Monday, March 16, 2020


Friends, your faithful Peasant will not be able to be with you
for a spell due to the Coronavirus situation. I wish to remind
you all that I have no computer at home, so I am dependent
upon public access computers at libraries and such.

Well, most, if not all of the libraries around my neck of the
woods are closed until further notice, as is an increasing
number of places and events. Whenever we can get together
again I shall have much to say regarding this happenstance
which blew up over the past few days since our last visit.
I do apologize for this predicament, and I thank you, my
dear readers for your understanding and your fortitude.
We shall emerge victorious! Meanwhile let us remember
what Winston Churchill told the British people during the
London Blitz in WWII: "Keep calm and carry on".
And so we shall.

Be strong.


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