to Mohammad. Thus, they'll 
entice the swells to bite the bait. One thing must be noted,
however: those that will get the benefits will also get the bill
(higher taxes). And the Dems will bill their recipients when the
entitlements are too entrenched to repeal. Uncle Sam giveth and
Uncle Sam taketh away, blessed be the name of Uncle Sam.
Say, boys and girls, can you say "screwed"?


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

California (Nightmare) Dreamin'

Those Californians who had finally had enough of the infamous
loopy-lefty governance of their home state which produced 
runaway taxes (in terms of both quantity and cost), huge, 
intrusive government micromanaging their lives, increasing
crime in the cities, and outrageous behavior and activity 
including but not at all limited to public urination and defecation,
attempted to recall and remove the head of the khakistocracy,
Gov. Gavin Newsom. A most left-wing Democrat, Newsom 
himself had ordered California's beaches, famous for their beauty
and splendor, closed during the early weeks of the Coronavirus 
pandemic. He also failed to adequately address the homelessness
problem plaguing many of the state's major cities, ditto the 
drought and its (and Sacramento's) effects on available water, 
frequent power failures, sweeping fires destroying neighborhoods 
and entire towns, and his hypocrisy regarding his mask mandate
--- he attended a big gala at a toney French restaurant sans a mask.
Newsom also ordered a ban on large gatherings such as this one!

Republicans, so few as a percentage of California's electorate, 
initiated the recall effort after Newsome's 2018 election. They 
thought that not only could they unseat Newsome but that they 
could also reverse their long-sagging political fortunes by thus
taking out the head of the cabal, then going after the rest in
the capitol and break up the Dem's near-monopoly on the 
Golden State's government. Sadly, this didn't come to pass.

A cluster of candidates, mostly Republicans, ran in the race
to topple Newsom. Radio talk show host and author Larry 
Elder emerged as the front runner and the leading opposing 
candidate in the first stage of the balloting. Among his
fellow candidates were Caitlin Jenner (formerly Bruce Jenner,
'70s Olympic Track and Field champion), Assemblyman
Kevin Kiley, businessman John Cox, and former San Diego
Mayor Kevin Faulconer. There were 46 candidates in all (!).
Recall elections historically haven't been successful for 
those initiating them in California; out of 55 leading up to 
this campaign, only one had been successful --- the one 
in which bodybuilder and action movie star Arnold Schwarz-
enneger, a moderately liberal Republican defeated incumbent
Gray Davis for the governorship. And this recall flopped like
the other 54. 

Anyone who had been following the recall effort from its inception
would have thought that it would have been a certainty that 
the power-mad Gov. Newsom would have been shown the door
by the voters. The final straw for many Californians was his 
draconian shutdown of practically the entire state, affecting
schools, businesses, houses of worship, beaches, and parks
both big and small. A great economic hardship resulted for 
people who couldn't work at their jobs and for people who
couldn't run their businesses. Many residents packed up and
moved to lesser-taxed, less-regulated, not-so-tightly-locked-
down states stating that they had to make a living, that their 
children missed too much school, and their freedom of move-
ment was severely restricted. Newsom's violating his own edicts
were another reason many gave as to why they moved.

But many Californians stayed and fought via the recall campaign.
However, many more Californians, those that the state has had
the misfortune to become known for --- the flakes, nuts, weirdos,
the hopelessly vapid, the sort of people that comedian Jay Leno
would feature in his chats with them in his "Jaywalking" segment
on the Tonight show when he was its host. And of course the 
Hollywood set, with their well-loaded checkbooks and their 
lefty-chic politics (refer to the aforementioned phrase "hopelessly
vapid"; they fit quite neatly under that heading) --- won the day 
by winning the recall election with their campaign contributions,
their rallies, and their votes that came in droves. 

And now there is just one thing left for the defeated citizens of this
woeful state to do, if they see no reason to remain and to somehow 
fight on: to vote one more time, this time with their feet. They 
can take a page from the book by their fellow Californians who 
had already removed to more politically and economically 
favorable states to start anew. I admire the spirit and pride that
the recall activists showed, and I would have even more admiration
for those who would choose to stay and fight on in the face of 
daunting odds. For what it's worth, though, your doubtful Peasant
does not see the situation improving to the point where the state
will no longer be written off as a combination of backwater and 
insane asylum, at least not in the near future. In the final analysis,
only time will tell, and believe me it's going to be quite a long time.


