Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Cubans' Quest for Freedom

Recently there have been protests, quite large ones,
in Cuba put on by the Cuban people against Cuba's
communist government. Although the regime there
had faced protesters and their protests before, they
have never countenanced anything this massive 
and so spontaneously; it expanded across the island 
like a mighty wave. Messages announcing it all 
were spread on social media before the regime had 
a chance to block it from further spreading. 
The social media, you see, is dangerous to the 
iron-fisted rulers of Cuba, as it allows the Cuban
people to share their displeasure and to feel that
they are not alone in their frustrations and anger
toward their dominators. 

What caused these protests and why did they pick 
up such steam? They weren't planned nor were they 
organized. They were the product of the anger at the 
country's totalitarian masters touched off by economic
fallout from the Coronovirus, which has been grossly
mismanaged. Widespread food and medicine shortages 
became the order of the day, accompanied by daily
electrical blackouts. No wonder the Cuban people 
are cheesed off.

Considering that Fidel Castro is dead and his brother 
Raul is now for all intents and purposed retired (he 
no longer holds an official government position),
and that the head of the regime is now one Miguel
Diaz-Canel, who has no legitimacy reaching beyond
the military and intelligence services which prop him
up, the Cuban people have more of a chance to finally
oust the communist cabal which had been running and
ruining Cuba for over sixty years. They are willing to 
risk arrest by filling the streets because they have lost 
so much that they feel they have noting left to lose.
This makes for a dangerous enemy, the Cuban 
comrades should note. 

Apparently Diaz-Canel has done just that, and is 
therefore leaving nothing to chance; he has mobilized
the military and intelligence to go after the
protesters. Surprisingly, our ever-left-leaning president
has issued a statement of support for the protesters and
their quest. President Biden did well in doing this but
now must back up his encouraging words with real
support for the Cuban people. Cuba's regime is now
much more vulnerable after President Trump's restoring 
of some of the sanctions the U.S. has held against 
said regime, and Cuba has few allies, especially ones 
which can assist effectively against American initiatives.
Sadly, the Congressional Democrats are busy
having a bit of a confab about what the most
appropriate reaction of the United States government 
should be (?!?!?!?!). When you consider that two  
of those involved in this sorry decision-making process
are Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and 
Sen. Bernie Sanders (Ind-VT), and followed by more
lefty members of Congress, one has to worry about 
the Cuban people's chances of any material help
or moral support; Ultra Dummy and Ultra Radical
leading the Don't-do-a-damn-thing-to-help-the-Cuban
-people contingent on Capitol Hill. These socialists
and their chums just might be able to ensure that,
indeed, nothing will be done.

The odds on an outright revolution, particularly one 
which would prove successful are long and daunting.
But for the Cuban people to be made to see that the
United States is on their side materially as well as
rhetorically will give their morale and confidence 
a mighty boost. It looks, though, that they'll have to
wait until after next year's elections when we'll very
likely have given back both the House and the Senate
to the Republicans with large enough margins to stuff
Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders & Company. As for their ability 
to hold out, it's a roll of the dice. Stay tuned, and for 
goodness sake call your representatives and senators 
to demand that they make a public and irrevocable stand 
for the Cuban people!


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Peasant Takes On Twitter

Just the other day I was online, visiting my social media sites  
which include Twitter. As you, my fantastic readers know, 
your favorite Peasant posts when I have a new blog piece
ready to go. Well, when I went to Twitter and tried to sign 
in, I saw this message instead of my Twitter page:
"Enter your mobile phone number to receive a text message 
with a confirmation code. You'll use the code to verify this 
is really your number."

I clicked the Help option to investigate this. I saw another
message, this one saying that my account "has been locked
for security purposes". The page with the message went on 
to say that "If you are logged into your account and see that
(it) has been locked ..." and gave the reasons for their locking
down my Twitter account. Among them are "suspicious 
behavior" and your account "... may have been compromised".
Now, there's a lot of malicious mischief online from hackers.
However, the message page also said that perhaps my account
has been locked because of "violation of Twitter rules", which
encompasses "Twitter's abusive behavior policy" that lists
"guidelines for our hateful conduct policy". In the past few 
years we have seen these rules of Twitter's to be used to shut
up and shut out conservative voices, including that of a 
recent president. To many lefties, conservatism is hatred
and advocating for conservative principles in government
is hate speech. It's their way of quashing dissent, an essential
freedom covered by our Constitution's First Amendment
protecting free speech, so that they can form a totalitarian
state in which this freedom will be curtailed or eliminated

Is this what is happening with my Twitter account? Or was 
there a legitimate threat to the security of my account, and
Twitter moved to counter it? Time and further investigation 
by your pursuing Peasant will reveal the truth. In the meantime
I shall be without my Twitter page for a while. My advice
for my readers who are also on Twitter is to keep up with
the Peasant on Facebook and MeWe; there you shall see my
announcements of my latest blog pieces to enjoy. We'll 
still get together every week, don't fret! 

Oh, these are troublesome times we are facing, with the threats
to our constitutionally guaranteed and protected freedoms
increasing every day. Let us be and remain vigilant, especially
concerning our social media site accounts.


