Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Columbia's Selective Enforcement of Fairness and Civility

Columbia University recently established a task force 
on antisemitism. After it interviewed almost 500 students,
its report stated "The testimonies of hundreds of Jewish
and Israeli students have made clear that the University 
community has not treated them with the standards of 
civility, respect, and fairness it promises to all students."
One of the members of the task force said that "There has 
been a view among some that this is not a real problem, 
so we thought it was important to demonstrate what is 
actually happening to students." 

Dozens of Columbia faculty responded with a signed open
letter slamming the report: "We write as Jewish faculty,
... (the report) contributes to a hostile narrative about
Columbia," they claimed. It is "marked by conspicuous
neglectful omissions of context and climate ... conflates
feelings with facts." Esther R. Fuchs, a co-chairman of
the task force, replied saying she was "gobsmacked"
by the rebuking letter. "It's just sad, and it's tragic for 
students on this campus to have a group of faculty 
dismiss their experiences as just feelings."

It's just sad that some university bigwigs are so dismissive
of certain groups of students' complaints due to the former's
political blinders making them blind to the truth. 


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