Friday, September 24, 2021

A Belated 12th Anniversary Thank You to My Readers

Friends, your faithful but hurried, harried Peasant 
forgot all about my --- our --- anniversary yesterday;
it was the 12th anniversary of the day I began 
publishing my blog, and you my faithful readers
coming to visit me, with the aim of getting 
acquainted with me and my blog. And a wonderful
friendship was born! A thousand pardons for failing
to mark those twelve magnificent years in a timely

You are the reason why your faithful Peasant has had
this blog for these past twelve years! I look forward
to every week and our weekly get-togethers with great
eagerness and anticipation! May we have twelve more 
years together right here, analyzing the political and
economic news of the day while praising the good,
castigating the bad, and encouraging the ugly to act
in a less ugly manner. You're all the greatest readers 
a blogger could ever ask for!

God bless!


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Biden's War on Profits

President Biden's programs and their fiscal ramifications
have inflationary tones; indeed, economists are saying that
inflation is currently making a comeback. 

But our president, in order to shore up support for his 
economic agenda, is looking for scapegoats for to palm
off the blame onto. He has found such a choice in the
pharmaceutical industry. Now, your faithful Peasant has
his own criticisms of that particular industry, but here I 
find Biden's accusations to be quite meritless. Claiming
that the pharma firms are "jacking up prices", he is 
castigating the very companies that have produced the 
vaccines and treatments (in record time yet!) that are
saving people the world over from the Coronovirus
pandemic. Making a pitch for his drug price controls,
he claims that we Americans "... pay the highest pre-
scription drug costs of any developed nation in the 
world." While he is right on this point, he must realize
that we also get access to more and better treatments 
sooner than in the other developed countries. And 
his fiscal initiatives will certainly have an adverse effect
on drug prices, among other goods and services. 

The profits that the pharma firms make make research 
and development into new treatments possible. In the 
meantime, drug prices have been declining thanks to
increased competition. Prescription drug prices have 
dropped 2.6% over 2020 while the consumer-price 
index increased 5.4%. Also keep in mind (a pity that
Biden doesn't) that Medicare already negotiates over 
prescription drug prices, which is why some consumers
aren't seeing the price cuts.

Private insurers that manage Medicare Part D plans demand
rebates from the pharma folks to place their medicines on 
formularies. Then the insurers use the rebates to reduce 
premiums for all beneficiaries. The result of all this:
drug makers raise their list prices, making some beneficiaries
with higher deductibles and coinsurance pay more out of
pocket for some drugs. 

However, a recent study by IQVIA discovered that net prices
after rebates for brand medicines declined 2.9% in 2020. 
Per capita-wise, real net spending on drugs in the U.S. 
increased by a mere 0.5% annually over the past decade 
even as higher-cost treatments have been approved.

President Biden wants to get rid of the profits that make 
possible the incentive to innovate. Large pharmaceutical 
firms invested $91 billion in new treatments in 2020.
The Coronovirus pandemic proved that the benefits in 
lives saved are a magnificent profit in another, more 
dear currency. Pity all this is lost on our president.


Thursday, September 9, 2021

A Tragic Way to Celebrate a Tragic Anniversary

We are coming up on the twentieth anniversary of 
9-11, the date when terror paid us a call in three 
different locations in our country, killing many 
of our fellow Americans in the ghastly process.
And the events in Afghanistan, beginning with
President Biden's quick and massive withdrawal
of our troops which enabled the Taliban to take 
the country in a blitzkrieg not unlike the one 
which the Germans rode to complete domination
of Poland in 1939, is how we will be 
commemorating this tragic anniversary. 

