Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Current State of Things

During my hospitalization and convalescence the new president
(sigh) has been busy introducing and implementing his grandiose 
programs and ideas, some of which he is still trying to install while
others have taken root. Some are calling his fledgling term the third
term of President Obama; President Joe Biden, who was Obama's 
Vice President, learned well at the side of his Democrat predecessor.

Always a staunch liberal throughout his long career in politics, Biden
has been called a moderate when he was running for his party's 
presidential nomination. In relative terms, this was certainly true.
He went up against then-Sen. Kamala Harris and Sen. Bernie Sanders,
the arch-socialist who, while considered an independent, caucuses 
with the Democrats in the Senate. Some time ago your prescient 
Peasant said on this very blog that Sanders may never be elected 
President, but he would receive as a consolation prize considerable
influence over the Democrat Party and the shaping of its party
platform --- and with it the resituating of the party to the far left,
remaking one of America's two major political parties into The
Radical Party. When Biden won the Dem's nomination in an upset
he had to make some deals and concessions to the new and newly
dominant radical wing of the Democrats' party, i.e. backing Rep.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' (AOC's) Green New Deal, which would
be an energy and economic disaster for the country. And the list of 
Santa Claus-like presents for the far lefties in his party makes for
quite a wish list. AOC, like Sen. Sanders, calls herself a socialist.

Another such present for the gonzo lefties is stoppage of the building
of the wall meant to keep out aliens seeking to enter our country at
our southern border any means possible, never mind such niceties as 
our immigration law. Which these gonzos want. Biden has thus
managed to undo almost all of the work that President Trump had 
accomplished, which led to a significant decrease in illegal entries
by aliens coming up from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and some
countries farther afield. Biden wouldn't, for the longest time, call
the situation a crisis, even though it has truly devolved into one.
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who once was sanguine with 
this unfolding turn of events, has recently warned that the U.S.
is on pace for the biggest border surge in twenty years, with the trend
especially big among minors. Most of the aliens being detained at
the Customs and Border Protection facilities are staying longer than
normal for such detention. This is the result of Biden reversing
Trump's successful attempts to stem, or to at least slow, this tide.
The Biden administration has created an exemption from Title 42
for minors, thus causing a huge incentive for minors to come to 
the border. And Biden's minions have been claiming all the while
that the current crisis --- Biden at last calling it what it is, a crisis 
--- is the result of having to repair an immigration system which
was supposedly broken by President Trump (!!!). I'm so glad
I don't have a tooth with that nerve! Typical of the left-of-center
crowd that they never take responsibility for their mistakes but
instead blame conservatives and others for same, hoping to con 
as many of the people as they can and keep them conned right
until the next election. 

Getting back to AOC's Green New Deal, this exceedingly bad idea 
would end America's status as a net energy exporter, consigning 
her to again be a major energy importer, reliant on oil and natural gas
for the foreseeable future. In 2020, official figures informed that 
the United States exported more oil and petroleum products than it 
imported. The Green New Deal would work in tandem with 
climate change initiatives which would, among other things, forbid
the exploring and drilling for much of our oil, and scrap fracking too.
And there'll be no more DAPLs (Biden has recently acted to scrap
DAPL --- the Dakota Access pipeline, acting ahead of AOC's 

And there's more, much more, that Biden and the Dems have in store
for us. You can rest assured, my fine readers, that we shall examine 
it all right here, and create ways to thwart the implementation of the 
Dems' plans. 


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