Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Twitter vs. The Peasant, Round 3

Just recently I received an online message from the Twitter 
twits, those censoring, totalitarianism-loving trolls who 
suspended my Twitter account a few months ago without
informing me as to the reason for their actions: they now
have decided to make me a lifer in their Twitter prison.
In other words, your jailbird Peasant will never be able
to tweet again, and that includes posting my announcements 
of my upcoming blog posts each with a brief blurb telling
their subject matter; life sentence, no parole. So this is 
what, at last, has become of my battle with Twitter.

Of course, the ungiven reason for Twitter doing this is the fact
that I had the audacity to put up some conservative content
(horrors!), much to the displeasure and discomfort of the 
Twitter solons. William F. Buckley said many years ago 
that "Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing
other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that
there are other points of view." Apparently this is the case
with the staff at Twitter.

So I now have an account at MeWe, a social media site which 
welcomes people of all political ideologies, as its staff are
not merely proponents but are practitioners of the 
First Amendment, only disallowing foul language and threats.
Your pleased Peasant heartily recommends MeWe for those
of you, my grand readers, to engage in political discussions 
with fellow conservatives and others with an interest in the
political scene without having to keep an eye out for left-
wing censorship. As I explore the internet for more like
sites, I shall make mention of them here on PWAP for you
all to note and to visit. Perhaps we shall meet up on some 
of these sites and get together for some wonderful visits!
Anyway, sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to 
name but three are inhospitable places for conservatives
and anyone else who does not buy into the politics and 
general philosophy of the left-wingers, as the latter would 
shut up and shut out the former rather than debate them.
After all, it isn't much fun to enter a gunfight with a pop
gun for obvious reasons. Conservative talk show hosts
Mark Levin and some others have discontinued their 
pages on some of these sites and have gone over to MeWe,
Parler, and other such sites, having so informed their 
audiences. Joe Pags was himself suspended by Twitter,
and former President Donald J. Trump was, like your
Peasant, permanently suspended (Suspended, heck!
I was banned and so was our 45th president!) by same.

We shall simply regroup on more friendly territory and 
dig in. We will have a level playing field, and on it shall
win our battle for freedom of speech and ultimately win 
our war for the heart and soul of our country.

Oh, as I go to press, a timely news flash: Elon Musk, the
world's most successful and famous entrepreneur and maker
of the electric-powered Tesla automobile, as well as the 
wealthiest human being on the planet, very recently began
purchasing shares of Twitter stock making purchases every
month since the start of the year. Musk now owns about 9%
of all outstanding shares in the social media giant, and this
week turned down an offer from Twitter to join their board
of directors; crazy like a fox, he knew he would be forbidden
to exceed a cap of 14.9% on stock ownership if he accepted 
a seat on the board but could buy many more shares, setting 
up a hostile takeover attempt. The motivation driving Musk 
is his elimination of Twitter's censorship of political views
diametrically opposed to those of Twitter (Musk himself has 
run afoul of Twitter's so-called fact-checkers and content
approval crew with his own Twitter account) and letting in
the breezes of free speech and unfettered political expression
to waft through the tech titan's facilities. If Musk's mission
is successful, would it mean that the Twitter jailhouse Peasant 
would cease being an inmate and once again be a rootin',
tootin, tweetin' righty account holder, tweeting my conservative
content to one and all? As they say in broadcasting, 
"Stay tuned"; here, as this blog is obviously of the print media,
I'll say "Keep reading".


NOTE: I just today found an error in the text of this post 
and went to correct it, but the site made the publish date April 19
when in fact it was posted last week. I don't know if this was 
because of me, or a quirk in Blogger. It may not make any 
difference, but your detail-conscious Peasant thought it 
important to point out to you, my dear readers. 
Anyway, thank you for your understanding.


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