Biden made up a withdrawal date loaded with 
symbolism to make him look fiercely determined
on this anniversary, never mind the consequences
of his action. We left our major air base in the 
middle of the night (!) no less, without first informing
the Afghan military. We left many of our weapons 
behind and the Taliban happily took possession of 
them. We didn't tell our allies what we were doing 
and how we were doing it; they followed us there 
and paid dearly for doing so. Worst of all, we 
removed our military personnel before removing 
U.S. citizens, particularly those employed at our 
embassy, and our friends --- those brave Afghans 
who helped us materially and in other ways as 
well. They were left without protection from the 
onrushing Taliban, and many were captured or 
killed on the spot. Women were forced out of their 
workplaces and their classrooms and into burkas.
Many Afghans sped to the Karzai International Airport
to get a commercial flight, or really ANY flight, out of
Afghanistan. The remaining Americans did 
likewise. Many of both were waiting in vain for flights 
to help them escape. And ponder this: the Taliban and
their pals in Al-Qaeda will get a base from where they 
can plan and launch terror attacks like 9-11 on our allied
countries and on us. Want something more to make you
roll your eyes and your jaw drop? President Biden 
thinks he has a firm deal with the Taliban to have 
them provide safe passage out of Afghanistan to 
the Americans and the Afghanis who worked with 
them (?!?!?!?!?!). Biden's dippy Secretary of State
Antony Blinken (where's Winkin' and Nod?) pro-
claimed "The Taliban has committed to let anyone
with proper documents leave the country in a safe
and orderly manner. They've said this privately and 
publicly many times." Your quizzical Peasant wonders,
what color is the sky in the world in which Biden 
and Blinken reside? With the withdrawal of our
military people from Afghanistan the Taliban has 
the leverage to block anyone they want from 
leaving the country for as long as they want. 
And these two nimrods don't know this? 

Response or comments from the president and his
regime? They think that it will all go away, just like
a bad dream and always try to change the subject
when anyone asks about Afghanistan. However, 
the aftermath will play out over the course of many
years, like Vietnam. And President Biden showed
himself to be a man without kindness or an interest 
in the well-being of others. This episode caused severe
damage to his presidency and to his personal reputation
which may not be at all reparable. He has even given
the perception that he doesn't listen to advice from 
many people, if anyone. His military and political
advisors urged him not to go the route he has taken
on Afghanistan; he paid them no mind and listened 
to his own counsel.

Can you imagine the thoughts and emotions running
through the minds of our military veterans who 
served tours of duties in Afghanistan, being seriously
wounded or even maimed? They must be thinking that 
they sacrificed so grievously for what --- a quickie
exit which was no more than an abandonment of an
ally who needed our help desperately? An ally which
instead got the shaft as a result? That they gave up a leg,
an arm, more, for what? That friends in their units died
for what? And the families of those who were among 
the casualties, some of whom are now bitterly opposed
to Biden's actions and his even occupying the White
House? One mother of a marine killed in action 
spoke recently on Sean Hannity's radio show and 
ripped into the president, even using strong language.
Although these words were bleeped out, Hannity 
expressed his sympathy to her and her family. 
And who could blame her? Who would begrudge her
emotions? After all, her son died a completely 
senseless, avoidable death, and she has not heard any 
words of sympathy nor condolences from her son's
commander-in-chief, whose careless actions put her 
son in the crosshairs of lethal danger.

The way we ended our involvement in Vietnam was 
terrible. But the way President Biden ended our 
involvement in Afghanistan could prove to be far,
far worse, for the reverberations from it will be 
sounding in our ears and those of our allies for 
perhaps years. Then there's the rest of the conse-
quences which have yet to manifest. Let's hope
that we can give President Biden as ignominious 
an ending to his presidency as he has given our
commitment to Afghanistan and her people.


