Thursday, August 29, 2024

Stuff is Piling Up!

Your loyal Peasant faces a backlog of stuff, making a rather
lofty mountain for me to climb. Therefore, climb it I must;
as a long-ago mountain climber answered when someone 
asked him why he was going to climb a particular mountain,
"Because it's there!" Well, he was referring to the irresistible 
challenge that the mountain posed, as if it were taunting
the climber "You can't do it! You can't climb up to my tippy-
top!" My mountain is not taunting me in this way, but is 
nagging me with "Time is fleeting and you've got to take care 
of all this stuff, so get cracking!" 

So, my wonderful readers, I shall be cracking this week. 
However, I shall return to you once I leveled this mountain
into a parking lot. Thank you for your understanding and 
support, and we'll get together again soon!


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Weird Couple

Well, Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris has her
running mate picked out, not long after becoming the presumptive
nominee of her party on the heels of President Biden stepping down 
from being a candidate for a second term. Your faithful Peasant 
doesn't know if Harris picked her second or if the party bigwigs did, 
but the Dems' ticket is set --- the Vice Presidential nominee is
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Who is Tim Walz? Simply the most radically left-wing candidate 
ever to run for Vice President on a major party ticket. How so?
Here's a sampling from his record as Minnesota's governor thus far:

1) Walz has worked hard at transforming Minnesota into a model of
what he would like to see the country become: he signed into law a 
bill establishing abortion as "a fundamental right" in the state. 

2) He also endeavored to refashion Minnesota into a "trans refuge" 
for transsexuals, complete with rights to use the women's rest rooms 
and locker rooms, and to "gender-affirming care".  Another 
"fundamental right" in his book, I suppose. 

3) The guv also thinks that illegal immigrants should have drivers' 
licenses; toward that end Walz has supported and continues to 
support this dubious idea.

4) And who can forget the slow-as-molasses response by Walz to the 
2020 riots following the death of George Floyd while he was in police 
custody? Gov. Walz at last sent Minnesota National Guard troops to 
the City of Minneapolis, only after the riots began and fires were
started by the rioters, including burning down a police precinct
building (!), not to mention the endless looting of stores after  
many millions of dollars worth of damages were incurred. I don't 
know how many injuries and deaths were caused, but the carnage
made Minneapolis look like a war zone; in a real sense, it was.

There are more, many more, examples of Gov. Walz' extremist 
governance of Minnesota, to be sure. But here are but four which are 
enough to illustrate that Walz and Vice President Harris are two of
a kind, the kind that the United States can absolutely do without.
Furthermore, this political gruesome twosome are a stark example 
of just how radicalized the Democrats and their party have become 
in recent years. There was a time when such extreme candidates
would much more likely be heading up a radical third party ticket
(the various socialist parties that have come and gone are examples).
Now, they have taken over one of the two major political parties in
the country and have shoved the moderates and what few conser-
vatives there were aside. Outgoing President Joe Biden may be 
a far lefty in his own right, but he looks like a Reaganite next to 
these two! And these two horrors call Republican nominee, our
former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate Sen. J.D. 
Vance "weird"?

In the meantime, more than a few Democrats have openly complained 
that they have been denied a chance to state their preferences for 
a candidate to replace the not-quite-so-healthy seeming President Joe
Biden as their presidential nominee, that the party big shots and 
big money donors made the choice for everyone making the upcoming
Democrat convention in Chicago a mere formality. The Republican 
Party chided the Democrats for this power move and have begun to
make political hay over it. Let's hope that it will be instrumental in 
spelling victory for the GOP in November! In the meantime, the Dems 
made this maneuver to keep whatever hopes they have of retaining
the White House alive, what with Biden's health and his governance
making a shambles of the national economy and the country's standing
among our friends and enemies abroad. It is a curious hybrid of a 
power move and a desperation move, and my money is on the whole
shebang collapsing, taking down the Dems' hopes with it. 

The Democrats have also been trying to manufacture a feeling of 
excitement and exuberance in the ranks of their party and in the 
Democrat constituencies over the prospect of electing the first
woman (and a black woman to boot) president. However, Vice
President Harris has never been a favorite among Democrats 
in Washington, among party operatives, nor among the Democrat
voters; presidential preference and opinion polls have shown 
shockingly low favorable ratings for Harris. And let's not forget,
when she ran for president in the Democrats' primaries and 
caucuses she didn't last long beyond the Iowa caucuses
which are at the start of the two major parties' journey to their
nominating conventions. Kammie has never been the favorite 
flavor of her party, it seems.

And the Democrats are not the favorite flavor of the nation either.
This will be made manifest on November 5.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Time for My Irish Holiday!

We are now in the middle of August and by now you all,
my magnificent readers know that the Milwaukee Irish Fest
is close at hand. Beginning tomorrow your proud Irish-de-
scended, American born and bred Peasant will be at the fest
for the entireity of each day it is to be held. We shall, to be 
sure, regroup and reunite after the event and resume our
picking and poring over the political and financial news 
of the day. 

