Thursday, October 3, 2024

Democracy vs. Dictatorship in Venezuela

On July 28 Venezuela held a presidential election. 
I know, believe me, I know that it is not normally 
earth-shaking news, as Venezuela has been in the 
totalitarian grip of a Marxist dictator, one that had
succeeded one immediately before him upon the 
former's passing, both men "elected" by the people
of the once-prosperous nation in questionably-con-
ducted elections. But please note the following:

Before the latest election took place, the current 
El Jefe, Nicolas Maduro, barred a handful of 
candidates from running. One candidate, however,
wound up on the ballot: Edmundo Gonzalez, a 
former diplomat, emerging to represent the 
opposition. How did he do? Gonzalez won handily.
The most credible international election observers
were in agreement on the result. But Maduro 
refused to vacate the office, and he cracked down 
on dissent and protest with an iron fist. Dictators
will be dictators. Donald Trump, take note; for you
can be a wonderful ally for the people of Venezuela
in their quest to take back their country, voicing your 
support should you be returned to the White House.
We know that Kamala Harris won't do anything nor 
say mum on the matter! 

But the Venezuelans have been incredibly courageous 
in standing up to the left-wing regime running their
country into the ground. Democracies the world over
should help them in their quest for freedom, and the 
United States without question should spearhead the 
effort. The Chavez-Maduro regime is showing cracks
from the strain of beating back the dissidents and 
from taking mounting opprobrium from various nations
for their repressive ways. The freeing of Venezuela 
from the clutches of this rotten regime will be a rebuke
as well as a defeat for socialism, another reason why it
can't come soon enough. 


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