Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Time for My Irish Holiday!

We are now in the middle of August and by now you all,
my magnificent readers know that the Milwaukee Irish Fest
is close at hand. Beginning tomorrow your proud Irish-de-
scended, American born and bred Peasant will be at the fest
for the entireity of each day it is to be held. We shall, to be 
sure, regroup and reunite after the event and resume our
picking and poring over the political and financial news 
of the day. 

In the meantime, know that I'll be thinking of you all during
my rest periods in between the shows, the features, the Irish 
stage productions, meals, snacks, and some always wonderful
Irish drinks! On my return I shall share with you the wonderful
time I had with my family and friends from near and far, from
Milwaukee to Ireland, and our activities together. 

Jaysus, I love me yearly Irish holiday! It does me a treat!


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