Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Peasant Takes On Twitter

Just the other day I was online, visiting my social media sites  
which include Twitter. As you, my fantastic readers know, 
your favorite Peasant posts when I have a new blog piece
ready to go. Well, when I went to Twitter and tried to sign 
in, I saw this message instead of my Twitter page:
"Enter your mobile phone number to receive a text message 
with a confirmation code. You'll use the code to verify this 
is really your number."

I clicked the Help option to investigate this. I saw another
message, this one saying that my account "has been locked
for security purposes". The page with the message went on 
to say that "If you are logged into your account and see that
(it) has been locked ..." and gave the reasons for their locking
down my Twitter account. Among them are "suspicious 
behavior" and your account "... may have been compromised".
Now, there's a lot of malicious mischief online from hackers.
However, the message page also said that perhaps my account
has been locked because of "violation of Twitter rules", which
encompasses "Twitter's abusive behavior policy" that lists
"guidelines for our hateful conduct policy". In the past few 
years we have seen these rules of Twitter's to be used to shut
up and shut out conservative voices, including that of a 
recent president. To many lefties, conservatism is hatred
and advocating for conservative principles in government
is hate speech. It's their way of quashing dissent, an essential
freedom covered by our Constitution's First Amendment
protecting free speech, so that they can form a totalitarian
state in which this freedom will be curtailed or eliminated

Is this what is happening with my Twitter account? Or was 
there a legitimate threat to the security of my account, and
Twitter moved to counter it? Time and further investigation 
by your pursuing Peasant will reveal the truth. In the meantime
I shall be without my Twitter page for a while. My advice
for my readers who are also on Twitter is to keep up with
the Peasant on Facebook and MeWe; there you shall see my
announcements of my latest blog pieces to enjoy. We'll 
still get together every week, don't fret! 

Oh, these are troublesome times we are facing, with the threats
to our constitutionally guaranteed and protected freedoms
increasing every day. Let us be and remain vigilant, especially
concerning our social media site accounts.


1 comment:

  1. Please consider as a URL to notify when your blogspot is ready for perusal.