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Big Brother's Internet Interference

In 1924 Commerce Secretary (later President of the United States)
Herbert Hoover, a Republican, warned against the concentration of
corporate power in Radio, which at the time was a fledgling medium
and a new industry: "We cannot allow any single person or group to
place themselves in a position where they can censor the material
which shall be broadcasted to the public." Here in 2021, this very
danger Hoover warned about and inveighed against has come to pass.

The Tech companies in California's Silicon Valley  have become the
censors for the government. The medium in which this horror is 
taking place is not radio but the Internet. Now, it is a fact that the
First Amendment ordinarily applies to the government rather than 
private companies. But the tech giants' censorship, the blocking of 
conservatives and their posts, denying them use of the tech firms' 
platforms, claiming that the conservatives were engaged in "hate
speech" of racist or other varieties have convinced attorneys 
representing their aggrieved clients that the tech giants should be
treated as state actors and are in violation of the First Amendment,
having engaged in selective political censorship. Since the govern-
ment granted them immunity from legal liability, these tech big
shots have been able to bully those parties which posted thoughts 
and statements which the tech titans vehemently disagree with and
strenuously oppose with impunity.

The Supreme Court has several times held that federal immunity 
pre-empting state law "can transform a private party's conduct into
state action, therefore making said conduct subject to state action 
subject to constitutional scrutiny," stated Vivek Ramaswamy in
a recent guest editorial piece in the Wall Street Journal on this
legal matter. Ramaswary, the author of "Woke, Inc.: Inside 
Corporate America's Social Justice Scam" has been researching 
these actions for quite some time, and is quite knowledgeable on
the legal ramifications. So the government, with the Democrats 
in charge of both chambers of Congress and holding the White
House, does not have to censor political opposition online; 
they don't have to. All they need do is rely on their slavish 
devotees in Silicon Valley, who also write them gargantuan 
checks each election season. Social-media companies are privately
owned, therefore are solidly in the private sector, but when they 
team up with officials to squelch content which makes them 
uncomfortable they are thus serving as the government's censors
and therefore answerable to the First Amendment. Big Tech has
immense power to restrict speech, make no mistake. Twitter has
even banned President Trump, closing his account! No American
company has so silenced elected officials, let alone the topmost 
official, or prevented them from freely communicating with 

This sort of thing has, in some form or another, occurred in Russia,
China, North Korea, Eastern Europe, Cuba, and Venezuela to name 
but a few countries taken over by totalitarian regimes. If our United 
States fails to stop this from taking place here, then the Constitution
beginning with the First Amendment will become meaningless and 
our country will become another totalitarian wasteland like the 
aforementioned countries. 


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Ranked Choice is a Bad Choice

New York City recently held their mayoral primary elections,
employing a new method of counting votes --- and it is a 
can of worms.

Known as "Ranked-choice voting", this idea isn't new; it has 
been discussed and favored by many of the left-wingers.
There is no neutral method devised which simply reflects 
the people's will without manipulating it one way or another.
However, ranked-choice voting has its own little tricks and
will only make elections worse for all concerned. 

So how is it that this idea is so awful? One, by ranking choices 
a voter is required to divide his vote between his favored 
candidate and some merely (at best) acceptable candidates.
The first choice is the what the voter finds suits his needs 
best. What happens is that if the voter's chosen candidate gains
much fewer votes than most or all of the rest of the field,
then that candidate's votes are rolled over to one that is 
more "in the hunt" than the candidate that the voter voted for.
Ranked-choice suffuses the spirit of electoral systems where 
political parties compete to build coalitions after the votes 
are cast. In the United States, the parties compete to gain 
majorities through the voting at election time rather than
through secret, back room negotiations after the election.
Our two major parties, Republicans and Democrats, strive
to assemble coalitions: the former tries to reconcile the 
interests of evangelical Christians and libertarians; the 
latter attempts the same with the radical progressives and
moderates. Come presidential election time, the Electoral 
College produces a majority which recognizes the importance 
of the states, sometimes differing from a popular majority
(such as the 2016 presidential election). But it is, after
the shouting, a coalition majority.

Voters in a coalition must make note that while they may not 
have gotten what they wanted, the at least avoided that which 
they disliked. The goal must be a first choice willed as a 
compromise rather than to have that choice abandoned for
a compromise. This distinction points out considerable contrast
in common trust and the way in which we Americans think 

Two, ranked-choice voting is made so that it offers a bit of 
success to as many varieties of opinion as possible. However,
the Constitution's creators intended for elections to find 
competent governors (elected representatives chosen to form
and operate a competent, dependable government). 

Three, ranked-choice voting rewards extremism in the electorate
(no wonder so many lefties are so keen on it!). Voters who cast 
their votes for extremist candidates should be excluded from
the majority. Ranked-choice voting rescues them from such a 
fate. One could, if one wanted to vote for an politically extreme
candidate, vote once for Bernie Sanders and once for Joe Biden.
So if one of their radical candidates falters, the other could end
up going to the general election and possibly win.

In summation, ranked-choice voting, although it tries mightily to
pass itself off at compromise (a noble goal), it instead gives 
compromise a bad name. It is nothing but a sham. New Yorkers
must reject this bad idea, and the rest of the country should take