Monday, July 1, 2024

One Lone Hero

From a report by Sharon Otterman in the New York Times:
A story headed "An Inside Look at the Student Takeover 
of Columbia's Hamilton Hall" with the subheading 
"Maintenance workers had a firsthand view of how 
protesters seized the building, and wondered why the 
university failed to stop it." Mariano Torres, a janitor
at the university, greeted masked protesters who entered 
Hamilton Hall by asking "What the hell is going on?"
Their response was "This is bigger than you!" One of 
the protesters said that he, Torres, was not paid enough
to handle the situation, while another protester offered 
Torres "a fistful of cash", according to Torres, to which
he replied "I don't want your money, dude. Just get out 
of the building!"

One lone, lowly janitor did what none of Columbia's 
bigwigs would do; he took a stand against members of 
a disorderly mob that barged into a place on campus where 
they had no permission to be, trying to protect the premises. 
It looks like the wrong person or persons are running the 
school. Applause for Mr. Torres! And applause for all people
on college campuses and elsewhere who stand up to these 
extremist bullies to preserve our right to freedom of expression
as provided for in the First Amendment of the Constitution!


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