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Biden & Bernie vs. the Billionaires

Everyone by now has heard about the behemoth budget
that President Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders (Ind.-VT) 
have collaborated on, along with its focus on "infrastructure"
(I placed this word in quotation marks because Biden and 
Sanders have expanded it to mean things which are not and 
never were meant to be defined as infrastructure). The tab
for it all are astronomical to the point of record-setting; 
Sanders made a budget proposal of $3.5 trillion (!),
dwarfing Biden's proposal of $1 trillion (?!). The free-
spending pair defended their break-the-bank budgetary
plans with the usual class-warfare rhetoric: both of 
these turbo-charged spendthrifts called upon the 
"billionaire class" to "pay their fair share of taxes".
"We are living in a nation where the people on top are
doing phenomenally well," Sen. Sanders bellowed to 
a crowd at a rally for this Marxist monstrosity in Iowa
recently. "They have so much money, they don't even 
know what to do with it, and now some of them are off 
in outer space spending their billions. Well, we think 
maybe it might be a good idea , before you go off to 
outer space, to start paying attention to the struggles
of working families on the ground." Indeed, let's get
working families hooked on more and more financial
handouts from Uncle Sam rather than allow the biggest,
and other big income earners to keep more of their
money so that they can expand their businesses, which
would mean more jobs, some of which would be held 
by members of the aforementioned working families.
When the peasantry work for their subsistence they
gain independence and a sense of accomplishment
rather than languishing at home watching TV knowing
that the government will take care of them to the point 
of their not trying to do for themselves what left-wing 
politicians have soft-soaped them into giving over to 
the government to do for them; to feed, shelter, clothe,
and to medically treat them on the dime of those who
do work, and have achieved various levels of considerable
success. When these hard-working businesspeople see 
what their taxes will be under a Biden-Sanders "infra-
structure" funding scheme many of them will either 
simply not continue to build and grow their businesses,
or they will pack up everything and move their operations
to countries with lower corporate and individual income
taxes. Either way, American workers will be out of work
and non-working Americans will not even try to find
work, and presto! A massive welfare state will spring up 
and the national economy will stagnate and shrivel.

Furthermore, the left-wing gruesome twosome will run out
of billionaires to drain for their spending binge. According
to the 2021 Forbes billionaires list, there are currently 724
billionaires in the United States with a collective net worth 
of $4.4 trillion. President Biden's own infrastructure plan 
includes approximately $550 billion in new spending, but 
the total bill is nearly $1 trillion on the nose. Bernie's budget?
A cool $3.5 trillion. If Sen. Sanders were to tax away every
asset of every U.S. billionaire --- that includes (but is certainly
not limited to Elon Musk's bitcoin holdings, Larry Ellison's 
boats, Oprah Winfrey's houses, and Ted Turner's ranches,
or the classic car collections of Jay Leno and Jay-Z
--- it STILL wouldn't cover the cost of the Democrats' next
two legislative plans. Think of that! Many thanks, by the way,
to the Wall Street Journal for publishing these facts in their
Aug. 31 edition's Review and Outlook section.

And then there's the funding of the federal government's 
operations, roughly $4 trillion per annum. And Bernie 
still harbors his dream of Medicare for All, a socialized
medicine scheme which would make Obama's so-called
Affordable Health Care Act look like a little child's 
birthday party. Bernie keeps pumping his "us versus them"
message, but he doesn't realize that there aren't enough of 
"them" to sink his teeth into --- meaning that he, Biden,
and the government will have to go after the millionaires,
then the upper-middle class, then the middle class. Their 
taxes will need to go on a rocket ride too, much more 
dramatic than that taken by Jeff Bezos, currently the 
biggest American billionaire and the wealthiest person
on the planet. After plundering "them", the socialistic
Democrats will look hungrily at "us". Then what would
we do? And unlike how he ended our war in Afghanistan,
President Biden will prosecute this war, his and Bernie's 
War on Wealth, fighting to the last billionaire. Then the last 
millionaire. Then ... you get the idea.


Tuesday, August 31, 2021

George Schultz, R.I.P.

Some months ago Your favorite Peasant posted birthday greetings 
for retired Secretary of State George Schultz on the occasion of 
his 100th birthday. Now I have the sorrowful duty of announcing 
his passing to you, my fantastic readers. The economist, diplomat,
and businessman who served in several presidential administrations
with distinction passed away February 6; I sincerely apologize for
not having reported his death until now, as I had my health challenges
which nearly rendered me deceased as well. I now have gotten 
caught up on all the very important news stories which took place
during my illness and convalescence. 

George Schultz was the kind of public servant that our government 
at all levels should have more of. Our country would be so much 
better off for such a blessing. 

