Saturday, September 28, 2024

Fifteen Fabulous Years With You All!

On September 23 the calendar marked, in addition to this date,
the fifteenth anniversary of the Peasant wielding his pitchfork.
Your overworked Peasant got so busy that I nearly forgot to 
note this milestone and its date, and I humbly apologize.

It hardly seems like fifteen years have passed since this blog's
debut! so much has transpired on our political landscape at the
time, and so much more has transpired since then, especially 
this year. And we took a gimlet eye view of all the stories as
they appeared, sorting out the good from the bad, the bold from
the bashful, and the valiant from the cowardly. We now should
take a few moments to acknowledge and to celebrate this grand

Your dedicated Peasant established this blog for the purpose of
commiserating and informing American conservatives about the
dangers inherent in the liberals' legislative schemes and their 
consequences, misbehavior by liberal politicians as well as that
by conservative politicians and castigating both, being harder on 
the latter as they are our people and as such we expect better from
them. Of course, we also point out the stupidities committed by 
both, i.e. conservatives letting themselves be hoodwinked into 
backing legislation which does more for the liberals than the 
people, and some of our people are too dense to see this. 
Additionally, we take a moment to see how the political 
leaders in other countries are doing, and how their countries
are doing as a result, applying these same principles.

Furthermore your faithful Peasant has, while not making this 
a habit, endorsed some candidates for office, especially the 
presidency. The decision to endorse certain candidates is due 
to the sense of urgency dictated by both the times and the 
circumstances with their consequential events. This particular
year with the presidency up for grabs and all that has happened 
during this year is a prime example. The Peasant shall have more
on this very shortly.

Along the way, we have picked up a growing, enthusiastic readership
from other countries. Some of our biggest followings outside of the
United States are Singapore (which has bypassed by the U.S. in 
readership!), Russia, Germany, Canada, Great Britain, France,
China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Portugal, and Spain. 
To be sure, there are conservatives in at least some of these
countries along with other people of different political persuasions
there that enjoy learning about the politics and governance of 
the United States and have taken a liking the Peasant and his Pitchfork.
Even those who don't agree with what I have to say and perhaps never
will enjoy reading this political blog.

We also have observed the passing of some stellar conservatives, 
paying tribute to them as we've (and they've) gone. It's hard to part
with good friends and staunch allies, but all of us must exit this 
earthly stage; the question to be answered is what have we done to 
make our countries and our world a freer, more prosperous, more just,
and freer place? Those who have worked diligently at this work are
noted and praised here, as well they should be.

Finally, your pitchfork-wielding Peasant works to sow the seeds of 
these fruits for the benefit of our great country and our beautiful world 
via this blog. And may we all participate joyfully in both the planting
and the harvest. May there always be this food for both body and soul 
in our storehouses! The Peasant is grateful to and for each and every 
every one of you!

Here's to another fifteen years, with many more to come afterwards!


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