This Tuesday, February 21, Wisconsin will have
a primary election which will feature four candidates
for a seat on your favorite Peasant's state's Supreme
Court, a seat being vacated by retiring Justice Patience
(Pat) Roggensack, a longtime stalwart conservative
jurist. Two liberals on one side of the primary ballot,
two conservatives on the other.
The liberals are offering two candidates for the primary:
Milwaukee County Judge Protasiewicz and Dane County
Circuit Court Judge Everett Mitchell, two far-left
judges with histories of being soft on crime to the point
of being enablers for criminals in their counties.
Furthermore, Protasiewicz has telegraphed in a few
interviews how she would rule on certain cases, such
as abortion, and has been telling people she meets on
the campaign trail of her "values" and how they would
guide her on the bench (?!). Although she claims that
she "can't tell you what I will do on any particular case",
Protasiewicz has given very strong hints, almost dead
giveaways on how she would rule on certain cases i.e.
abortion (she has mentioned her support for legal abortion
and her desire to eliminate the 1849 state law which makes it
illegal to perform an abortion at any trimester of pregnancy
except to save the life of the mother) and on criminal cases.
That is a major no-no, a cardinal sin, for a judge and certainly
for a state supreme court justice! And if she wants to legislate,
she should instead run for a seat in either the Assembly or
the Senate!
Don't expect her to leave then-Gov. Scott Walker's Act 10
reforms standing either should she get elected. Her blabbing
about all this, along with her strong left-bent political
makeup disqualifies her as a suitable candidate, and
as a fair and impartial justice as she would legislate rather
than adjudicate, abiding by her own whimsey. Her lefty
primary opponent is another Madison extremist who
is so "woke" that he is unconscious to the logic and the
boundaries of the law; Judge Everett Mitchell is so far to
the left that he makes Judge Protasiewicz look like
SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas and is not expected
to pose any significant challenge to Protasiewicz in
the primary.
On the conservative side former State Supreme Court Justice
Daniel Kelly will be vying to win the primary and the general
election coming in April to return to Wisconsin's highest court.
His primary opponent will be the sudden rising star Waukesha
County Circuit Judge Jennifer Dorow, whose recognition has
been on a rocket ride since her no-nonsense manner of conducting
her court and maintaining its decorum during the trial of the
bloodthirsty raging maniac who intentionally ran down several
participants in Waukesha's Christmas Parade in 2021, killing six
and injuring many more. When the smoke cleared Dorow sentenced
the defendant to six consecutive life sentences with no parole.
In this age of super-leniency for criminals, this sentence was very
welcome news, inspiring some to convince Judge Dorow to run for
the to be contested for seat on the Wisconsin State Supreme Court
and she declared herself a candidate.
Now, I am more familiar with ex-Justice Kelley and his judicial
philosophy and his record. Also (full disclosure here), I know
him socially, and we are friends. That said, I am very much impressed
with both candidates and shall be voting for Kelly in the primary.
However, if Dorow emerges as the winner of the conservative
primary, I would have no qualms about voting for her in the general
election; either candidate would serve Wisconsin well as a state
supreme court justice. I give the edge and my primary vote to Kelly
as he was on the court before, having been appointed to the high
court by Gov. Scott Walker to fill a vacated seat for the remainder
of the term left by the retiring justice who held it. Dorow would also
be a fine justice and like Kelly would follow the law rather than
political whimsy. I therefore endorse Daniel Kelly, and we'll see
how the primary shakes out. Of course, you know who I will
endorse on April 4 if Dorow wins on February 21.
With that, I ask that you, my fellow Badger Staters, to vote for
whoever the winner on the 21st will be, come the general election,
regardless of how you feel about the winning candidate. We can't stay
home in April and let a radical judge be elevated to the highest court
in the state, a judge who will set us back in terms of what we have
accomplished when we elected Gov. Walker to two terms, took
control of both chambers of the state legislature, and elected a
conservative majority on the state's high court. We hold a 4-3 majority
there, and its vital that we all show up at our polling places to elect
a conservative to take over from a retiring conservative and keep
that razor-thin judicial majority to protect our gains and the fruits
of those gains, the quality of our lives which has been enhanced
by them. Either Dan Kelly or Jennifer Dorow would make a fine,
fair, and constitutional justice, so let's not have any pointless feuds
as to which if them is the "true" conservative, or who is tougher
on crime. Let's instead save the fight for our foe whom the
lefties will nominate on the other side of the primary as that
would be more conducive to our winning the contested high court
seat and therefore keep our majority on the state's top court.
If we fight each other, then the radicals win by default.
Please vote in both the primary and general elections. If you can,
vote early; that is, vote on an early voting day. If enough of us do
that, then we won't have to hurry down to our polls to vote despite
whatever schedule for the day some of us might have, or brave
inclement winter weather and resultant dangerous roads to get
My fellow Wisconsinites, the future of our state is in our hands.
NOTE: The Peasant erred! Just today (2/20) I learned that the primary
will have the top two vote-getters out of the four candidates advance
in an open primary format to the general election in April.
All the greater importance and all the more reason to get over to the
polls and vote for either of the conservative candidates! It's a two-step
process to elect a conservative to succeed retiring Justice Roggensack
and preserve the precarious 4-3 conservative majority on our state's
top court!
Best of all possible outcomes: That we cast enough votes to place
former Justice Kelly and Judge Dorow in first and second place in
the primary so that the two conservatives will face each other in
April and Judge Protasiewicz will be shut out of the general!
This would also send a powerful, unmistakable message to all
left-wing activists in Wisconsin that we want fair, non-impinging,
constitutional rule of law upheld by a state supreme court which
will not dilute our freedoms, our prosperity, nor our own values
(get that, Judge Protasiewicz?). MEM