In the meantime, know that I'll be thinking of you all during
my rest periods in between the shows, the features, the Irish 
stage productions, meals, snacks, and some always wonderful
Irish drinks! On my return I shall share with you the wonderful
time I had with my family and friends from near and far, from
Milwaukee to Ireland, and our activities together. 

Jaysus, I love me yearly Irish holiday! It does me a treat!


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Some People are Hard to Satisfy

Some people are hard to satisfy. New Jersey's Gov.
Phil Murphy (D) and his fellow Dems who have 
solid control of that state's legislature are frantically 
trying to get their hands on money --- a lot of it ---
even with an increase in tax revenue of 35% over 
the past five years (!). Add to that Murphy's promise 
to let a corporate tax increase lapse. So the guv 
gets the bright idea to bring back a 2.5 % surtax
on corporate income, atop New Jersey's current 
corporate rate of 9%. And just last year Gov. 
Murphy bragged about allowing a 2.5% corporate
surtax on income above $1 million expire (!!),  
stating that a lower tax rate would increase business
investment in the state, thereby resulting in an increase
in jobs.

Well, that was then and this is now. The aforementioned 
surtax lapsed at the end of 2023, and Gov. Murphy now
wants to bring it back and tack it onto income above 
THIS YEAR (emphasis mine)! What gall!! The Governor
claims that the surtax will hit only the wealthiest businesses 
--- many of which are based in other states. This is another 
crock of you-know-what. New Jersey taxes corporations 
based on their share of revenue, including but not limited to
business-to-business sales, rents, royalties, dividends, interest,
and capital gains that they generate in the state even if they 
are headquartered outside of the state! Businesses presently
in New Jersey would have strong incentive to move to 
states with lower or no corporate income taxes, i.e.
Florida. And bear in mind, the Dems in charge in Trenton
are lusting after all this money even when the economy
is doing rather well!

Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin (D), wants to spend 
the proceeds on property tax relief and other money for
seniors, while he and the rest of the Dems hope like mad 
that voters will forget that they exploded the state's 2% 
property tax cap just last month to get even further into 
the good graces of the teachers' unions.

The Trenton Democrats are as trustworthy as a bunch of 
sidewinders. It's time to seal the snake pit.


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Bidenomics: Spending Has No Negative Consequences

President Biden has a method to his madness
(or so he fantasizes) which is his economic
philosophy: Spending has no negative conse-
quences; rather, it has only positive ones! 

He believes that the federal government can 
spend and borrow limitlessly, and tax more as 
well, with no economic risk whatsoever. 
Free-market economists laughed at this notion,
as they know, and many of us know, that history 
is loaded with nations that attempted to spend,
borrow, and tax their way to prosperity, only
to compound whatever economic difficulties they
may have had at the outset. The list is long:
The ancient Roman Empire, Germany between
the World Wars, Postwar Britain, Argentina, 
Bolivia, Mexico, Greece, Zimbabwe, and Venezuela.
Left-wing governments in some of these countries 
made lame excuses as to why their plans didn't work. 
President Obama's administration here in the U.S.,
gave as an explanation why Obama's big-ticket
$800 billion stimulus plan didn't yield anywhere
near the promised 4% annual growth in its billing;
they claimed that they hadn't spent enough!
Economic ignorance or chutzpah? 

In 2021 the then-new Biden Administration concocted
a budget with FOUR TIMES (emphasis mine) the spending 
of the Obama team. Even President Trump, a Republican,
made the mistake of  enacting a Covid-relief spending 
rampage. Biden persuaded Congress to put $4 trillion
into social-welfare programs, corporate-welfare grants,
(can't leave anyone behind, the Biden team figured) 
college and healthcare subsidies, and other goodies for
still other individuals and groups. Despite the fact that
the economy was already making a comeback as businesses
reopened. The Biden bunch congratulated themselves for 
having invented a mechanism that would make the economy 
run more efficiently by helping the country to "build back
better", to quote a Biden slogan. Instead, we got the worst 
inflation in 40 years. They even tried to con the American
people into believing that the economy is doing marvelously,
and that the inflation will soon subside! These people are,
among other things, two-bit charlatans!

Although Biden and company tried to take credit for a rise 
in the average weekly earnings employees of 15% between 
January 2021 and May 2024, prices for goods and services 
shot up 19%, so the weekly earnings of employees suffered 
a loss in real terms. Despite the trillions in handouts, working
Americans' average real income declined by more than $2,300
in today's dollars. To date, not a single economist in the U.S.
(or anywhere else) has backtracked on their glowing claims 
about and praises for significant spending programs and backing
them with borrowing and taxing the likes never before seen 
anywhere in the world. Perhaps they're in hiding.