Tuesday, September 17, 2024

In Observance of Constitution Day

The Peasant wishes to make amends for a error of omission;
I have not, at least not on this blog, made any mention of let
alone paid attention to the meaning of this day and its significance
to us as Americans: Today, September 17, is Constitution Day.
And this year, this grand document is 237 years old.

This day is the anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution
of the United States, the foundation of our rule of law. May it be
around and in full force for us all to observe its birthday, if you will,
and its continuation in guaranteeing the rights which we enjoy as
Americans, for it is under attack by people who think they know 
better what is best for the governance of our country and the
way we should live our lives and conduct ourselves. 

But for now, let us give our respect and homage to one of the most 
remarkable documents ever devised and drafted by man. 
And on Election Day, November 5, let us also defend it by voting
for constitutionally-minded and disciplined candidates for public
office, from local offices to the presidency. We still have this one 
simple but exquisitely powerful weapon at our disposal to stand
up to the con artists, the glad-handers, the elitists, the totalitarians,
and all the other grubby, grabbing, grafting scumbags who want to 
take that and all else we have as citizens of this magnificent country
founded as an example of freedom and liberty for all the world to 
see away from us, leaving a country which we would not recognize
and would not want to live in.

We have much to be grateful for. Let us show our gratitude at this 
crucial time to friend and foe, from without and from within.


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