Thursday, November 11, 2021

Regarding Veterans Day ...

Once again, your humble and grateful Peasant wishes 
to thank our courageous veterans from all our military's
branches, who fought in the most recent wars which our
country was involved in, serving our United States of
America with bravery, dedication, and grit --- making
many sacrifices along the way; all gave some, while 
some gave all. 

As I have paid tribute to all our wonderful vets on this 
blog on Veterans Days past, I ask myself "What more 
can I say?" So I'll just say here today, this Veterans Day:

*If you like speaking your mind, thank a vet!

*If you enjoy the services at your house of worship, 
thank a vet!

*If you like going hunting with your shotgun or rifle,
thank a vet!

*If you appreciate being able to defend yourself, your 
family, your home or your business with same, thank a vet!

*If you enjoy your liberty, your very freedom which is
yours by virtue of being a citizen of this great and magnificent
country, birthed in bloodshed and nourished in trials and
soul-trying circumstances, springing up through the soil
of shifting fortunes and human machinations like a bright
and beautiful flower with generations of veterans the gardeners
helping the flower along, THANK A VET! 

Remember, as The Peasant says: Freedom isn't free; freedom costs.
But freedom isn't a luxury, it's a necessity! And our vets have 
always paid the price without counting the cost.


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