Rest well, Mr. Schultz. Well done, sir. Requiescat in pace. 


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Afghanistan in Abandonment

So as to curry favor with the American people, especially those 
with relatives or friends serving in the military and deployed to 
Afghanistan, President Biden announced that he would bring home
our military personnel who had been stationed in that country, 
some for several tours of duty. In fact, American military and
civilian personnel are presently being flown out and are on
their way home. Now, who wouldn't want to have family and 
friends come home, alive and healthy, from a trouble spot in
a far-flung part of the world? It is so sweet to see one's loved
ones and treasured friends again after months or years, with one
wondering during that time if one would ever see them again.
But consider the consequences in not that they are being
brought home, but how; that is, having a quick and sizeable
drawdown of our troops without providing any protection
for the Afghanis in the wake of the U.S. turning over the 
war against the Taliban, merely turning over everything to
the Afghanis be they ready or not.

On Saturday August 14 Biden delivered a statement cutting 
off critical help for Afghanistan. The shameful act will surely
go down in history as the biggest retreat by the U.S. since
the Vietnam War when we pulled out and left the South
Vietnamese helpless in the face of the rapidly advancing
communist forces from the northern part of that country.
Afghanistan's military's last resistance collapsed, the 
Taliban quickly overran the country, and just days ago 
took Kabul, Afghanistan's capital. President Ashraf Ghani,
the Afghan head of state, fled while remaining forces 
worked frantically to evacuate Americans from the doomed 
capital. Just twenty years after the U.S. toppled the jihadists
for sheltering Osama bin Laden, a reversal of fortune came
about with those same jihadists flying their flag over the 
U.S. Embassy building. Happy Anniversary, America.

To their credit, President Biden's advisers offered an alternative
for troop removal, as did the Afghanistan Study Group. President
Biden let what they had to say go in one ear and out the other.
Biden gave his self-justification for his fateful drawdown 
method thus: "One more year, or five more years, of U.S. 
military presence would not have made a difference if the 
Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country."
But the Afghans were willing to fight and absorb casualties
with U.S. support, especially air power. Some military experts 
contend that all that was needed were a few thousand troops 
and contractors to do the job.

But Biden wasn't through yet; he is trying to pin the blame for
his rotten decisions on his immediate predecessor, President 
Trump. Quote: "When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut 
by (Mr. Trump) --- which he invited the Taliban to discuss at
Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019 --- that left the Taliban
in the strongest military position since 2001 and imposed a 
May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. forces. Shortly before he left 
office, he also drew U.S. forces down to a bare minimum of 
2,500. Therefore, when I became President, I faced a choice 
--- follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our
forces and our allies' forces out safely, or ramp up our presence 
and send more American troops to fight once again," This was 
after his beyond insulting remarks about the Afghans for not 
fighting harder and more fiercely and signaling the most 
terrible ingratitude to those who had helped us in both military
and non-military ways! Can you imagine such a thing?
Biden was more critical of Trump than he was of the Taliban
in his statement. Mr. Trump's withdrawal deadline could have
been better planned out, but Biden, even though his military 
and foreign policy advisors suggested otherwise, pig-
headedly ordered a rapid and total withdrawal in time for
the symbolic target date of 9/11. Of course the lamestream 
media praised Biden's decision as courageous (!). 

This event was the worst humiliation suffered by the U.S. 
since the fall of Saigon in 1975, right down to the haste 
to destroy classified documents, the helicopters evacuating
American diplomats, other American civilian personnel 
scrambling to find commercial airplanes to fly them out 
of Afghanistan, and the abandonment of valuable U.S. 
military equipment into Taliban possession. A most
terrible redux. But the Afghans who trusted the U.S. 
and assisted the Americans for over twenty years now 
face certain death at the hands of the Taliban. Biden was
much too slow in getting them out of the country despite 
urgent warnings, which of course he neglected to act 
swiftly upon. Their deaths will make a large red stain 
on Biden's presidency and legacy, one that all of the 
detergent in the world will never wash away. 

Have we learned nothing from the ending of the Vietnam
War? Apparently President Biden has not. And he appears
not to care.