Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Easter to All!

Friends, your beloved Peasant wants to wish you all a most
blessed Happy Easter! I shall be busy preparing my taxes to
file, and will have a singing session with my friends in our
Chuck Ward Celtic Song Circle this week; we haven't been
able to do a lot this past year due to some family commit-
ments, poor health, and situations turning some of our lives
topsy-turvy, so we are regrouping to sing together again as
well as to discuss how we should shape our future as a
singing group. We want to expand our circle to have more
members so we will always have members who can make it
to our sessions as well as to get us better known. We also shall
discuss singing at other venues to generate both higher name
recognition and membership, as well as booking concert gigs
around Milwaukee; free concerts at schools, retirement
homes, hospitals, parks, and so forth. One day, we may well
find ourselves performing in concert at Milwaukee's famous
Irish Fest! What started as a hobby, then turning into a tribute
to a local musician singer/songwriter friend who passed away,
has become a passion. Where it will lead, time will tell.
But we want to be prepared to meet whatever comes.
We are eager and excited!

Additionally, your ever-in-motion Peasant shall be doing some
career assessment and preparation for rejuvenating my career.
I am looking at several possibilities, including my old career
field of financial services, politics (I'm not interested in seeking
office but I may take up an old friend's offer to be his campaign
manager should he decide to seek office himself), a few busi-
ness opportunities, and some new career fields which I either
haven't considered before or else have done but didn't think
that they were right for me at the time. I'm 55 now, and I must
replenish my savings that were ravaged by this recession so
that I can retire at some point; I don't wish to work until I keel
over dead, or worse still, look for work until I do. And of
course I'm always working to expand the ranks of you all,
my beloved readers, of this blog! I want to inform and enter-
tain as many people as I can, promoting the ideas of freedom,
individual initiative and enterprise, as well as general goodness
along with concern for our fellow Americans and our fellow
inhabitants of this Earth. I shall, in time, also advertise more of
the products and services of companies with whom I shall
establish affiliate relationships with as I have done with Amazon.
com. You will see more click-on ads through which you can
visit these companies' web sites, view their wares, and do
some online shopping --- a great way to avoid crowds and
a lack of parking spaces at shopping malls and downtown
shopping districts, especially at Christmas! Keep your eyes
on this blog page for further developments!

My faithful readers, you are an integral part of not only the
success of this Peasant's Pitchfork, you are also that of my
success, period! You are the fuel in my tank, powering me
to astounding heights and exciting places! I gratefully and
humbly thank you for not only making the journey possible,
but for being my traveling companions as well! Again, have
a very Happy Easter and we'll get together at this venue
again soon after. You're all the greatest!


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