My Fellow Badger Staters:
Tomorrow we will have an election that, although it
pales in size and scope to the presidential election
we had last November, still is of great importance
to us. Please come out and vote tomorrow to give
State Supreme Court Justice Patience "Pat"
Roggensack another term!
Chosen by the Wisconsin Civil Justice Council as
the most conservative justice on the Wisconsin
State Supreme Court, she has been vital in uphol-
ding Act 10, Governor Scott Walker's legislation
which eliminated our state's $3 billion-plus budget
deficit, saved taxpayers billions of dollars, and
prevented further increases in property taxes as
well as curbing public employee unions' influence,
making an even playing field for taxpayers. She
is being challenged by a left-wing gadfly who had
campaigned for the thankfully unsuccessful recall
attempt on Gov. Walker who if elected will tilt the
makeup of our state's Supreme Court from
4-3 conservative to 4-3 liberal, which would
threaten Act 10's very existence. The lefties would
be able to return us to the tax-and-spend night-
mare we escaped from when we elected Walker
and the Republicans to run our state's government.
Nuts to that and to them!
Also, conservative Don Pridemore is challenging
incumbent Tony Evers for the DPI State Super-
intendent which is responsible for overseeing the
public school system in our state. Evers is an
anti-Walker, hard-lefty who has given his OK
to institute programs in public schools that would
"educate" students about the negatibe impact of
"White privilege" on our society and minorities
as well as other left-wing political correctness
gobbledy-gook. Pridemore is currently a member
of the State Assembly, and is very knowledgeable
on educational issues, and would be a great DPI
chief. Strangely, this race has not gotten nearly
as much attention as has the State Supreme Court
race, although it is at just as important for its far-
reaching consequences; the justices on the state's
top court serve 10-year terms, and the DPI
Superintendent can and does shape our public
schools' curriculae, as well as many of their other
functions. Please come out and vote for BOTH
of these fine conservatives tomorrow, won't you?
See you at the polls!
Monday, April 1, 2013
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